Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                           R. Bush
Request for Comments: 6493                     Internet Initiative Japan
Category: Standards Track                                  February 2012
ISSN: 2070-1721

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Ghostbusters Record

资源 公钥基础设施 (RPKI) 《捉鬼敢死队》记录



In the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), resource certificates completely obscure names or any other information that might be useful for contacting responsible parties to deal with issues of certificate expiration, maintenance, roll-overs, compromises, etc. This document describes the RPKI Ghostbusters Record containing human contact information that may be verified (indirectly) by a Certification Authority (CA) certificate. The data in the record are those of a severely profiled vCard.

在资源公钥基础设施(RPKI)中,资源证书完全掩盖了名称或任何其他信息,而这些信息可能有助于联系责任方,以处理证书过期、维护、翻转、泄露等问题。本文件描述了 RPKI 幽灵克星记录,其中包含可由认证机构(CA)证书(间接)验证的人类联系信息。该记录中的数据是严重剖析 vCard 的数据。

Status of This Memo


This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

本文件是互联网工程任务组 (IETF) 的成果。它代表了 IETF 社区的共识。它已接受公众审查,并经互联网工程指导小组 (IESG) 批准发布。有关互联网标准的更多信息,请参见 RFC 5741 第 2 节。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at


Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

版权所有 (c) 2012 IETF 信托基金会和文件作者。保留所有权利。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

本文档受 BCP 78 和本文档发布之日有效的 IETF 信托基金《与 IETF 文档有关的法律规定》 ( 的约束。请仔细阅读这些文件,因为它们描述了您对本文档的权利和限制。从本文档中提取的代码组件必须包含信托法律条款第 4.e 节中所述的简化 BSD 许可文本,并且不提供简化 BSD 许可中所述的担保。

Table of Contents


   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
   2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   3.  Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   4.  RPKI Ghostbusters Record Payload Example  . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   5.  vCard Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   6.  CMS Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
   7.  Validation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     9.1.  OID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     9.2.  File Extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     9.3.  Media Type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
     11.1. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
     11.2. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1. Introduction
1. 导言

In the operational use of the RPKI, it can become necessary to contact, human to human, the party responsible for a resource-holding CA certificate, AKA the certificate's maintainer, be it the holder of the certificate's private key or an administrative person in the organization, a NOC, etc. An important example is when the operator of a prefix described by a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) sees a problem, or an impending problem, with a certificate or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in the path between the ROA and a trust anchor. For example, a certificate along that path has expired, is soon to expire, or a CRL associated with a CA along the path is stale, thus placing the quality of the routing of the address space described by the ROA in jeopardy.

在 RPKI 的运行使用中,可能需要与资源持有 CA 证书的责任方(又称证书维护者)进行人对人的联系,无论是证书私钥的持有者还是组织中的行政人员、NOC 等。一个重要的例子是,当路由起源授权(ROA)描述的前缀操作员发现 ROA 和信任锚之间路径上的证书或证书吊销列表(CRL)有问题或即将出现问题时。例如,该路径上的证书已经过期或即将过期,或者与路径上 CA 相关的 CRL 已经失效,从而危及 ROA 所描述地址空间的路由质量。

As the names in RPKI certificates are not meaningful to humans, see [RFC6484], there is no way to use a certificate itself to lead to the worrisome certificate's or CRL's maintainer. So, "Who you gonna call?"

由于 RPKI 证书中的名称对人类没有意义(见 [RFC6484]),因此无法通过证书本身找到令人担忧的证书或 CRL 维护者。那么,"你要找谁?

This document specifies the RPKI Ghostbusters Record, an object verified via an end-entity (EE) certificate, issued under a CA certificate, the maintainer of which may be contacted using the payload information in the Ghostbusters Record.

本文档规定了 RPKI 幽灵克星记录,这是一个通过最终实体 (EE) 证书验证的对象,由 CA 证书签发,可使用幽灵克星记录中的有效载荷信息联系其维护者。

The Ghostbusters Record conforms to the syntax defined in [RFC6488]. The payload of this signed object is a severely profiled vCard.

Ghostbusters 记录符合 [RFC6488] 中定义的语法。该签名对象的有效载荷是一张经过严格剖析的 vCard。

Note that the Ghostbusters Record is not an identity certificate, but rather an attestation to the contact data made by the maintainer of the CA certificate issuing the EE certificate whose corresponding private key signs the Ghostbusters Record.

请注意,"捉鬼敢死队记录 "不是身份证明,而是由签发 EE 证书的 CA 证书维护者对联系数据做出的证明,而 EE 证书的维护者则用相应的私钥签署了 "捉鬼敢死队记录"。

This record is not meant to supplant or be used as resource registry whois data. It gives information about an RPKI CA certificate maintainer, not a resource holder.

此记录无意取代或用作资源注册机构 whois 数据。它提供的是 RPKI CA 证书维护者的信息,而不是资源持有者的信息。

The Ghostbusters Record is optional; CA certificates in the RPKI can have zero or more associated Ghostbuster Records.

幽灵克星记录是可选项;RPKI 中的 CA 证书可以有零个或多个相关的幽灵克星记录。

Given a certificate, to find the closest Ghostbuster Record, go up until a CA certificate is reached, which may be the object itself of course. That CA certificate will have Subject Information Access (SIA) to the publication point where all subsidiary objects (until you hit a down-chain CA certificate's signed objects) are published. The publication point will contain zero or more Ghostbuster Records.

给定一个证书后,要查找最近的幽灵记录,需要向上查找,直到找到一个 CA 证书,当然这个 CA 证书可能就是对象本身。该 CA 证书将拥有发布点的主题信息访问权限(SIA),所有附属对象(直到你找到下链 CA 证书的签名对象)都在该发布点发布。发布点将包含零个或多个幽灵克星记录。

This specification has three main sections. The first, Section 5, is the format of the contact payload information, a severely profiled vCard. The second, Section 6, profiles the packaging of the payload as a profile of the RPKI Signed Object Template specification [RFC6488]. The third, Section 7, describes the proper validation of the signed Ghostbusters Record.

本规范有三个主要部分。第一部分,即第 5 节,是联系人有效载荷信息的格式,这是一个经过严格剖析的 vCard。第二部分,即第 6 节,将有效载荷包装为 RPKI 签名对象模板规范 [RFC6488] 的一个配置文件。第三部分,即第 7 节,介绍了如何正确验证已签名的 "捉鬼敢死队记录"。

2. Requirements Language
2. 要求语言

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].


3. Suggested Reading
3. 建议阅读

It is assumed that the reader understands the RPKI [RFC6480], the RPKI Repository Structure [RFC6481], Signed RPKI Objects [RFC6488], and vCards [RFC6350].

假定读者了解 RPKI [RFC6480]、RPKI 资源库结构 [RFC6481]、签名 RPKI 对象 [RFC6488] 和 vCards [RFC6350]。

4. RPKI Ghostbusters Record Payload Example
4. RPKI 捉鬼敢死队记录有效载荷示例

An example of an RPKI Ghostbusters Record payload with all properties populated is as follows:

已填充所有属性的 RPKI 幽灵克星记录有效载荷示例如下:

     FN:Human's Name
     ORG:Organizational Entity
     ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;42 Twisty Passage;Deep Cavern;WA;98666;U.S.A.
     EMAIL:[email protected]
5. vCard Profile
5. vCard 简介

The goal in profiling the vCard is not to include as much information as possible, but rather to include as few properties as possible while providing the minimal necessary data to enable one to contact the maintainer of the RPKI data that threatens the ROA[s] of concern.

对 vCard 进行剖析的目的不是包含尽可能多的信息,而是包含尽可能少的属性,同时提供最起码的必要数据,使人们能够联系到威胁到相关 ROA 的 RPKI 数据的维护者。

The Ghostbusters vCard payload is a minimalist subset of the vCard as described in [RFC6350].

Ghostbusters vCard 有效载荷是 [RFC6350] 中描述的 vCard 的最小子集。

BEGIN - pro forma packaging that MUST be the first line in the vCard and MUST have the value "BEGIN:VCARD" as described in [RFC6350].

BEGIN - 形式包装,必须是 vCard 的第一行,其值必须是 [RFC6350] 中所述的 "BEGIN:VCARD"。

VERSION - pro forma packaging that MUST be the second line in the vCard and MUST have the value "VERSION:4.0" as described in Section 3.7.9 of [RFC6350].

VERSION - 形式包装,必须是 vCard 的第二行,其值必须是 "VERSION:4.0",如 [RFC6350] 第 3.7.9 节所述。

FN - the name, as described in Section 6.2.1 of [RFC6350], of a contactable person or role who is responsible for the CA certificate.

FN - [RFC6350] 第 6.2.1 节所述的负责 CA 证书的联系人或角色的名称。

ORG - an organization as described in Section 6.6.4 of [RFC6350].

ORG - [RFC6350] 第 6.6.4 节所述的组织。

ADR - a postal address as described in Section 6.3 of [RFC6350].

ADR - [RFC6350] 第 6.3 节所述的邮政地址。

TEL - a voice and/or fax phone as described in Section 6.4.1 of [RFC6350].

TEL - 语音和/或传真电话,如 [RFC6350] 第 6.4.1 节所述。

EMAIL - an Email address as described in Section 6.4.2 of [RFC6350]

EMAIL - [RFC6350] 第 6.4.2 节所述的电子邮件地址

END - pro forma packaging that MUST be the last line in the vCard and MUST have the value "END:VCARD" as described in [RFC6350].

END - 形式包装,必须是 vCard 的最后一行,其值必须是 [RFC6350] 中所述的 "END:VCARD"。

Per [RFC6350], the BEGIN, VERSION, FN, and END properties MUST be included in a record. To be useful, at least one of ADR, TEL, and EMAIL MUST be included. Other properties MUST NOT be included.

根据 [RFC6350],记录中必须包含 BEGIN、VERSION、FN 和 END 属性。为了有用,必须包含 ADR、TEL 和 EMAIL 中的至少一个。其他属性不得包含在内。

6. CMS Packaging
6. CMS 包装

The Ghostbusters Record is a CMS signed-data object conforming to the "Signed Object Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)", [RFC6488].

幽灵记录是一个 CMS 签名数据对象,符合 "资源公钥基础设施(RPKI)签名对象模板"[RFC6488]。

The content-type of a Ghostbusters Record is defined as id-ct-rpkiGhostbusters, and has the numerical value of 1.2.840.113549. This OID MUST appear both within the eContentType in the encapContentInfo object as well as the content-type signed attribute in the signerInfo object. See [RFC6488].

鬼泣记录的内容类型定义为 id-ct-rpkiGhostbusters,数值为 1.2.840.113549.。该 OID 必须同时出现在 encapContentInfo 对象中的 eContentType 和 signerInfo 对象中的内容类型签名属性中。参见 [RFC6488]。

eContent: The content of a Ghostbusters Record is described in Section 5.

电子内容:第 5 节介绍了《捉鬼敢死队记录》的内容。

Similarly to a ROA, a Ghostbusters Record is verified using an EE certificate issued by the resource-holding CA certificate whose maintainer is described in the vCard.

与 ROA 类似,Ghostbusters 记录也使用由资源持有 CA 证书签发的 EE 证书进行验证,该证书的维护者在 vCard 中有所描述。

The EE certificate used to verify the Ghostbusters Record is the one that appears in the CMS data structure that contains the payload defined above.

用于验证幽灵记录的 EE 证书是出现在 CMS 数据结构中的证书,其中包含上文定义的有效载荷。

This EE certificate MUST describe its Internet Number Resources using the "inherit" attribute, rather than explicit description of a resource set; see [RFC3779].

此 EE 证书必须使用 "继承 "属性描述其互联网号码资源,而不是明确描述资源集;见 [RFC3779]。

7. Validation
7. 验证

The validation procedure defined in Section 3 of [RFC6488] is applied to a Ghostbusters Record. After this procedure has been performed, the Version number type within the payload is checked, and the OCTET STRING containing the vCard data is extracted. These data are checked against the profile defined in Section 5 of this document. Only if all of these checks pass is the Ghostbusters payload deemed valid and made available to the application that requested the payload.

RFC6488] 第 3 节中定义的验证程序适用于鬼泣记录。执行该程序后,将检查有效载荷中的版本号类型,并提取包含 vCard 数据的 OCTET STRING。这些数据将根据本文档第 5 节中定义的配置文件进行检查。只有当所有这些检查都通过后,Ghostbusters 有效负载才被视为有效,并提供给请求该有效负载的应用程序。

8. Security Considerations
8. 安全考虑因素

Though there is no on-the-wire protocol in this specification, there are attacks that could abuse the data described. As the data, to be useful, need to be public, little can be done to avoid this exposure.


Phone Numbers: The vCards may contain real world telephone numbers, which could be abused for telemarketing, abusive calls, etc.

电话号码:vCard 可能包含真实世界的电话号码,这些号码可能会被滥用于电话营销、滥用电话等。

Email Addresses: The vCards may contain Email addresses, which could be abused for purposes of spam.

电子邮件地址:vCard 可能包含电子邮件地址,这些地址可能会被滥用于垃圾邮件目的。

Relying parties are hereby warned that the data in a Ghostbusters Record are self-asserted. These data have not been verified by the CA that issued the CA certificate to the entity that issued the EE certificate used to validate the Ghostbusters Record.

特此警告依赖方,Ghostbusters 记录中的数据是自我证明的。这些数据未经签发 CA 证书的 CA 向签发用于验证 Ghostbusters 记录的 EE 证书的实体验证。

9. IANA Considerations
9. IANA考虑因素
9.1. OID
9.1. OID

The IANA has registered the OID for the Ghostbusters Record in the registry created by [RFC6488] as follows:

IANA 在 [RFC6488] 创建的注册表中为幽灵党记录注册了如下 OID:

   Name          OID                         Specification
   Ghostbusters  1.2.840.113549.  [RFC6493]
9.2. File Extension
9.2. 文件扩展名

Realizing the deep issues raised by [RFC5513], the IANA has added an item for the Ghostbusters Record file extension to the "RPKI Repository Name Scheme" created by [RFC6481] as follows:

意识到 [RFC5513] 提出的深层问题,IANA 在 [RFC6481] 创建的 "RPKI 资源库名称方案 "中添加了一个 "捉鬼敢死队记录 "文件扩展名项目,具体如下:

   Filename Extension  RPKI Object           Reference
      .gbr             Ghostbusters Record   [RFC6493]
9.3. Media Type
9.3. 媒体类型

The IANA has registered the media type application/rpki-ghostbusters as follows:

IANA 已注册的媒体类型 application/rpkii-ghostbusters 如下:

   Type name: application
   Subtype name: rpki-ghostbusters
   Required parameters: None
   Optional parameters: None
   Encoding considerations: binary
   Security considerations: Carries an RPKI Ghostbusters Record
   Interoperability considerations: None
   Published specification: This document.
   Applications that use this media type: RPKI administrators.
   Additional information:
     Content: This media type is a signed object, as defined
         in [RFC6488], which contains a payload
         of a profiled vCard as defined above in this document.
     Magic number(s): None
     File extension(s): .gbr
     Macintosh file type code(s):
   Person & email address to contact for further information:
     Randy Bush <[email protected]>
   Intended usage: COMMON
   Restrictions on usage: None
   Author: Randy Bush <[email protected]>
   Change controller: Randy Bush <[email protected]>
10. Acknowledgments
10. 致谢

The author wishes to thank Russ Housley, the authors of [RFC6481], Stephen Kent, Sandy Murphy, Rob Austein, Michael Elkins, and Barry Leiba for their contributions.

作者感谢 Russ Housley、[RFC6481] 的作者、Stephen Kent、Sandy Murphy、Rob Austein、Michael Elkins 和 Barry Leiba 的贡献。

11. References
11. 参考文献
11.1. Normative References
11.1. 规范性文献

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC3779] Lynn, C., Kent, S., and K. Seo, "X.509 Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers", RFC 3779, June 2004.

[RFC3779] Lynn, C., Kent, S., and K. Seo, "X.509 Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers", RFC 3779, June 2004.

[RFC6350] Perreault, S., "vCard Format Specification", RFC 6350, August 2011.

[RFC6350] Perreault, S.,"vCard 格式规范",RFC 6350,2011 年 8 月。

[RFC6481] Huston, G., Loomans, R., and G. Michaelson, "A Profile for Resource Certificate Repository Structure", RFC 6481, February 2012.

[RFC6481] Huston, G., Loomans, R., and G. Michaelson, "A Profile for Resource Certificate Repository Structure", RFC 6481, February 2012.

[RFC6488] Lepinski, M., Chi, A., and S. Kent, "Signed Object Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)", RFC 6488, February 2012.

[RFC6488] Lepinski, M., Chi, A., and S. Kent, "Signed Object Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)", RFC 6488, February 2012.

11.2. Informative References
11.2. 参考性文献

[RFC5513] Farrel, A., "IANA Considerations for Three Letter Acronyms", RFC 5513, April 1 2009.

[RFC5513] Farrel, A.,"IANA 对三个字母缩略语的考虑",RFC 5513,2009 年 4 月 1 日。

[RFC6480] Lepinski, M. and S. Kent, "An Infrastructure to Support Secure Internet Routing", RFC 6480, February 2012.

[RFC6480] Lepinski, M. and S. Kent, "An Infrastructure to Support Secure Internet Routing", RFC 6480, February 2012.

[RFC6484] Kent, S., Kong, D., Seo, K., and R. Watro, "Certificate Policy (CP) for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)"", RFC 6484, February 2012.

[RFC6484] Kent, S., Kong, D., Seo, K., and R. Watro, "Certificate Policy (CP) for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)"", RFC 6484, February 2012.

Author's Address


Randy Bush Internet Initiative Japan 5147 Crystal Springs Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 US

Randy Bush Internet Initiative Japan 5147 Crystal Springs Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 US

   Phone: +1 206 780 0431 x1
   EMail: [email protected]