Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                      S. Perreault
Request for Comments: 6350                                      Viagenie
Obsoletes: 2425, 2426, 4770                                  August 2011
Updates: 2739
Category: Standards Track
ISSN: 2070-1721

vCard Format Specification

vCard 格式规范



This document defines the vCard data format for representing and exchanging a variety of information about individuals and other entities (e.g., formatted and structured name and delivery addresses, email address, multiple telephone numbers, photograph, logo, audio clips, etc.). This document obsoletes RFCs 2425, 2426, and 4770, and updates RFC 2739.

本文档定义了 vCard 数据格式,用于表示和交换有关个人和其他实体的各种信息(例如,格式化和结构化的姓名和收件地址、电子邮件地址、多个电话号码、照片、徽标、音频剪辑等)。本文件废止了 RFC 2425、2426 和 4770,并更新了 RFC 2739。

Status of This Memo


This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

本文件是互联网工程任务组 (IETF) 的成果。它代表了 IETF 社区的共识。它已接受公众审查,并经互联网工程指导小组 (IESG) 批准发布。有关互联网标准的更多信息,请参见 RFC 5741 第 2 节。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at


Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

版权所有 (c) 2011 IETF 信托基金会和文件作者。保留所有权利。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

本文档受 BCP 78 和本文档发布之日有效的 IETF 信托基金《与 IETF 文档有关的法律规定》 ( 的约束。请仔细阅读这些文件,因为它们描述了您对本文档的权利和限制。从本文档中提取的代码组件必须包含信托法律条款第 4.e 节中所述的简化 BSD 许可文本,并且不提供简化 BSD 许可中所述的担保。

This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF Contributions published or made publicly available before November 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process. Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other than English.

本文档可能包含 2008 年 11 月 10 日之前发布或公开的 IETF 文档或 IETF 贡献中的材料。其中某些材料的版权控制人可能未授予 IETF 托管机构允许在 IETF 标准流程之外修改这些材料的权利。如果未从此类材料的版权控制人处获得适当许可,则不得在 IETF 标准流程之外修改本文档,也不得在 IETF 标准流程之外创作本文档的衍生作品,除非将其格式化为 RFC 发布或翻译成英语以外的语言。

Table of Contents


   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   3.  vCard Format Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.1.  Charset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.2.  Line Delimiting and Folding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.3.  ABNF Format Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.4.  Property Value Escaping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   4.  Property Value Data Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     4.1.  TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     4.2.  URI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       4.3.1.  DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       4.3.2.  TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       4.3.3.  DATE-TIME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       4.3.4.  DATE-AND-OR-TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       4.3.5.  TIMESTAMP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.4.  BOOLEAN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.5.  INTEGER  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.6.  FLOAT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.7.  UTC-OFFSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.8.  LANGUAGE-TAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   5.  Property Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     5.1.  LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     5.2.  VALUE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     5.3.  PREF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.4.  ALTID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     5.5.  PID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.6.  TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.7.  MEDIATYPE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.8.  CALSCALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.9.  SORT-AS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.10. GEO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     5.11. TZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
   6.  vCard Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     6.1.  General Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       6.1.1.  BEGIN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       6.1.2.  END  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       6.1.3.  SOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       6.1.4.  KIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
       6.1.5.  XML  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     6.2.  Identification Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       6.2.1.  FN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       6.2.2.  N  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       6.2.3.  NICKNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       6.2.4.  PHOTO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       6.2.5.  BDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       6.2.6.  ANNIVERSARY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
       6.2.7.  GENDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     6.3.  Delivery Addressing Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
       6.3.1.  ADR  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     6.4.  Communications Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
       6.4.1.  TEL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
       6.4.2.  EMAIL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
       6.4.3.  IMPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
       6.4.4.  LANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     6.5.  Geographical Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       6.5.1.  TZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       6.5.2.  GEO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     6.6.  Organizational Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       6.6.1.  TITLE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       6.6.2.  ROLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       6.6.3.  LOGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       6.6.4.  ORG  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       6.6.5.  MEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
       6.6.6.  RELATED  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
     6.7.  Explanatory Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
       6.7.1.  CATEGORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
       6.7.2.  NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
       6.7.3.  PRODID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
       6.7.4.  REV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
       6.7.5.  SOUND  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
       6.7.6.  UID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
       6.7.7.  CLIENTPIDMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
       6.7.8.  URL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
       6.7.9.  VERSION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
     6.8.  Security Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
       6.8.1.  KEY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
     6.9.  Calendar Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
       6.9.1.  FBURL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
       6.9.2.  CALADRURI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       6.9.3.  CALURI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
     6.10. Extended Properties and Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
   7.  Synchronization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
     7.1.  Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
       7.1.1.  Matching vCard Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
       7.1.2.  Matching Property Instances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
       7.1.3.  PID Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
     7.2.  Example  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
       7.2.1.  Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
       7.2.2.  Initial Sharing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
       7.2.3.  Adding and Sharing a Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
       7.2.4.  Simultaneous Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
       7.2.5.  Global Context Simplification  . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
   8.  Example: Author's vCard  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
   9.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
   10. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
     10.1. Media Type Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
     10.2. Registering New vCard Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
       10.2.1. Registration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
       10.2.2. Vendor Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
       10.2.3. Registration Template for Properties . . . . . . . . . 61
       10.2.4. Registration Template for Parameters . . . . . . . . . 61
       10.2.5. Registration Template for Value Data Types . . . . . . 62
       10.2.6. Registration Template for Values . . . . . . . . . . . 62
     10.3. Initial vCard Elements Registries  . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
       10.3.1. Properties Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
       10.3.2. Parameters Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
       10.3.3. Value Data Types Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
       10.3.4. Values Registries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
   11. Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
   12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
     12.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
     12.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
   Appendix A.  Differences from RFCs 2425 and 2426 . . . . . . . . . 73
     A.1.  New Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
     A.2.  Removed Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
     A.3.  New Properties and Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
1. Introduction
1. 导言

Electronic address books have become ubiquitous. Their increased presence on portable, connected devices as well as the diversity of platforms that exchange contact data call for a standard. This memo defines the vCard format, which allows the capture and exchange of information normally stored within an address book or directory application.

电子地址簿已变得无处不在。随着便携式联网设备的增多,以及交换联系人数据平台的多样化,需要制定一种标准。本备忘录定义了 vCard 格式,它允许捕获和交换通常存储在地址簿或目录应用程序中的信息。

A high-level overview of the differences from RFCs 2425 and 2426 can be found in Appendix A.

与 RFC 2425 和 2426 的区别的高级概述见附录 A。

2. Conventions
2. 公约

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].


3. vCard Format Specification
3. vCard 格式规范

The text/vcard MIME content type (hereafter known as "vCard"; see Section 10.1) contains contact information, typically pertaining to a single contact or group of contacts. The content consists of one or more lines in the format given below.

text/vcard MIME 内容类型(以下称为 "vCard";见第 10.1 节)包含联系人信息,通常与单个或一组联系人有关。内容由一行或多行组成,格式如下。

3.1. Charset
3.1. 字符集

The charset (see [RFC3536] for internationalization terminology) for vCard is UTF-8 as defined in [RFC3629]. There is no way to override this. It is invalid to specify a value other than "UTF-8" in the "charset" MIME parameter (see Section 10.1).

vCard 的字符集(国际化术语参见 [RFC3536])是 [RFC3629] 中定义的 UTF-8。没有办法覆盖这一点。在 MIME 参数 "charset "中指定 "UTF-8 "以外的值是无效的(见第 10.1 节)。

3.2. Line Delimiting and Folding
3.2. 线条划界和折叠

Individual lines within vCard are delimited by the [RFC5322] line break, which is a CRLF sequence (U+000D followed by U+000A). Long logical lines of text can be split into a multiple-physical-line representation using the following folding technique. Content lines SHOULD be folded to a maximum width of 75 octets, excluding the line break. Multi-octet characters MUST remain contiguous. The rationale for this folding process can be found in [RFC5322], Section 2.1.1.

vCard 中的单行由 [RFC5322] 换行符分隔,换行符是 CRLF 序列(U+000D 后接 U+000A)。长逻辑行文本可通过以下折叠技术拆分成多物理行。内容行应折叠成最大宽度为 75 个八位位组(不包括换行符)。多八位位组字符必须保持连续。这种折叠方法的原理见 [RFC5322],第 2.1.1 节。

A logical line MAY be continued on the next physical line anywhere between two characters by inserting a CRLF immediately followed by a single white space character (space (U+0020) or horizontal tab (U+0009)). The folded line MUST contain at least one character. Any sequence of CRLF followed immediately by a single white space character is ignored (removed) when processing the content type. For example, the line:

逻辑行可以在两个字符之间的任意位置插入一个 CRLF,紧接着是一个空格字符(空格(U+0020)或水平制表符(U+0009)),从而在下一个物理行上继续。折叠行必须至少包含一个字符。在处理内容类型时,任何紧跟单个空白字符的 CRLF 序列都将被忽略(删除)。例如

NOTE:This is a long description that exists on a long line.


can be represented as:


NOTE:This is a long description that exists on a long line.


It could also be represented as:


NOTE:This is a long descrip tion that exists o n a long line.


The process of moving from this folded multiple-line representation of a property definition to its single-line representation is called unfolding. Unfolding is accomplished by regarding CRLF immediately followed by a white space character (namely, HTAB (U+0009) or SPACE (U+0020)) as equivalent to no characters at all (i.e., the CRLF and single white space character are removed).

从属性定义的多行折叠表示法到单行表示法的过程称为展开。展开的方法是将紧跟 CRLF 之后的空白字符(即 HTAB (U+0009) 或 SPACE (U+0020))视为等同于没有任何字符(即去掉 CRLF 和单个空白字符)。

Note: It is possible for very simple implementations to generate improperly folded lines in the middle of a UTF-8 multi-octet sequence. For this reason, implementations SHOULD unfold lines in such a way as to properly restore the original sequence.

注意:非常简单的实现有可能在 UTF-8 多八位字节序列中间生成折叠不当的行。因此,实现时应以正确恢复原始序列的方式展开行。

Note: Unfolding is done differently than in [RFC5322]. Unfolding in [RFC5322] only removes the CRLF, not the space following it.

注意:展开的方式与 [RFC5322] 不同。RFC5322] 中的展开只删除 CRLF,而不删除 CRLF 后面的空格。

Folding is done after any content encoding of a type value. Unfolding is done before any decoding of a type value in a content line.


3.3. ABNF Format Definition
3.3. ABNF 格式定义

The following ABNF uses the notation of [RFC5234], which also defines CRLF, WSP, DQUOTE, VCHAR, ALPHA, and DIGIT.

下面的 ABNF 使用了 [RFC5234] 的符号,其中还定义了 CRLF、WSP、DQUOTE、VCHAR、ALPHA 和 DIGIT。

   vcard-entity = 1*vcard

vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD" CRLF "VERSION:4.0" CRLF 1*contentline "END:VCARD" CRLF ; A vCard object MUST include the VERSION and FN properties. ; VERSION MUST come immediately after BEGIN:VCARD.

vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD" CRLF "VERSION:4.0" CRLF 1*contentline "END:VCARD" CRLF ; vCard 对象必须包括 VERSION 和 FN 属性。

   contentline = [group "."] name *(";" param) ":" value CRLF
     ; When parsing a content line, folded lines must first
     ; be unfolded according to the unfolding procedure
     ; described in Section 3.2.
     ; When generating a content line, lines longer than 75
     ; characters SHOULD be folded according to the folding
     ; procedure described in Section 3.2.
   group = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
   name  = "SOURCE" / "KIND" / "FN" / "N" / "NICKNAME"
         / "PHOTO" / "BDAY" / "ANNIVERSARY" / "GENDER" / "ADR" / "TEL"
         / "EMAIL" / "IMPP" / "LANG" / "TZ" / "GEO" / "TITLE" / "ROLE"
         / "LOGO" / "ORG" / "MEMBER" / "RELATED" / "CATEGORIES"
         / "NOTE" / "PRODID" / "REV" / "SOUND" / "UID" / "CLIENTPIDMAP"
         / "URL" / "KEY" / "FBURL" / "CALADRURI" / "CALURI" / "XML"
         / iana-token / x-name
     ; Parsing of the param and value is based on the "name" as
     ; defined in ABNF sections below.
     ; Group and name are case-insensitive.
   iana-token = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
     ; identifier registered with IANA
   x-name = "x-" 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
     ; Names that begin with "x-" or "X-" are
     ; reserved for experimental use, not intended for released
     ; products, or for use in bilateral agreements.

param = language-param / value-param / pref-param / pid-param / type-param / geo-parameter / tz-parameter / sort-as-param / calscale-param / any-param ; Allowed parameters depend on property name.

param = language-param / value-param / pref-param / pid-param / type-param / geo-parameter / tz-parameter / sort-as-param / calscale-param / any-param ; 允许的参数取决于属性名称。

   any-param  = (iana-token / x-name) "=" param-value *("," param-value)
   NON-ASCII = UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
     ; UTF8-{2,3,4} are defined in [RFC3629]
   QSAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE
   SAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ";", ":"
     ; Any textual character

A line that begins with a white space character is a continuation of the previous line, as described in Section 3.2. The white space character and immediately preceeding CRLF should be discarded when reconstructing the original line. Note that this line-folding convention differs from that found in [RFC5322], in that the sequence <CRLF><WSP> found anywhere in the content indicates a continued line and should be removed.

如第 3.2 节所述,以空格字符开头的行是前一行的延续。在重建原始行时,应丢弃空白字符和紧接其后的 CRLF。需要注意的是,这种折行约定与 [RFC5322] 中的约定不同,在内容中任何地方出现的 <CRLF><WSP> 序列都表示续行,应予以删除。

Property names and parameter names are case-insensitive (e.g., the property name "fn" is the same as "FN" and "Fn"). Parameter values MAY be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, depending on their definition. Parameter values that are not explicitly defined as being case-sensitive are case-insensitive. Based on experience with vCard 3 interoperability, it is RECOMMENDED that property and parameter names be upper-case on output.

属性名和参数名不分大小写(例如,属性名 "fn "与 "FN "和 "Fn "相同)。参数值可区分大小写或不区分大小写,具体取决于其定义。未明确定义为区分大小写的参数值为不区分大小写。根据 vCard 3 的互操作性经验,建议属性和参数名称在输出时使用大写。

The group construct is used to group related properties together. The group name is a syntactic convention used to indicate that all property names prefaced with the same group name SHOULD be grouped together when displayed by an application. It has no other significance. Implementations that do not understand or support grouping MAY simply strip off any text before a "." to the left of the type name and present the types and values as normal.

组结构用于将相关属性分组。组名是一种语法约定,用于表示应用程序显示时,所有以相同组名为前缀的属性名都应组合在一起。它没有其他意义。不理解或不支持分组的实现可以简单地去掉类型名称左边". "之前的任何文本,并按正常方式显示类型和值。

Property cardinalities are indicated using the following notation, which is based on ABNF (see [RFC5234], Section 3.6):

属性名称用以下基于 ABNF 的符号表示(见 [RFC5234],第 3.6 节):

    | Cardinality | Meaning                                          |
    |      1      | Exactly one instance per vCard MUST be present.  |
    |      *1     | Exactly one instance per vCard MAY be present.   |
    |      1*     | One or more instances per vCard MUST be present. |
    |      *      | One or more instances per vCard MAY be present.  |

Properties defined in a vCard instance may have multiple values depending on the property cardinality. The general rule for encoding multi-valued properties is to simply create a new content line for each value (including the property name). However, it should be noted that some value types support encoding multiple values in a single content line by separating the values with a comma ",". This approach has been taken for several of the content types defined below (date, time, integer, float).

vCard 实例中定义的属性可能有多个值,具体取决于属性的卡片性。多值属性编码的一般规则是,只需为每个值(包括属性名称)创建一个新的内容行即可。不过,需要注意的是,某些值类型支持在单个内容行中编码多个值,方法是用逗号", "分隔这些值。下面定义的几种内容类型(日期、时间、整数、浮点数)就采用了这种方法。

3.4. Property Value Escaping
3.4. 财产价值逃逸

Some properties may contain one or more values delimited by a COMMA character (U+002C). Therefore, a COMMA character in a value MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character (U+005C), even for properties that don't allow multiple instances (for consistency).

某些属性可能包含一个或多个由 COMMA 字符(U+002C)分隔的值。因此,值中的 COMMA 字符必须用反斜线字符(U+005C)转义,即使是不允许使用多个实例的属性(为了保持一致)也是如此。

Some properties (e.g., N and ADR) comprise multiple fields delimited by a SEMICOLON character (U+003B). Therefore, a SEMICOLON in a field of such a "compound" property MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character. SEMICOLON characters in non-compound properties MAY be escaped. On input, an escaped SEMICOLON character is never a field separator. An unescaped SEMICOLON character may be a field separator, depending on the property in which it appears.

某些属性(如 N 和 ADR)由多个字段组成,字段之间用 SEMICOLON 字符(U+003B)分隔。因此,这种 "复合 "属性字段中的 SEMICOLON 必须用反斜线字符转义。非复合属性中的 SEMICOLON 字符可以转义。在输入时,转义 SEMICOLON 字符绝不是字段分隔符。未转义的 SEMICOLON 字符可能是字段分隔符,这取决于它出现在哪个属性中。

Furthermore, some fields of compound properties may contain a list of values delimited by a COMMA character. Therefore, a COMMA character in one of a field's values MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character, even for fields that don't allow multiple values (for consistency). Compound properties allowing multiple instances MUST NOT be encoded in a single content line.

此外,复合属性的某些字段可能包含由 COMMA 字符分隔的值列表。因此,字段值中的 COMMA 字符必须用 "反斜线 "字符转义,即使是不允许有多个值的字段(为了保持一致)也是如此。允许多个实例的复合属性不得在单个内容行中编码。

Finally, BACKSLASH characters in values MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character. NEWLINE (U+000A) characters in values MUST be encoded by two characters: a BACKSLASH followed by either an 'n' (U+006E) or an 'N' (U+004E).

最后,数值中的 BACKSLASH 字符必须用 BACKSLASH 字符转义。数值中的 NEWLINE (U+000A) 字符必须用两个字符编码:一个 BACKSLASH 字符,后面跟一个 'n' (U+006E) 或一个 'N' (U+004E)。

In all other cases, escaping MUST NOT be used.


4. Property Value Data Types
4. 属性值数据类型

Standard value types are defined below.


     value = text
           / text-list
           / date-list
           / time-list
           / date-time-list
           / date-and-or-time-list
           / timestamp-list
           / boolean
           / integer-list
           / float-list
           / URI               ; from Section 3 of [RFC3986]
           / utc-offset
           / Language-Tag
           / iana-valuespec
       ; Actual value type depends on property name and VALUE parameter.
     text = *TEXT-CHAR
     TEXT-CHAR = "\\" / "\," / "\n" / WSP / NON-ASCII
               / %x21-2B / %x2D-5B / %x5D-7E
        ; Backslashes, commas, and newlines must be encoded.
     component = "\\" / "\," / "\;" / "\n" / WSP / NON-ASCII
               / %x21-2B / %x2D-3A / %x3C-5B / %x5D-7E
     list-component = component *("," component)
     text-list             = text             *("," text)
     date-list             = date             *("," date)
     time-list             = time             *("," time)
     date-time-list        = date-time        *("," date-time)
     date-and-or-time-list = date-and-or-time *("," date-and-or-time)
     timestamp-list        = timestamp        *("," timestamp)
     integer-list          = integer          *("," integer)
     float-list            = float            *("," float)
     boolean = "TRUE" / "FALSE"
     integer = [sign] 1*DIGIT
     float   = [sign] 1*DIGIT ["." 1*DIGIT]
     sign = "+" / "-"
     year   = 4DIGIT  ; 0000-9999
     month  = 2DIGIT  ; 01-12
     day    = 2DIGIT  ; 01-28/29/30/31 depending on month and leap year
     hour   = 2DIGIT  ; 00-23
     minute = 2DIGIT  ; 00-59
     second = 2DIGIT  ; 00-58/59/60 depending on leap second
     zone   = utc-designator / utc-offset
     utc-designator = %x5A  ; uppercase "Z"
     date          = year    [month  day]
                   / year "-" month
                   / "--"     month [day]
                   / "--"      "-"   day
     date-noreduc  = year     month  day
                   / "--"     month  day
                   / "--"      "-"   day
     date-complete = year     month  day
     time          = hour [minute [second]] [zone]
                   /  "-"  minute [second]  [zone]
                   /  "-"   "-"    second   [zone]
     time-notrunc  = hour [minute [second]] [zone]
     time-complete = hour  minute  second   [zone]
          time-designator = %x54  ; uppercase "T"
     date-time = date-noreduc  time-designator time-notrunc
     timestamp = date-complete time-designator time-complete
     date-and-or-time = date-time / date / time-designator time

utc-offset = sign hour [minute]

utc-offset = 符号小时 [分钟]

     Language-Tag = <Language-Tag, defined in [RFC5646], Section 2.1>
     iana-valuespec = <value-spec, see Section 12>
                    ; a publicly defined valuetype format, registered
                    ; with IANA, as defined in Section 12 of this
                    ; document.
4.1. TEXT
4.1. 文本

"text": The "text" value type should be used to identify values that contain human-readable text. As for the language, it is controlled by the LANGUAGE property parameter defined in Section 5.1.

"文本":text"(文本)值类型应用于标识包含人类可读文本的值。至于语言,则由第 5.1 节中定义的 LANGUAGE 属性参数控制。

Examples for "text":

文本 "的示例:

this is a text value this is one value,this is another this is a single value\, with a comma encoded

this is a text value this is one value,this is another this is a single value\, with a comma encoded

A formatted text line break in a text value type MUST be represented as the character sequence backslash (U+005C) followed by a Latin small letter n (U+006E) or a Latin capital letter N (U+004E), that is, "\n" or "\N".

文本值类型中的格式化文本换行符必须表示为字符序列反斜杠(U+005C),后跟拉丁小写字母 n(U+006E)或拉丁大写字母 N(U+004E),即"\n "或"\N"。

For example, a multiple line NOTE value of:

例如,多行 NOTE 值为:

Mythical Manager Hyjinx Software Division BabsCo, Inc.

Mythical Manager Hyjinx Software Division BabsCo, Inc.

could be represented as:


NOTE:Mythical Manager\nHyjinx Software Division\n BabsCo\, Inc.\n

注:Mythical Manager\nHyjinx Software Division\n BabsCo\, Inc.

demonstrating the \n literal formatted line break technique, the CRLF-followed-by-space line folding technique, and the backslash escape technique.

演示了字面格式化换行技术、CRLF-followed-by-space 折叠行技术和反斜杠转义技术。

4.2. URI
4.2. 通用资源识别号

"uri": The "uri" value type should be used to identify values that are referenced by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) instead of encoded in-line. These value references might be used if the value is too large, or otherwise undesirable to include directly. The format for the URI is as defined in Section 3 of [RFC3986]. Note that the value of a property of type "uri" is what the URI points to, not the URI itself.

"uri":uri "值类型应用于标识由统一资源标识符(URI)引用而非行内编码的值。如果值过大或不适合直接包含,则可以使用这些值引用。URI 的格式如 [RFC3986] 第 3 节所定义。请注意,"uri "类型属性的值是 URI 指向的内容,而不是 URI 本身。

Examples for "uri":

uri "的示例: ldap:// ldap://

4.3. 日期、时间、日期-时间、日期-或时间和 TIMESTAMP

"date", "time", "date-time", "date-and-or-time", and "timestamp": Each of these value types is based on the definitions in [ISO.8601.2004]. Multiple such values can be specified using the comma-separated notation.

"日期"、"时间"、"日期-时间"、"日期-或时间 "和 "时间戳":每种值类型都基于[ISO.8601.2004]中的定义。可以使用逗号分隔符指定多个此类值。

Only the basic format is supported.


4.3.1. DATE
4.3.1. 日期

A calendar date as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.1.2.

[ISO.8601.2004]第 4.1.2 节规定的日历日期。

Reduced accuracy, as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Sections a) and b), but not c), is permitted.

允许按照[ISO.8601.2004]第 节 a) 和 b) 的规定降低精度,但不允许 c) 降低精度。

Expanded representation, as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.1.4, is forbidden.

禁止使用[ISO.8601.2004]第 4.1.4 节规定的扩展表示法。

Truncated representation, as specified in [ISO.8601.2000], Sections d), e), and f), is permitted.

允许使用[ISO.8601.2000]第 d)、e)和 f)节规定的截断表示法。

Examples for "date":

日期 "的示例

19850412 1985-04 1985 --0412 ---12

19850412 1985-04 1985 --0412 ---12

Note the use of YYYY-MM in the second example above. YYYYMM is disallowed to prevent confusion with YYMMDD. Note also that YYYY-MM-DD is disallowed since we are using the basic format instead of the extended format.

注意上面第二个例子中使用的是 YYYY-MM。不允许使用 YYYYMM,以免与 YYMMDD 混淆。还请注意,由于我们使用的是基本格式而不是扩展格式,因此不允许使用 YYYY-MM-DD 格式。

4.3.2. TIME
4.3.2. 时间

A time of day as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.2.

[ISO.8601.2004]第 4.2 节规定的一天中的某个时间。

Reduced accuracy, as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section, is permitted.

允许按照[ISO.8601.2004]第 节的规定降低精度。

Representation with decimal fraction, as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section, is forbidden.

禁止使用[ISO.8601.2004]第 节规定的十进制分数表示。

The midnight hour is always represented by 00, never 24 (see [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.2.3).

午夜时分总是用 00 表示,而不是 24(见 [ISO.8601.2004],第 4.2.3 节)。

Truncated representation, as specified in [ISO.8601.2000], Sections a), b), and c), is permitted.

允许使用[ISO.8601.2000]第 a)、b)和 c)节规定的截断表示法。

Examples for "time":

时间 "的例子:

102200 1022 10 -2200 --00 102200Z 102200-0800

102200 1022 10 -2200 --00 102200Z 102200-0800

4.3.3. DATE-TIME
4.3.3. 日期-时间

A date and time of day combination as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.3.

[ISO.8601.2004]第 4.3 节规定的日期和时间组合。

Truncation of the date part, as specified in [ISO.8601.2000], Section 5.4.2 c), is permitted.

允许按照[ISO.8601.2000]第 5.4.2 c) 节的规定截断日期部分。

Examples for "date-time":

日期-时间 "的示例

19961022T140000 --1022T1400 ---22T14

19961022T140000 --1022T1400 --22T14

4.3.4. 日期或时间

Either a DATE-TIME, a DATE, or a TIME value. To allow unambiguous interpretation, a stand-alone TIME value is always preceded by a "T".

可以是 DATE-TIME、DATE 或 TIME 值。为了便于明确解释,独立的 TIME 值前面总是要加一个 "T"。

Examples for "date-and-or-time":

日期和或时间 "的示例:

19961022T140000 --1022T1400 ---22T14 19850412 1985-04 1985 --0412 ---12 T102200 T1022 T10 T-2200 T--00 T102200Z T102200-0800

19961022T140000 --1022T1400 ---22T14 19850412 1985-04 1985 --0412 ---12 T102200 T1022 T10 T-2200 T--00 T102200Z T102200-0800

4.3.5. 时间戳

A complete date and time of day combination as specified in [ISO.8601.2004], Section 4.3.2.

[ISO.8601.2004]第 4.3.2 节规定的完整日期和时间组合。

Examples for "timestamp":

时间戳 "的示例:

19961022T140000 19961022T140000Z 19961022T140000-05 19961022T140000-0500

19961022T140000 19961022T140000Z 19961022T140000-05 19961022T140000-0500


"boolean": The "boolean" value type is used to express boolean values. These values are case-insensitive.

"布尔":布尔 "值类型用于表达布尔值。这些值不区分大小写。



TRUE false True

TRUE 假 True 真

4.5. 整数

"integer": The "integer" value type is used to express signed integers in decimal format. If sign is not specified, the value is assumed positive "+". Multiple "integer" values can be specified using the comma-separated notation. The maximum value is 9223372036854775807, and the minimum value is -9223372036854775808. These limits correspond to a signed 64-bit integer using two's-complement arithmetic.

"整数":整数 "值类型用于表示十进制格式的有符号整数。如果未指定符号,则假定值为正 "+"。可以使用逗号分隔符指定多个 "整数 "值。最大值为 9223372036854775807,最小值为 -9223372036854775808。这些限值对应于使用两位补码运算的有符号 64 位整数。



1234567890 -1234556790 +1234556790,432109876

1234567890 -1234556790 +1234556790,432109876

4.6. FLOAT
4.6. 浮动

"float": The "float" value type is used to express real numbers. If sign is not specified, the value is assumed positive "+". Multiple "float" values can be specified using the comma-separated notation. Implementations MUST support a precision equal or better than that of the IEEE "binary64" format [IEEE.754.2008].

"浮点数":float "值类型用于表示实数。如果未指定符号,则假定值为正 "+"。可以使用逗号分隔符指定多个 "float "值。实现必须支持等于或优于 IEEE "二进制 64 "格式 [IEEE.754.2008] 的精度。

Note: Scientific notation is disallowed. Implementers wishing to use their favorite language's %f formatting should be careful.

注意:不允许使用科学符号。希望使用自己喜欢的语言 %f 格式的执行者应小心谨慎。



20.30 1000000.0000001 1.333,3.14

20.30 1000000.0000001 1.333,3.14


"utc-offset": The "utc-offset" value type specifies that the property value is a signed offset from UTC. This value type can be specified in the TZ property.

"utc-偏移":utc-offset"(UTC-偏移)值类型用于指定属性值与 UTC 之间的带符号偏移。该值类型可在 TZ 属性中指定。

The value type is an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It is specified as a positive or negative difference in units of hours and minutes (e.g., +hhmm). The time is specified as a 24-hour clock. Hour values are from 00 to 23, and minute values are from 00 to 59. Hour and minutes are 2 digits with high-order zeroes required to maintain digit count. The basic format for ISO 8601 UTC offsets MUST be used.

值类型是与协调世界时(UTC)的偏移量。它以小时和分钟为单位,指定为正差或负差(例如,+hhhmm)。时间指定为 24 小时时钟。小时值从 00 到 23,分钟值从 00 到 59。小时和分钟均为 2 位数,为保持位数,需要高阶零。必须使用 ISO 8601 UTC 偏移的基本格式。

4.8. 语言标签

"language-tag": A single language tag, as defined in [RFC5646].

"语言标记":单个语言标记,如 [RFC5646] 所定义。

5. Property Parameters
5. 属性参数

A property can have attributes associated with it. These "property parameters" contain meta-information about the property or the property value. In some cases, the property parameter can be multi-valued in which case the property parameter value elements are separated by a COMMA (U+002C).

一个属性可以有与之相关的属性。这些 "属性参数 "包含有关属性或属性值的元信息。在某些情况下,属性参数可以是多值的,在这种情况下,属性参数值元素之间用 COMMA(U+002C)分隔。

Property parameter value elements that contain the COLON (U+003A), SEMICOLON (U+003B), or COMMA (U+002C) character separators MUST be specified as quoted-string text values. Property parameter values MUST NOT contain the DQUOTE (U+0022) character. The DQUOTE character is used as a delimiter for parameter values that contain restricted characters or URI text.

包含 COLON (U+003A)、SEMICOLON (U+003B) 或 COMMA (U+002C) 字符分隔符的属性参数值元素必须指定为带引号字符串文本值。属性参数值不得包含 DQUOTE (U+0022) 字符。DQUOTE 字符用于分隔包含限制字符或 URI 文本的参数值。

Applications MUST ignore x-param and iana-param values they don't recognize.

应用程序必须忽略其无法识别的 x-param 和 iana-param 值。

5.1. 语言

The LANGUAGE property parameter is used to identify data in multiple languages. There is no concept of "default" language, except as specified by any "Content-Language" MIME header parameter that is present [RFC3282]. The value of the LANGUAGE property parameter is a language tag as defined in Section 2 of [RFC5646].

LANGUAGE 属性参数用于识别多种语言的数据。没有 "默认 "语言的概念,除非有 "Content-Language(内容语言)"MIME 标头参数 [RFC3282]。LANGUAGE 属性参数的值是 [RFC5646] 第 2 节中定义的语言标记。






language-param = "LANGUAGE=" Language-Tag ; Language-Tag is defined in section 2.1 of RFC 5646

language-param = "LANGUAGE=" 语言标记 ; 语言标记在 RFC 5646 第 2.1 节中定义

5.2. VALUE
5.2. 价值

The VALUE parameter is OPTIONAL, used to identify the value type (data type) and format of the value. The use of these predefined formats is encouraged even if the value parameter is not explicitly used. By defining a standard set of value types and their formats, existing parsing and processing code can be leveraged. The predefined data type values MUST NOT be repeated in COMMA-separated value lists except within the N, NICKNAME, ADR, and CATEGORIES properties.

VALUE 参数为可选参数,用于确定值的类型(数据类型)和格式。即使没有明确使用值参数,也鼓励使用这些预定义格式。通过定义一套标准的值类型及其格式,可以充分利用现有的解析和处理代码。除 N、NICKNAME、ADR 和 CATEGORIES 属性外,预定义数据类型值不得在 COMMA 分隔值列表中重复出现。



value-param = "VALUE=" value-type

value-param = "VALUE=" value-type

     value-type = "text"
                / "uri"
                / "date"
                / "time"
                / "date-time"
                / "date-and-or-time"
                / "timestamp"
                / "boolean"
                / "integer"
                / "float"
                / "utc-offset"
                / "language-tag"
                / iana-token  ; registered as described in section 12
                / x-name
5.3. PREF
5.3. PREF

The PREF parameter is OPTIONAL and is used to indicate that the corresponding instance of a property is preferred by the vCard author. Its value MUST be an integer between 1 and 100 that quantifies the level of preference. Lower values correspond to a higher level of preference, with 1 being most preferred.

PREF 参数为可选参数,用于表示 vCard 作者偏好某一属性的相应实例。其值必须是一个介于 1 和 100 之间的整数,用于量化偏好程度。值越小,表示偏好程度越高,1 表示最偏好。

When the parameter is absent, the default MUST be to interpret the property instance as being least preferred.


Note that the value of this parameter is to be interpreted only in relation to values assigned to other instances of the same property in the same vCard. A given value, or the absence of a value, MUST NOT be interpreted on its own.

请注意,该参数的值只能结合同一 vCard 中同一属性的其他实例所分配的值来解释。给定值或不给定值不得单独解释。

This parameter MAY be applied to any property that allows multiple instances.




pref-param = "PREF=" (1*2DIGIT / "100") ; An integer between 1 and 100.

pref-param = "PREF=" (1*2DIGIT / "100") ; 1 到 100 之间的整数。

5.4. ALTID
5.4. ALTID

The ALTID parameter is used to "tag" property instances as being alternative representations of the same logical property. For example, translations of a property in multiple languages generates multiple property instances having different LANGUAGE (Section 5.1) parameter that are tagged with the same ALTID value.

ALTID 参数用于 "标记 "同一逻辑属性的其他属性实例。例如,一个属性的多种语言翻译会产生多个属性实例,这些实例具有不同的 LANGUAGE(第 5.1 节)参数,并被标记为相同的 ALTID 值。

This parameter's value is treated as an opaque string. Its sole purpose is to be compared for equality against other ALTID parameter values.

该参数值被视为不透明字符串。其唯一目的是与其他 ALTID 参数值比较是否相等。

Two property instances are considered alternative representations of the same logical property if and only if their names as well as the value of their ALTID parameters are identical. Property instances without the ALTID parameter MUST NOT be considered an alternative representation of any other property instance. Values for the ALTID parameter are not globally unique: they MAY be reused for different property names.

当且仅当两个属性实例的名称及其 ALTID 参数值相同时,它们才被视为同一逻辑属性的 替代表示。没有 ALTID 参数的属性实例不得被视为任何其他属性实例的替代表示。ALTID 参数的值并非全局唯一:它们可以重复用于不同的属性名称。

Property instances having the same ALTID parameter value count as 1 toward cardinality. Therefore, since N (Section 6.2.2) has cardinality *1 and TITLE (Section 6.6.1) has cardinality *, these three examples would be legal:

具有相同 ALTID 参数值的属性实例的卡片数为 1。因此,由于 N(第 6.2.2 节)的卡片数为 *1,TITLE(第 6.6.1 节)的卡片数为 *,这三个例子都是合法的:

N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=jp:<U+5C71><U+7530>;<U+592A><U+90CE>;;; N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=en:Yamada;Taro;;; (<U+XXXX> denotes a UTF8-encoded Unicode character.)

N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=jp:<U+5C71><U+7530>;<U+592A><U+90CE>;;;N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=en:Yamada;Taro;;;(<U+XXXX>表示 UTF8 编码的 Unicode 字符)。

     TITLE;ALTID=2;LANGUAGE=en:Chief vCard Evangelist

while this one would not:


N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=jp:<U+5C71><U+7530>;<U+592A><U+90CE>;;; N:Yamada;Taro;;; (Two instances of the N property.)

N;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=jp:<U+5C71><U+7530>;<U+592A><U+90CE>;;;N:Yamada;Taro;;;(N 属性的两个实例)。

and these three would be legal but questionable:


TITLE;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=fr:Patron TITLE;ALTID=2;LANGUAGE=en:Boss (Should probably have the same ALTID value.) TITLE;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=fr:Patron TITLE:LANGUAGE=en:Boss (Second line should probably have ALTID=1.)


     (The last line should probably have ALTID=2.  But that would be
      illegal because N has cardinality *1.)

The ALTID property MAY also be used in may contexts other than with the LANGUAGE parameter. Here's an example with two representations of the same photo in different file formats:

除了与 LANGUAGE 参数一起使用外,ALTID 属性还可以在其他情况下使用。下面是同一照片以不同文件格式显示的两个示例:




altid-param = "ALTID=" param-value

altid-param = "ALTID=" param-value

5.5. PID
5.5. PID

The PID parameter is used to identify a specific property among multiple instances. It plays a role analogous to the UID property (Section 6.7.6) on a per-property instead of per-vCard basis. It MAY appear more than once in a given property. It MUST NOT appear on properties that may have only one instance per vCard. Its value is either a single small positive integer or a pair of small positive integers separated by a dot. Multiple values may be encoded in a single PID parameter by separating the values with a comma ",". See Section 7 for more details on its usage.

PID 参数用于在多个实例中识别特定属性。它的作用类似于 UID 属性(第 6.7.6 节),以每个属性而不是每张万事达卡为基础。它可以在给定属性中出现多次。它不得出现在每个 vCard 只能有一个实例的属性中。其值可以是一个小正整数,也可以是一对用点分隔的小正整数。可以在一个 PID 参数中编码多个值,方法是用逗号", "分隔这些值。有关使用的更多详情,请参阅第 7 节。



           pid-param = "PID=" pid-value *("," pid-value)
           pid-value = 1*DIGIT ["." 1*DIGIT]
5.6. TYPE
5.6. 类型

The TYPE parameter has multiple, different uses. In general, it is a way of specifying class characteristics of the associated property. Most of the time, its value is a comma-separated subset of a predefined enumeration. In this document, the following properties make use of this parameter: FN, NICKNAME, PHOTO, ADR, TEL, EMAIL, IMPP, LANG, TZ, GEO, TITLE, ROLE, LOGO, ORG, RELATED, CATEGORIES, NOTE, SOUND, URL, KEY, FBURL, CALADRURI, and CALURI. The TYPE parameter MUST NOT be applied on other properties defined in this document.

TYPE 参数有多种不同的用途。一般来说,它是指定相关属性类别特征的一种方式。大多数情况下,其值是一个以逗号分隔的预定义枚举子集。在本文档中,以下属性使用了该参数:FN、NICKNAME、PHOTO、ADR、TEL、EMAIL、IMPP、LANG、TZ、GEO、TITLE、ROLE、LOGO、ORG、RELATED、CATEGORIES、NOTE、SOUND、URL、KEY、FBURL、CALADRURI 和 CALURI。TYPE 参数不得用于本文档定义的其他属性。

The "work" and "home" values act like tags. The "work" value implies that the property is related to an individual's work place, while the "home" value implies that the property is related to an individual's personal life. When neither "work" nor "home" is present, it is implied that the property is related to both an individual's work place and personal life in the case that the KIND property's value is "individual", or to none in other cases.

工作 "和 "家庭 "值就像标签一样。工作 "值表示该属性与个人的工作地点有关,而 "家庭 "值则表示该属性与个人的个人生活有关。当 "工作 "和 "家庭 "都不存在时,如果 KIND 属性的值为 "个人",则暗示该属性既与个人的工作场所有关,也与个人的生活有关;如果 KIND 属性的值为 "个人",则暗示该属性与个人的生活无关。



           type-param = "TYPE=" type-value *("," type-value)
           type-value = "work" / "home" / type-param-tel
                      / type-param-related / iana-token / x-name
             ; This is further defined in individual property sections.
5.7. 中型

The MEDIATYPE parameter is used with properties whose value is a URI. Its use is OPTIONAL. It provides a hint to the vCard consumer application about the media type [RFC2046] of the resource identified by the URI. Some URI schemes do not need this parameter. For example, the "data" scheme allows the media type to be explicitly indicated as part of the URI [RFC2397]. Another scheme, "http", provides the media type as part of the URI resolution process, with the Content-Type HTTP header [RFC2616]. The MEDIATYPE parameter is intended to be used with URI schemes that do not provide such functionality (e.g., "ftp" [RFC1738]).

MEDIATYPE 参数用于值为 URI 的属性。它的使用是可选的。它为 vCard 消费者应用程序提供了关于 URI 所标识资源的媒体类型 [RFC2046] 的提示。某些 URI 方案不需要此参数。例如,"data "方案允许将媒体类型明确表示为 URI 的一部分 [RFC2397]。另一种方案 "http "则在 URI 解析过程中通过内容类型 HTTP 标头 [RFC2616] 提供媒体类型。MEDIATYPE 参数用于不提供此类功能的 URI 方案(如 "ftp" [RFC1738])。



     mediatype-param = "MEDIATYPE=" mediatype
     mediatype = type-name "/" subtype-name *( ";" attribute "=" value )
       ; "attribute" and "value" are from [RFC2045]
       ; "type-name" and "subtype-name" are from [RFC4288]
5.8. 标定

The CALSCALE parameter is identical to the CALSCALE property in iCalendar (see [RFC5545], Section 3.7.1). It is used to define the calendar system in which a date or date-time value is expressed. The only value specified by iCalendar is "gregorian", which stands for the Gregorian system. It is the default when the parameter is absent. Additional values may be defined in extension documents and registered with IANA (see Section 10.3.4). A vCard implementation MUST ignore properties with a CALSCALE parameter value that it does not understand.

CALSCALE 参数与 iCalendar 中的 CALSCALE 属性相同(参见 [RFC5545],第 3.7.1 节)。它用于定义表示日期或日期-时间值的日历系统。iCalendar 指定的唯一值是 "gregorian",代表公历系统。当没有该参数时,默认值为 "gregorian"。其他值可在扩展文档中定义并向 IANA 注册(参见第 10.3.4 节)。vCard 实现必须忽略带有其不理解的 CALSCALE 参数值的属性。



calscale-param = "CALSCALE=" calscale-value

calscale-param = "CALSCALE=" calscale-value

           calscale-value = "gregorian" / iana-token / x-name
5.9. SORT-AS
5.9. SORT-AS

The "sort-as" parameter is used to specify the string to be used for national-language-specific sorting. Without this information, sorting algorithms could incorrectly sort this vCard within a sequence of sorted vCards. When this property is present in a vCard, then the given strings are used for sorting the vCard.

sort-as "参数用于指定用于特定国家语言排序的字符串。如果没有此信息,排序算法可能会在已排序的 vCard 序列中对该 vCard 进行错误排序。如果 vCard 中存在此属性,则会使用给定的字符串对 vCard 进行排序。

This parameter's value is a comma-separated list that MUST have as many or fewer elements as the corresponding property value has components. This parameter's value is case-sensitive.




sort-as-param = "SORT-AS=" sort-as-value

sort-as-param = "SORT-AS=" sort-as-value

     sort-as-value = param-value *("," param-value)

Examples: For the case of surname and given name sorting, the following examples define common sort string usage with the N property.

示例对于姓氏和名字排序,以下示例定义了 N 属性的常见排序字符串用法。

FN:Rene van der Harten N;SORT-AS="Harten,Rene":van der Harten;Rene,J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.

FN:Rene van der Harten N;SORT-AS="Harten,Rene":van der Harten;Rene,J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.

           FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
           N;SORT-AS="Pau Shou Chang,Robert":Shou Chang;Robert,Pau;;
           FN:Osamu Koura
           FN:Oscar del Pozo
           N;SORT-AS="Pozo,Oscar":del Pozo Triscon;Oscar;;
           FN:Chistine d'Aboville
           FN:H. James de Mann
           N;SORT-AS="Mann,James":de Mann;Henry,James;;

If sorted by surname, the results would be:


Christine d'Aboville Rene van der Harten Osamu Koura H. James de Mann Robert Pau Shou Chang Oscar del Pozo

Christine d'Aboville Rene van der Harten Osamu Koura H. James de Mann Robert Pau Shou Chang Oscar del Pozo

If sorted by given name, the results would be:


Christine d'Aboville H. James de Mann Osamu Koura Oscar del Pozo Rene van der Harten Robert Pau Shou Chang

Christine d'Aboville H. James de Mann Osamu Koura Oscar del Pozo Rene van der Harten Robert Pau Shou Chang

5.10. GEO
5.10. GEO

The GEO parameter can be used to indicate global positioning information that is specific to an address. Its value is the same as that of the GEO property (see Section 6.5.2).

GEO 参数可用于显示地址特有的全球定位信息。其值与 GEO 属性的值相同(见第 6.5.2 节)。



geo-parameter = "GEO=" DQUOTE URI DQUOTE


5.11. TZ
5.11. TZ

The TZ parameter can be used to indicate time zone information that is specific to an address. Its value is the same as that of the TZ property.

TZ 参数可用于显示地址特定的时区信息。其值与 TZ 属性的值相同。



     tz-parameter = "TZ=" (param-value / DQUOTE URI DQUOTE)
6. vCard Properties
6. vCard 属性

What follows is an enumeration of the standard vCard properties.

下面将列举标准 vCard 属性。

6.1. General Properties
6.1. 一般属性
6.1.1. BEGIN
6.1.1. 开始

Purpose: To denote the beginning of a syntactic entity within a text/vcard content-type.


Value type: text


Cardinality: 1

数量: 1

Special notes: The content entity MUST begin with the BEGIN property with a value of "VCARD". The value is case-insensitive.

特别说明:内容实体必须以 BEGIN 属性开头,其值为 "VCARD"。该值不区分大小写。

The BEGIN property is used in conjunction with the END property to delimit an entity containing a related set of properties within a text/vcard content-type. This construct can be used instead of including multiple vCards as body parts inside of a multipart/ alternative MIME message. It is provided for applications that wish to define content that can contain multiple entities within the same text/vcard content-type or to define content that can be identifiable outside of a MIME environment.

BEGIN 属性与 END 属性结合使用,可在文本/vcard 内容类型中对包含一组相关属性的实体进行定界。这种结构可用于替代将多个 vCard 作为主体部分包含在多art/ 备选 MIME 消息中。它适用于希望在同一文本/vcard 内容类型中定义包含多个实体的内容,或定义可在 MIME 环境之外识别的内容的应用程序。



BEGIN-param = 0" " ; no parameter allowed BEGIN-value = "VCARD"

BEGIN-param = 0" " ; 不允许使用任何参数 BEGIN-value = "VCARD" ("VCARD")





6.1.2. END
6.1.2. 结束

Purpose: To denote the end of a syntactic entity within a text/vcard content-type.


Value type: text


Cardinality: 1

数量: 1

Special notes: The content entity MUST end with the END type with a value of "VCARD". The value is case-insensitive.

特别说明:内容实体必须以 END 类型结尾,其值为 "VCARD"。该值不区分大小写。

The END property is used in conjunction with the BEGIN property to delimit an entity containing a related set of properties within a text/vcard content-type. This construct can be used instead of or in addition to wrapping separate sets of information inside additional MIME headers. It is provided for applications that wish to define content that can contain multiple entities within the same text/vcard content-type or to define content that can be identifiable outside of a MIME environment.

END 属性与 BEGIN 属性结合使用,用于在文本/Vcard 内容类型中对包含相关属性集的实体进行定界。这种结构可用于替代或补充在附加 MIME 标头中包装单独的信息集。它适用于希望在同一文本/Vcard 内容类型中定义包含多个实体的内容,或定义可在 MIME 环境之外识别的内容的应用程序。



END-param = 0" " ; no parameter allowed END-value = "VCARD"

END-param = 0" " ; 不允许使用任何参数 END-value = "VCARD" ("VCARD")





6.1.3. SOURCE
6.1.3. 来源

Purpose: To identify the source of directory information contained in the content type.


Value type: uri


Cardinality: *


Special notes: The SOURCE property is used to provide the means by which applications knowledgable in the given directory service protocol can obtain additional or more up-to-date information from the directory service. It contains a URI as defined in [RFC3986] and/or other information referencing the vCard to which the information pertains. When directory information is available from more than one source, the sending entity can pick what it considers to be the best source, or multiple SOURCE properties can be included.

特别说明SOURCE 属性用于提供一种方法,使熟悉给定目录服务协议的应用程序可以从目录服务中获取更多或更新的信息。它包含[RFC3986]中定义的 URI 和/或与信息相关的 vCard 的其他信息。当目录信息可从多个来源获得时,发送实体可选择它认为最好的来源,或包含多个 SOURCE 属性。



     SOURCE-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param
                  / mediatype-param / any-param
     SOURCE-value = URI



6.1.4. KIND
6.1.4. 善良

Purpose: To specify the kind of object the vCard represents.

目的:指定 vCard 代表的对象类型。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: *1


Special notes: The value may be one of the following:


"individual" for a vCard representing a single person or entity. This is the default kind of vCard.

"个人 "表示代表一个人或一个实体的 vCard。这是默认的 vCard 类型。

"group" for a vCard representing a group of persons or entities. The group's member entities can be other vCards or other types of entities, such as email addresses or web sites. A group vCard will usually contain MEMBER properties to specify the members of the group, but it is not required to. A group vCard without MEMBER properties can be considered an abstract grouping, or one whose members are known empirically (perhaps "IETF Participants" or "Republican U.S. Senators").

"组 "代表一组人或实体的 vCard。组中的成员实体可以是其他 vCard 或其他类型的实体,如电子邮件地址或网站。组 vCard 通常包含 MEMBER 属性,用于指定组中的成员,但不是必须的。没有 MEMBER 属性的组 vCard 可被视为抽象分组,或其成员根据经验已知的分组(可能是 "IETF 参与者 "或 "美国共和党参议员")。

All properties in a group vCard apply to the group as a whole, and not to any particular MEMBER. For example, an EMAIL property might specify the address of a mailing list associated with the group, and an IMPP property might refer to a group chat room.

组 vCard 中的所有属性都适用于整个组,而不是任何特定的 MEMBER。例如,EMAIL 属性可以指定与组相关联的邮件列表地址,IMPP 属性可以指组聊天室。

"org" for a vCard representing an organization. An organization vCard will not (in fact, MUST NOT) contain MEMBER properties, and so these are something of a cross between "individual" and "group". An organization is a single entity, but not a person. It might represent a business or government, a department or division within a business or government, a club, an association, or the like.

"org "表示代表一个组织的 vCard。组织 vCard 不包含(事实上,必须不包含)"成员 "属性,因此这些属性介于 "个人 "和 "组 "之间。组织是一个单独的实体,但不是一个人。它可以代表企业或政府、企业或政府中的部门或分部、俱乐部、协会或类似组织。

All properties in an organization vCard apply to the organization as a whole, as is the case with a group vCard. For example, an EMAIL property might specify the address of a contact point for the organization.

与组 vCard 一样,组织 vCard 中的所有属性都适用于整个组织。例如,EMAIL 属性可以指定组织的联系人地址。

"location" for a named geographical place. A location vCard will usually contain a GEO property, but it is not required to. A location vCard without a GEO property can be considered an abstract location, or one whose definition is known empirically (perhaps "New England" or "The Seashore").

"location "表示一个已命名的地理位置。位置 vCard 通常包含 GEO 属性,但并非必须。不包含 GEO 属性的位置 vCard 可被视为抽象位置,或根据经验定义的位置(如 "新英格兰 "或 "海滨")。

All properties in a location vCard apply to the location itself, and not with any entity that might exist at that location. For example, in a vCard for an office building, an ADR property might give the mailing address for the building, and a TEL property might specify the telephone number of the receptionist.

位置 vCard 中的所有属性都适用于位置本身,而不适用于该位置可能存在的任何实体。例如,在一栋办公楼的 vCard 中,ADR 属性可能提供该楼的邮寄地址,而 TEL 属性可能指定接待员的电话号码。

An x-name. vCards MAY include private or experimental values for KIND. Remember that x-name values are not intended for general use and are unlikely to interoperate.

vCard 可以包含 KIND 的私有值或试验值。请记住,x-name 值并不打算用于一般用途,而且不太可能实现互操作。

An iana-token. Additional values may be registered with IANA (see Section 10.3.4). A new value's specification document MUST specify which properties make sense for that new kind of vCard and which do not.

一个 IANA 令牌。其他值可向 IANA 注册(参见第 10.3.4 节)。新值的规范文档必须说明哪些属性对这种新的 vCard 有意义,哪些没有意义。

Implementations MUST support the specific string values defined above. If this property is absent, "individual" MUST be assumed as the default. If this property is present but the implementation does not understand its value (the value is an x-name or iana-token that the implementation does not support), the implementation SHOULD act in a neutral way, which usually means treating the vCard as though its kind were "individual". The presence of MEMBER properties MAY, however, be taken as an indication that the unknown kind is an extension of "group".

实施必须支持上文定义的特定字符串值。如果不存在该属性,则默认值为 "个人"。如果存在该属性,但实现无法理解其值(该值是实现不支持的 x 名称或 iana 标记),则实现应采取中立的方式,这通常意味着将 vCard 视为其种类为 "个人"。但是,MEMBER 属性的存在可能会被视为未知种类是 "组 "的扩展。

Clients often need to visually distinguish contacts based on what they represent, and the KIND property provides a direct way for them to do so. For example, when displaying contacts in a list, an icon could be displayed next to each one, using distinctive icons for the different kinds; a client might use an outline of a single person to represent an "individual", an outline of multiple people to represent a "group", and so on. Alternatively, or in addition, a client might choose to segregate different kinds of vCards to different panes, tabs, or selections in the user interface.

客户经常需要根据联系人所代表的内容对其进行视觉区分,而 KIND 属性为他们提供了一种直接的方法。例如,在列表中显示联系人时,可以在每个联系人旁边显示一个图标,不同类型的联系人使用不同的图标;客户可以使用一个人的轮廓来代表 "个人",使用多人的轮廓来代表 "团体",等等。此外,客户还可以选择将不同种类的 vCard 分隔到用户界面的不同窗格、标签或选项中。

Some clients might also make functional distinctions among the kinds, ignoring "location" vCards for some purposes and considering only "location" vCards for others.

有些客户还可能对不同类型的 vCard 进行功能区分,在某些情况下忽略 "位置 "vCard,而在其他情况下只考虑 "位置 "vCard。

When designing those sorts of visual and functional distinctions, client implementations have to decide how to fit unsupported kinds into the scheme. What icon is used for them? The one for "individual"? A unique one, such as an icon of a question mark? Which tab do they go into? It is beyond the scope of this specification to answer these questions, but these are things implementers need to consider.

在设计这些视觉和功能区分时,客户端实施必须决定如何将不支持的类型纳入方案。用什么图标表示它们?个人 "的图标?一个独特的,比如问号图标?它们放在哪个标签页?回答这些问题超出了本规范的范围,但这些都是实施者需要考虑的。



     KIND-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
     KIND-value = "individual" / "group" / "org" / "location"
                / iana-token / x-name



This represents someone named Jane Doe working in the marketing department of the North American division of ABC Inc.

这个人名叫无名氏,在 ABC 公司北美分部的营销部门工作。

         FN:Jane Doe
         ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing

This represents the department itself, commonly known as ABC Marketing.

这代表部门本身,通常称为 ABC 营销部。

         FN:ABC Marketing
         ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing
6.1.5. XML
6.1.5. XML

Purpose: To include extended XML-encoded vCard data in a plain vCard.

目的:在普通 vCard 中包含扩展的 XML 编码 vCard 数据。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: *


Special notes: The content of this property is a single XML 1.0 [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] element whose namespace MUST be explicitly specified using the xmlns attribute and MUST NOT be the vCard 4 namespace ("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0"). (This implies that it cannot duplicate a standard vCard property.) The element is to be interpreted as if it was contained in a <vcard> element, as defined in [RFC6351].

特别说明:该属性的内容是一个 XML 1.0 [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] 元素,其命名空间必须使用 xmlns 属性明确指定,且不得是 vCard 4 命名空间("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0")。(这意味着它不能重复标准 vCard 属性。)该元素将被解释为包含在 [RFC6351] 中定义的 <vcard> 元素中。

The fragment is subject to normal line folding and escaping, i.e., replace all backslashes with "\\", then replace all newlines with "\n", then fold long lines.

该片段需要进行正常的折行和转义处理,即用"\"替换所有反斜线,然后用"\n "替换所有换行符,再折叠长行。

Support for this property is OPTIONAL, but implementations of this specification MUST preserve instances of this property when propagating vCards.

对该属性的支持是可选的,但本规范的实现必须在传播 vCard 时保留该属性的实例。

See [RFC6351] for more information on the intended use of this property.

有关该属性预期用途的更多信息,请参阅 [RFC6351]。



     XML-param = "VALUE=text" / altid-param
     XML-value = text
6.2. Identification Properties
6.2. 识别特性

These types are used to capture information associated with the identification and naming of the entity associated with the vCard.

这些类型用于捕获与 vCard 关联实体的标识和命名相关的信息。

6.2.1. FN
6.2.1. FN

Purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定与 vCard 所代表对象名称相对应的格式化文本。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: 1*

卡性: 1*

Special notes: This property is based on the semantics of the X.520 Common Name attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property MUST be present in the vCard object.

特别说明:该属性基于 X.520 通用名称属性 [CCITT.X520.1988] 的语义。vCard 对象中必须包含该属性。



     FN-param = "VALUE=text" / type-param / language-param / altid-param
              / pid-param / pref-param / any-param
     FN-value = text



FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.

FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.

6.2.2. N
6.2.2. N

Purpose: To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定 vCard 所代表对象名称的组成部分。

Value type: A single structured text value. Each component can have multiple values.


Cardinality: *1


Special note: The structured property value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family Names (also known as surnames), Given Names, Additional Names, Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes. The text components are separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B). Individual text components can include multiple text values separated by the COMMA character (U+002C). This property is based on the semantics of the X.520 individual name attributes [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property SHOULD be present in the vCard object when the name of the object the vCard represents follows the X.520 model.

特别说明:结构化属性值依次与姓氏(也称为姓)、给名、附加名、尊称前缀和尊称后缀相对应。文本组件之间用 SEMICOLON 字符(U+003B)分隔。单个文本组件可包括多个文本值,以 COMMA 字符(U+002C)分隔。该属性基于 X.520 单个名称属性[CCITT.X520.1988]的语义。当 vCard 所代表的对象名称遵循 X.520 模型时,vCard 对象中应包含该属性。

The SORT-AS parameter MAY be applied to this property.

SORT-AS 参数可以应用于该属性。



     N-param = "VALUE=text" / sort-as-param / language-param
             / altid-param / any-param
     N-value = list-component 4(";" list-component)







6.2.3. 昵称

Purpose: To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的昵称相对应的文本。

Value type: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (U+002C).

值类型:一个或多个文本值,用 COMMA 字符(U+002C)分隔。

Cardinality: * Special note: The nickname is the descriptive name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to the object the vCard represents. It can also be used to specify a familiar form of a proper name specified by the FN or N properties.

卡片数量:* 特别说明:昵称是替代或补充 vCard 所代表对象的描述性名称。它也可用于指定 FN 或 N 属性指定的专有名称的熟悉形式。



     NICKNAME-param = "VALUE=text" / type-param / language-param
                    / altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / any-param
     NICKNAME-value = text-list







6.2.4. PHOTO
6.2.4. 照片

Purpose: To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定图像或照片信息,以注释 vCard 所代表对象的某些方面。

Value type: A single URI.

值类型:单个 URI。

Cardinality: *




     PHOTO-param = "VALUE=uri" / altid-param / type-param
                 / mediatype-param / pref-param / pid-param / any-param
     PHOTO-value = URI





PHOTO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <...remainder of base64-encoded data...>

PHOTO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <....base64 编码的剩余数据...>

6.2.5. BDAY
6.2.5. BDAY

Purpose: To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents.

用途:指定 vCard 所代表对象的出生日期。

Value type: The default is a single date-and-or-time value. It can also be reset to a single text value.


Cardinality: *1




BDAY-param = BDAY-param-date / BDAY-param-text BDAY-value = date-and-or-time / text ; Value and parameter MUST match.

BDAY-param = BDAY-param-date / BDAY-param-text BDAY-value = date-and-or-time / text ; 值和参数必须匹配。

     BDAY-param-date = "VALUE=date-and-or-time"
     BDAY-param-text = "VALUE=text" / language-param

BDAY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param ; calscale-param can only be present when BDAY-value is ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.

BDAY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param ; calscale-param 只能在 BDAY-value 为日期或时间且实际包含日期或时间时出现。



             BDAY;VALUE=text:circa 1800
6.2.6. 周年纪念

Purpose: The date of marriage, or equivalent, of the object the vCard represents.

用途:vCard 所代表对象的结婚日期或类似日期。

Value type: The default is a single date-and-or-time value. It can also be reset to a single text value.


Cardinality: *1




     ANNIVERSARY-param = "VALUE=" ("date-and-or-time" / "text")
     ANNIVERSARY-value = date-and-or-time / text
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

ANNIVERSARY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param ; calscale-param can only be present when ANNIVERSARY-value is ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.

ANNIVERSARY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param ; calscale-param 只能在 ANNIVERSARY-value 为日期或时间且实际包含日期或时间时出现。





6.2.7. GENDER
6.2.7. 性别

Purpose: To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定 vCard 所代表对象的性别和性别身份的组成部分。

Value type: A single structured value with two components. Each component has a single text value.


Cardinality: *1


Special notes: The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex (biological), and gender identity. Each component is optional.


Sex component: A single letter. M stands for "male", F stands for "female", O stands for "other", N stands for "none or not applicable", U stands for "unknown".

性别部分:一个字母。M 代表 "男性",F 代表 "女性",O 代表 "其他",N 代表 "无或不适用",U 代表 "未知"。

Gender identity component: Free-form text.




                   GENDER-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
                   GENDER-value = sex [";" text]
                   sex = "" / "M" / "F" / "O" / "N" / "U"



     GENDER:;it's complicated
6.3. Delivery Addressing Properties
6.3. 送货地址属性

These types are concerned with information related to the delivery addressing or label for the vCard object.

这些类型涉及与 vCard 对象的交付地址或标签相关的信息。

6.3.1. ADR
6.3.1. ADR

Purpose: To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object.

用途: 为 vCard 对象指定收货地址的组件。

Value type: A single structured text value, separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B).

值类型:单个结构化文本值,用 SEMICOLON 字符(U+003B)分隔。

Cardinality: *


   Special notes:  The structured type value consists of a sequence of
      address components.  The component values MUST be specified in
      their corresponding position.  The structured type value
      corresponds, in sequence, to
         the post office box;
         the extended address (e.g., apartment or suite number);
         the street address;
         the locality (e.g., city);
         the region (e.g., state or province);
         the postal code;
         the country name (full name in the language specified in
         Section 5.1).

When a component value is missing, the associated component separator MUST still be specified.


Experience with vCard 3 has shown that the first two components (post office box and extended address) are plagued with many interoperability issues. To ensure maximal interoperability, their values SHOULD be empty.

使用 vCard 3 的经验表明,前两个组件(邮政信箱和扩展地址)存在许多互操作性问题。为了确保最大程度的互操作性,它们的值应该为空。

The text components are separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B). Where it makes semantic sense, individual text components can include multiple text values (e.g., a "street" component with multiple lines) separated by the COMMA character (U+002C).

文本组件之间用 SEMICOLON 字符(U+003B)分隔。在语义合理的情况下,单个文本组件可以包含多个文本值(例如,一个 "街道 "组件包含多行),并用 COMMA 字符(U+002C)分隔。

The property can include the "PREF" parameter to indicate the preferred delivery address when more than one address is specified.

该属性可包含 "PREF "参数,用于在指定多个地址时指示首选收货地址。

The GEO and TZ parameters MAY be used with this property.

GEO 和 TZ 参数可与此属性一起使用。

The property can also include a "LABEL" parameter to present a delivery address label for the address. Its value is a plain-text string representing the formatted address. Newlines are encoded as \n, as they are for property values.

该属性还可以包含一个 "LABEL "参数,用于显示地址的收货地址标签。其值是一个纯文本字符串,代表格式化后的地址。与属性值一样,换行符也被编码为 \n。



label-param = "LABEL=" param-value

label-param = "LABEL=" param-value

     ADR-param = "VALUE=text" / label-param / language-param
               / geo-parameter / tz-parameter / altid-param / pid-param
               / pref-param / type-param / any-param
     ADR-value = ADR-component-pobox ";" ADR-component-ext ";"
                 ADR-component-street ";" ADR-component-locality ";"
                 ADR-component-region ";" ADR-component-code ";"
     ADR-component-pobox    = list-component
     ADR-component-ext      = list-component
     ADR-component-street   = list-component
     ADR-component-locality = list-component
     ADR-component-region   = list-component
     ADR-component-code     = list-component
     ADR-component-country  = list-component

Example: In this example, the post office box and the extended address are absent.


ADR;GEO="geo:12.3457,78.910";LABEL="Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\n Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\n U.S.A.":;;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;U.S.A.

ADR;GEO="geo:12.3457,78.910";LABEL="Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\n Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\n U.S.A.":;;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;U.S.A.

6.4. Communications Properties
6.4. 通信属性

These properties describe information about how to communicate with the object the vCard represents.

这些属性描述了如何与 vCard 所代表的对象进行通信的信息。

6.4.1. TEL
6.4.1. 电话

Purpose: To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents.

用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象进行电话通信的电话号码。

Value type: By default, it is a single free-form text value (for backward compatibility with vCard 3), but it SHOULD be reset to a URI value. It is expected that the URI scheme will be "tel", as specified in [RFC3966], but other schemes MAY be used.

值类型:默认情况下,它是一个单一的自由格式文本值(与 vCard 3 向后兼容),但应重置为 URI 值。预计 URI 方案将是 [RFC3966] 中指定的 "tel",但也可以使用其他方案。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: This property is based on the X.520 Telephone Number attribute [CCITT.X520.1988].

特别说明:该属性基于 X.520 电话号码属性 [CCITT.X520.1988]。

The property can include the "PREF" parameter to indicate a preferred-use telephone number.

该属性可包含 "PREF "参数,用于指示首选电话号码。

The property can include the parameter "TYPE" to specify intended use for the telephone number. The predefined values for the TYPE parameter are:

该属性可包含参数 "TYPE",用于指定电话号码的预期用途。TYPE 参数的预定义值为

   | Value     | Description                                           |
   | text      | Indicates that the telephone number supports text     |
   |           | messages (SMS).                                       |
   | voice     | Indicates a voice telephone number.                   |
   | fax       | Indicates a facsimile telephone number.               |
   | cell      | Indicates a cellular or mobile telephone number.      |
   | video     | Indicates a video conferencing telephone number.      |
   | pager     | Indicates a paging device telephone number.           |
   | textphone | Indicates a telecommunication device for people with  |
   |           | hearing or speech difficulties.                       |

The default type is "voice". These type parameter values can be specified as a parameter list (e.g., TYPE=text;TYPE=voice) or as a value list (e.g., TYPE="text,voice"). The default can be overridden to another set of values by specifying one or more alternate values. For example, the default TYPE of "voice" can be reset to a VOICE and FAX telephone number by the value list TYPE="voice,fax".

默认类型为 "声音"。这些类型参数值可指定为参数列表(如 TYPE=text;TYPE=voice)或值列表(如 TYPE="text,voice")。通过指定一个或多个备用值,可以将默认值覆盖为另一组值。例如,可通过值列表 TYPE="语音,传真 "将默认 TYPE "语音 "重置为语音和传真电话号码。

If this property's value is a URI that can also be used for instant messaging, the IMPP (Section 6.4.3) property SHOULD be used in addition to this property.

如果该属性的值是一个也可用于即时消息的 URI,则除了该属性外,还应使用 IMPP(第 6.4.3 节)属性。



TEL-param = TEL-text-param / TEL-uri-param TEL-value = TEL-text-value / TEL-uri-value ; Value and parameter MUST match.

TEL-param = TEL-text-param / TEL-uri-param TEL-value = TEL-text-value / TEL-uri-value ;值和参数必须匹配。

TEL-text-param = "VALUE=text" TEL-text-value = text

TEL-text-param = "VALUE=text" TEL-text-value = 文本

     TEL-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     TEL-uri-value = URI
     TEL-param =/ type-param / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param
                / any-param
     type-param-tel = "text" / "voice" / "fax" / "cell" / "video"
                    / "pager" / "textphone" / iana-token / x-name
       ; type-param-tel MUST NOT be used with a property other than TEL.



6.4.2. EMAIL
6.4.2. 电子邮件

Purpose: To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents.

用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象通信的电子邮件地址。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: *


Special notes: The property can include tye "PREF" parameter to indicate a preferred-use email address when more than one is specified.

特别说明:如果指定了多个电子邮件地址,该属性可以包含 "PREF "参数,以指示首选使用的电子邮件地址。

Even though the value is free-form UTF-8 text, it is likely to be interpreted by a Mail User Agent (MUA) as an "addr-spec", as defined in [RFC5322], Section 3.4.1. Readers should also be aware of the current work toward internationalized email addresses [RFC5335bis].

尽管该值是自由格式的 UTF-8 文本,但邮件用户代理(MUA)可能会将其解释为 [RFC5322] 第 3.4.1 节中定义的 "addr-spec"。读者还应该了解当前为实现国际化电子邮件地址 [RFC5335bis] 而开展的工作。



     EMAIL-param = "VALUE=text" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                 / altid-param / any-param
     EMAIL-value = text



           EMAIL;TYPE=work:[email protected]
           EMAIL;PREF=1:[email protected]
6.4.3. IMPP
6.4.3. IMPP

Purpose: To specify the URI for instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定用于与 vCard 所代表的对象进行即时消息和出席协议通信的 URI。

Value type: A single URI.

值类型:单个 URI。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: The property may include the "PREF" parameter to indicate that this is a preferred address and has the same semantics as the "PREF" parameter in a TEL property.

特别说明:该属性可包含 "PREEF "参数,用于表示这是首选地址,其语义与 TEL 属性中的 "PREEF "参数相同。

If this property's value is a URI that can be used for voice and/or video, the TEL property (Section 6.4.1) SHOULD be used in addition to this property.

如果该属性的值是可用于语音和/或视频的 URI,则除该属性外还应使用 TEL 属性(第 6.4.1 节)。

This property is adapted from [RFC4770], which is made obsolete by this document.

该属性改编自 [RFC4770],本文档已将其淘汰。



     IMPP-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     IMPP-value = URI



       IMPP;PREF=1:xmpp:[email protected]
6.4.4. LANG
6.4.4. 朗

Purpose: To specify the language(s) that may be used for contacting the entity associated with the vCard.

目的:指定用于联系与 vCard 关联的实体的语言。

Value type: A single language-tag value.


Cardinality: *




     LANG-param = "VALUE=language-tag" / pid-param / pref-param
                / altid-param / type-param / any-param
     LANG-value = Language-Tag



6.5. Geographical Properties
6.5. 地理属性

These properties are concerned with information associated with geographical positions or regions associated with the object the vCard represents.

这些属性涉及与 vCard 所代表对象相关的地理位置或区域的信息。

6.5.1. TZ
6.5.1. TZ

Purpose: To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的时区有关的信息。

Value type: The default is a single text value. It can also be reset to a single URI or utc-offset value.

值类型:默认为单一文本值。也可以重置为单个 URI 或 utc-offset 值。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: It is expected that names from the public-domain Olson database [TZ-DB] will be used, but this is not a restriction. See also [IANA-TZ].

特别说明:预计将使用公共域 Olson 数据库 [TZ-DB] 中的名称,但这并非限制。另请参阅 [IANA-TZ]。

Efforts are currently being directed at creating a standard URI scheme for expressing time zone information. Usage of such a scheme would ensure a high level of interoperability between implementations that support it.

目前正在努力创建一个用于表达时区信息的标准 URI 方案。使用这种方案将确保支持该方案的实施方案之间具有高度的互操作性。

Note that utc-offset values SHOULD NOT be used because the UTC offset varies with time -- not just because of the usual daylight saving time shifts that occur in may regions, but often entire regions will "re-base" their overall offset. The actual offset may be +/- 1 hour (or perhaps a little more) than the one given.

请注意,不应使用 utc-offset 值,因为 UTC 偏移随时间而变化--这不仅是因为某些地区通常会出现夏令时偏移,而且整个地区通常都会 "重新确定 "其总体偏移量。实际偏移量可能比给出的偏移量 +/- 1 小时(或更多一些)。



     TZ-param = "VALUE=" ("text" / "uri" / "utc-offset")
     TZ-value = text / URI / utc-offset
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.
     TZ-param =/ altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / any-param



TZ:Raleigh/North America


TZ;VALUE=utc-offset:-0500 ; Note: utc-offset format is NOT RECOMMENDED.

TZ;VALUE=utc-offset:-0500;注意:不推荐使用 utc-offset 格式。

6.5.2. GEO
6.5.2. GEO

Purpose: To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents.

目的:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的全球定位相关的信息。

Value type: A single URI.

值类型:单个 URI。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: The "geo" URI scheme [RFC5870] is particularly well suited for this property, but other schemes MAY be used.

特别说明:geo "URI 方案 [RFC5870] 特别适合此属性,但也可以使用其他方案。



     GEO-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     GEO-value = URI





6.6. Organizational Properties
6.6. 组织属性

These properties are concerned with information associated with characteristics of the organization or organizational units of the object that the vCard represents.

这些属性涉及与 vCard 所代表对象的组织或组织单位的特征相关的信息。

6.6.1. TITLE
6.6.1. 标题

Purpose: To specify the position or job of the object the vCard represents.

用途:指定 vCard 所代表对象的位置或职位。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: *


Special notes: This property is based on the X.520 Title attribute [CCITT.X520.1988].

特别说明:该属性基于 X.520 Title 属性 [CCITT.X520.1988]。



     TITLE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param
                 / pref-param / altid-param / type-param / any-param
     TITLE-value = text



TITLE:Research Scientist


6.6.2. ROLE
6.6.2. 角色

Purpose: To specify the function or part played in a particular situation by the object the vCard represents.

目的: 指明 vCard 所代表的对象在特定情况下的功能或作用。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: * Special notes: This property is based on the X.520 Business Category explanatory attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. This property is included as an organizational type to avoid confusion with the semantics of the TITLE property and incorrect usage of that property when the semantics of this property is intended.

卡片数量:* 特殊说明:本属性基于 X.520 业务类别解释属性[CCITT.X520.1988]。该属性作为一种组织类型被包含在内,以避免与 TITLE 属性的语义混淆,并避免在使用该属性时出现错误。



     ROLE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param
                / type-param / altid-param / any-param
     ROLE-value = text



ROLE:Project Leader


6.6.3. 标志

Purpose: To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents.

用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象相关联的徽标图形图像。

Value type: A single URI.

值类型:单个 URI。

Cardinality: *




     LOGO-param = "VALUE=uri" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param
                / type-param / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     LOGO-value = URI





LOGO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <...the remainder of base64-encoded data...>

LOGO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <。...base64 编码数据的其余部分...>

6.6.4. ORG
6.6.4. ORG

Purpose: To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard.

目的:指定与 vCard 相关的组织名称和单位。

Value type: A single structured text value consisting of components separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B).

值类型:由 SEMICOLON 字符(U+003B)分隔的单个结构化文本值。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: The property is based on the X.520 Organization Name and Organization Unit attributes [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property value is a structured type consisting of the organization name, followed by zero or more levels of organizational unit names.

特别说明:该属性基于 X.520 组织名称和组织单位属性[CCITT.X520.1988]。属性值是由组织名称和零级或多级组织单位名称组成的结构化类型。

The SORT-AS parameter MAY be applied to this property.

SORT-AS 参数可以应用于该属性。



     ORG-param = "VALUE=text" / sort-as-param / language-param
               / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param
               / any-param
     ORG-value = component *(";" component)

Example: A property value consisting of an organizational name, organizational unit #1 name, and organizational unit #2 name.

举例说明:由组织名称、1 号组织单位名称和 2 号组织单位名称组成的属性值。

           ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing
6.6.5. MEMBER
6.6.5. 成员

Purpose: To include a member in the group this vCard represents.

目的: 将成员纳入此 vCard 代表的组。

Value type: A single URI. It MAY refer to something other than a vCard object. For example, an email distribution list could employ the "mailto" URI scheme [RFC6068] for efficiency.

值类型:单个 URI。它可以指向 vCard 对象以外的其他对象。例如,电子邮件分发列表可以使用 "mailto" URI 方案 [RFC6068],以提高效率。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: This property MUST NOT be present unless the value of the KIND property is "group".

特别说明:除非 KIND 属性的值为 "组",否则不得使用此属性。



     MEMBER-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param
                  / mediatype-param / any-param
     MEMBER-value = URI



     FN:The Doe family
     FN:John Doe
     FN:Jane Doe
     FN:Funky distribution list
     MEMBER:mailto:[email protected]
     MEMBER:xmpp:[email protected]
     MEMBER:sip:[email protected]
6.6.6. 相关

Purpose: To specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this vCard.

目的:指定另一个实体与此 vCard 代表的实体之间的关系。

Value type: A single URI. It can also be reset to a single text value. The text value can be used to specify textual information.

值类型:单个 URI。也可重置为单个文本值。文本值可用于指定文本信息。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: The TYPE parameter MAY be used to characterize the related entity. It contains a comma-separated list of values that are registered with IANA as described in Section 10.2. The registry is pre-populated with the values defined in [xfn]. This document also specifies two additional values:

特别说明:TYPE 参数可用于描述相关实体的特征。它包含一个以逗号分隔的值列表,如第 10.2 节所述,这些值已在 IANA 注册。注册表已预先填入 [xfn] 中定义的值。本文件还规定了两个附加值:

agent: an entity who may sometimes act on behalf of the entity associated with the vCard.

代理:有时可能代表与 vCard 关联的实体行事的实体。

emergency: indicates an emergency contact




RELATED-param = RELATED-param-uri / RELATED-param-text RELATED-value = URI / text ; Parameter and value MUST match.

RELATED-param = RELATED-param-uri / RELATED-param-text RELATED-value = URI / text ; 参数和值必须匹配。

     RELATED-param-uri = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     RELATED-param-text = "VALUE=text" / language-param
     RELATED-param =/ pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param
                    / any-param
     type-param-related = related-type-value *("," related-type-value)
       ; type-param-related MUST NOT be used with a property other than
       ; RELATED.
     related-type-value = "contact" / "acquaintance" / "friend" / "met"
                        / "co-worker" / "colleague" / "co-resident"
                        / "neighbor" / "child" / "parent"
                        / "sibling" / "spouse" / "kin" / "muse"
                        / "crush" / "date" / "sweetheart" / "me"
                        / "agent" / "emergency"



RELATED;TYPE=friend:urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 RELATED;TYPE=contact: RELATED;TYPE=co-worker;VALUE=text:Please contact my assistant Jane Doe for any inquiries.

RELATED;TYPE=friend:urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 RELATED;TYPE=contact: RELATED;TYPE=co-worker;VALUE=text:Please contact my assistant Jane Doe for any inquiries.

6.7. Explanatory Properties
6.7. 解释性属性

These properties are concerned with additional explanations, such as that related to informational notes or revisions specific to the vCard.

这些属性与附加说明有关,例如与信息说明或 vCard 的特定修订相关的说明。

6.7.1. 类别

Purpose: To specify application category information about the vCard, also known as "tags".

目的:指定有关 vCard 的应用程序类别信息,也称为 "标记"。

Value type: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (U+002C).

值类型:一个或多个文本值,用 COMMA 字符(U+002C)分隔。

Cardinality: * ABNF:

Cardinality:* ABNF:

     CATEGORIES-param = "VALUE=text" / pid-param / pref-param
                      / type-param / altid-param / any-param
     CATEGORIES-value = text-list







6.7.2. NOTE
6.7.2. 注意

Purpose: To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard.

用途:指定与 vCard 相关的补充信息或注释。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: *


Special notes: The property is based on the X.520 Description attribute [CCITT.X520.1988].

特别说明:该属性基于 X.520 描述属性 [CCITT.X520.1988]。



     NOTE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param
                / type-param / altid-param / any-param
     NOTE-value = text



NOTE:This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715 EST\, Mon-Fri.

注意:该传真号码的工作时间为周一至周五 0800 至 1715 EST。

6.7.3. PRODID
6.7.3. PRODID

Purpose: To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object.

用途:指定创建 vCard 对象的产品的标识符。

Type value: A single text value.


Cardinality: *1


Special notes: Implementations SHOULD use a method such as that specified for Formal Public Identifiers in [ISO9070] or for Universal Resource Names in [RFC3406] to ensure that the text value is unique.

特别说明:实施机构应使用 [ISO9070] 中的正式公共标识符或 [RFC3406] 中的通用资源名称所指定的方法来确保文本值的唯一性。



     PRODID-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
     PRODID-value = text





6.7.4. REV
6.7.4. REV

Purpose: To specify revision information about the current vCard.

目的:指定当前 vCard 的修订信息。

Value type: A single timestamp value.


Cardinality: *1


Special notes: The value distinguishes the current revision of the information in this vCard for other renditions of the information.

特别说明:该值用于区分此 vCard 中信息的当前修订版与其他版本的信息。



     REV-param = "VALUE=timestamp" / any-param
     REV-value = timestamp





6.7.5. SOUND
6.7.5. 声音

Purpose: To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard. This property is often used to specify the proper pronunciation of the name property value of the vCard.

用途:指定数字声音内容信息,用于注释 vCard 的某些方面。该属性通常用于指定 vCard 名称属性值的正确发音。

Value type: A single URI.

值类型:单个 URI。

Cardinality: *




     SOUND-param = "VALUE=uri" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param
                 / type-param / mediatype-param / altid-param
                 / any-param
     SOUND-value = URI



     SOUND:CID:[email protected]

SOUND:data:audio/basic;base64,MIICajCCAdOgAwIBAgICBEUwDQYJKoZIh AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <...the remainder of base64-encoded data...>

SOUND:data:audio/basic;base64,MIICajCCAdOgAwIBAgICBEUwDQYJKoZIh AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <....base64 编码数据的其余部分...>

6.7.6. UID
6.7.6. UID

Purpose: To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the entity associated with the vCard.

目的:指定一个值,代表与 vCard 关联实体相对应的全局唯一标识符。

Value type: A single URI value. It MAY also be reset to free-form text.

值类型:单个 URI 值。也可以重置为自由格式文本。

Cardinality: *1


Special notes: This property is used to uniquely identify the object that the vCard represents. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly well suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used. Free-form text MAY also be used.

特别说明该属性用于唯一标识 vCard 所代表的对象。[RFC4122]中定义的 "uuid "URN 名称空间特别适合这一任务,但也可以使用其他 URI 方案。也可以使用自由格式文本。



UID-param = UID-uri-param / UID-text-param UID-value = UID-uri-value / UID-text-value ; Value and parameter MUST match.

UID-param = UID-uri-param / UID-text-param UID-value = UID-uri-value / UID-text-value ;值和参数必须匹配。

UID-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" UID-uri-value = URI

UID-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" UID-uri-value = URI

UID-text-param = "VALUE=text" UID-text-value = text

UID-text-param = "VALUE=text" UID-text-value = text

UID-param =/ any-param

UID-param =/ any-param




Purpose: To give a global meaning to a local PID source identifier.

目的:赋予本地 PID 源标识符全局意义。

Value type: A semicolon-separated pair of values. The first field is a small integer corresponding to the second field of a PID parameter instance. The second field is a URI. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly well suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used.

值类型:一对分号分隔的值。第一个字段是一个小整数,与 PID 参数实例的第二个字段相对应。第二个字段是 URI。[RFC4122]中定义的 "uuid "URN 名称空间特别适合这项任务,但也可以使用其他 URI 方案。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: PID source identifiers (the source identifier is the second field in a PID parameter instance) are small integers that only have significance within the scope of a single vCard instance. Each distinct source identifier present in a vCard MUST have an associated CLIENTPIDMAP. See Section 7 for more details on the usage of CLIENTPIDMAP.

特别说明:PID 源标识符(源标识符是 PID 参数实例中的第二个字段)是小整数,仅在单个 vCard 实例范围内有意义。vCard 中的每个不同源标识符都必须有一个关联的 CLIENTPIDMAP。有关 CLIENTPIDMAP 使用的更多详情,请参阅第 7 节。

PID source identifiers MUST be strictly positive. Zero is not allowed.

PID 源标识符必须严格为正数。不允许为零。

As a special exception, the PID parameter MUST NOT be applied to this property.

作为特殊例外,PID 参数不得应用于该属性。



     CLIENTPIDMAP-param = any-param
     CLIENTPIDMAP-value = 1*DIGIT ";" URI



     EMAIL;PID=4.1,5.2:[email protected]
6.7.8. URL
6.7.8. 网址

Purpose: To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object to which the vCard refers. Examples for individuals include personal web sites, blogs, and social networking site identifiers.

目的:指定与 vCard 所指对象相关联的统一资源定位符。个人的例子包括个人网站、博客和社交网站标识符。

Cardinality: *


Value type: A single uri value.

值类型:单个 uri 值。



     URL-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     URL-value = URI



6.7.9. VERSION
6.7.9. 版本

Purpose: To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard.

目的:指定用于格式化此 vCard 的 vCard 规范版本。

Value type: A single text value.


Cardinality: 1

数量: 1

Special notes: This property MUST be present in the vCard object, and it must appear immediately after BEGIN:VCARD. The value MUST be "4.0" if the vCard corresponds to this specification. Note that earlier versions of vCard allowed this property to be placed anywhere in the vCard object, or even to be absent.

特别说明该属性必须出现在 vCard 对象中,而且必须紧跟在 BEGIN:VCARD 之后。如果 vCard 符合本规范,其值必须为 "4.0"。请注意,早期版本的 vCard 允许将此属性放在 vCard 对象的任何位置,甚至可以不使用。



     VERSION-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
     VERSION-value = "4.0"





6.8. Security Properties
6.8. 安全性能

These properties are concerned with the security of communication pathways or access to the vCard.

这些属性与通信路径或访问 vCard 的安全性有关。

6.8.1. KEY
6.8.1. 关键

Purpose: To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents.

目的:指定与 vCard 所代表的对象相关联的公用密钥或验证证书。

Value type: A single URI. It can also be reset to a text value.

值类型:单个 URI。也可重置为文本值。

Cardinality: * ABNF:

Cardinality:* ABNF:

KEY-param = KEY-uri-param / KEY-text-param KEY-value = KEY-uri-value / KEY-text-value ; Value and parameter MUST match.

KEY-param = KEY-uri-param / KEY-text-param KEY-value = KEY-uri-value / KEY-text-value ; 值和参数必须匹配。

     KEY-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     KEY-uri-value = URI

KEY-text-param = "VALUE=text" KEY-text-value = text

KEY-text-param = "VALUE=text" KEY-text-value = text

     KEY-param =/ altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                / any-param





      <... remainder of base64-encoded data ...>
6.9. Calendar Properties
6.9. 日历属性

These properties are further specified in [RFC2739].

这些属性在 [RFC2739] 中作了进一步规定。

6.9.1. FBURL
6.9.1. FBURL

Purpose: To specify the URI for the busy time associated with the object that the vCard represents.

用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象相关联的繁忙时间 URI。

Value type: A single URI value.

值类型:单个 URI 值。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: Where multiple FBURL properties are specified, the default FBURL property is indicated with the PREF parameter. The FTP [RFC1738] or HTTP [RFC2616] type of URI points to an iCalendar [RFC5545] object associated with a snapshot of the next few weeks or months of busy time data. If the iCalendar object is represented as a file or document, its file extension should be ".ifb".

特别说明在指定多个 FBURL 属性时,默认 FBURL 属性用 PREF 参数表示。FTP [RFC1738] 或 HTTP [RFC2616] 类型的 URI 指向与未来几周或几个月的繁忙时间数据快照相关联的 iCalendar [RFC5545] 对象。如果 iCalendar 对象表示为文件或文档,其文件扩展名应为".ifb"。



     FBURL-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                 / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     FBURL-value = URI



6.9.2. 卡拉德鲁里

Purpose: To specify the calendar user address [RFC5545] to which a scheduling request [RFC5546] should be sent for the object represented by the vCard.

目的:指定日历用户地址[RFC5545],以便为 vCard 所代表的对象发送调度请求[RFC5546]。

Value type: A single URI value.

值类型:单个 URI 值。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: Where multiple CALADRURI properties are specified, the default CALADRURI property is indicated with the PREF parameter.

特别说明如果指定了多个 CALADRURI 属性,则默认 CALADRURI 属性用 PREF 参数表示。



     CALADRURI-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                     / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     CALADRURI-value = URI



     CALADRURI;PREF=1:mailto:[email protected]
6.9.3. CALURI
6.9.3. CALURI

Purpose: To specify the URI for a calendar associated with the object represented by the vCard.

用途:指定与 vCard 所代表的对象相关联的日历 URI。

Value type: A single URI value.

值类型:单个 URI 值。

Cardinality: *


Special notes: Where multiple CALURI properties are specified, the default CALURI property is indicated with the PREF parameter. The property should contain a URI pointing to an iCalendar [RFC5545] object associated with a snapshot of the user's calendar store. If the iCalendar object is represented as a file or document, its file extension should be ".ics".

特别说明如果指定了多个 CALURI 属性,则默认 CALURI 属性用 PREF 参数表示。该属性应包含一个 URI,指向与用户日历存储快照相关联的 iCalendar [RFC5545] 对象。如果 iCalendar 对象表示为文件或文档,其文件扩展名应为".ics"。



     CALURI-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                  / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     CALURI-value = URI



6.10. Extended Properties and Parameters
6.10. 扩展属性和参数

The properties and parameters defined by this document can be extended. Non-standard, private properties and parameters with a name starting with "X-" may be defined bilaterally between two cooperating agents without outside registration or standardization.

本文件定义的属性和参数可以扩展。名称以 "X-"开头的非标准私有属性和参数可在两个合作代理之间双边定义,无需外部注册或标准化。

7. Synchronization
7. 同步

vCard data often needs to be synchronized between devices. In this context, synchronization is defined as the intelligent merging of two representations of the same object. vCard 4.0 includes mechanisms to aid this process.

vCard 数据经常需要在设备之间同步。在这种情况下,同步被定义为智能合并同一对象的两种表现形式。

7.1. Mechanisms
7.1. 机制

Two mechanisms are available: the UID property is used to match multiple instances of the same vCard, while the PID parameter is used to match multiple instances of the same property.

有两种机制可供选择:UID 属性用于匹配同一 vCard 的多个实例,而 PID 参数则用于匹配同一属性的多个实例。

The term "matching" is used here to mean recognizing that two instances are in fact representations of the same object. For example, a single vCard that is shared with someone results in two vCard instances. After they have evolved separately, they still represent the same object, and therefore may be matched by a synchronization engine.

这里使用的 "匹配 "一词是指识别两个实例实际上是同一对象的表示。例如,与他人共享一张 vCard 会产生两个 vCard 实例。在它们分别发展之后,它们仍然代表同一个对象,因此可以由同步引擎进行匹配。

7.1.1. Matching vCard Instances
7.1.1. 匹配 vCard 实例

vCard instances for which the UID properties (Section 6.7.6) are equivalent MUST be matched. Equivalence is determined as specified in [RFC3986], Section 6.

必须匹配 UID 属性(第 6.7.6 节)等同的 vCard 实例。等价性是根据 [RFC3986] 第 6 节的规定确定的。

In all other cases, vCard instances MAY be matched at the discretion of the synchronization engine.

在所有其他情况下,vCard 实例可以由同步引擎决定是否匹配。

7.1.2. Matching Property Instances
7.1.2. 匹配属性实例

Property instances belonging to unmatched vCards MUST NOT be matched.

不得匹配属于未匹配 vCard 的属性实例。

Property instances whose name (e.g., EMAIL, TEL, etc.) is not the same MUST NOT be matched.

名称(如 EMAIL、TEL 等)不一致的属性实例不得匹配。

Property instances whose name is CLIENTPIDMAP are handled separately and MUST NOT be matched. The synchronization MUST ensure that there is consistency of CLIENTPIDMAPs among matched vCard instances.

名称为 CLIENTPIDMAP 的属性实例将单独处理,不得进行匹配。同步必须确保匹配的 vCard 实例之间 CLIENTPIDMAP 的一致性。

Property instances belonging to matched vCards, whose name is the same, and whose maximum cardinality is 1, MUST be matched.

属于匹配的 v 卡的属性实例,其名称相同且最大卡片数为 1,必须进行匹配。

Property instances belonging to matched vCards, whose name is the same, and whose PID parameters match, MUST be matched. See Section 7.1.3 for details on PID matching.

属于匹配的 vCard 的属性实例,如果名称相同且 PID 参数匹配,则必须进行匹配。有关 PID 匹配的详细信息,请参见第 7.1.3 节。

In all other cases, property instances MAY be matched at the discretion of the synchronization engine.


7.1.3. PID Matching
7.1.3. PID 匹配

Two PID values for which the first fields are equivalent represent the same local value.

第一个字段相同的两个 PID 值代表相同的本地值。

Two PID values representing the same local value and for which the second fields point to CLIENTPIDMAP properties whose second field URIs are equivalent (as specified in [RFC3986], Section 6) also represent the same global value.

代表相同本地值的两个 PID 值,其第二字段指向第二字段 URI 相同的 CLIENTPIDMAP 属性(如 [RFC3986] 第 6 节所述),也代表相同的全局值。

PID parameters for which at least one pair of their values represent the same global value MUST be matched.

必须匹配至少有一对值代表相同全局值的 PID 参数。

In all other cases, PID parameters MAY be matched at the discretion of the synchronization engine.

在所有其他情况下,PID 参数可由同步引擎自行决定是否匹配。

For example, PID value "5.1", in the first vCard below, and PID value "5.2", in the second vCard below, represent the same global value.

例如,下面第一张 vCard 中的 PID 值 "5.1 "和第二张 vCard 中的 PID 值 "5.2 "代表相同的全局值。

     EMAIL;PID=4.2,5.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=5.1,5.2:[email protected]
7.2. Example
7.2. 示例
7.2.1. Creation
7.2.1. 创造

The following simple vCard is first created on a given device.

首先在指定设备上创建以下简单的 vCard。

     FN;PID=1.1:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]

This new vCard is assigned the UID "urn:uuid:4fbe8971-0bc3-424c-9c26-36c3e1eff6b1" by the creating device. The FN and EMAIL properties are assigned the same local value of 1, and this value is given global context by associating it with "urn:uuid:53e374d9-337e-4727-8803-a1e9c14e0556", which represents the creating device. We are at liberty to reuse the same local value since instances of different properties will never be matched. The N property has no PID because it is forbidden by its maximum cardinality of 1.

创建设备会为新 vCard 分配 UID "urn:uuid:4fbe8971-0bc3-424c-9c26-36c3e1eff6b1"。FN 和 EMAIL 属性被分配了相同的本地值 1,通过与代表创建设备的 "urn:uuid:53e374d9-337e-4727-8803-a1e9c14e0556 "关联,该值被赋予了全局上下文。我们可以随意重复使用相同的本地值,因为不同属性的实例永远不会匹配。N 属性没有 PID,因为它的最大卡入度为 1。

7.2.2. Initial Sharing
7.2.2. 初次共享

This vCard is shared with a second device. Upon inspecting the UID property, the second device understands that this is a new vCard (i.e., unmatched) and thus the synchronization results in a simple copy.

该 vCard 与第二台设备共享。在检查 UID 属性时,第二台设备知道这是一张新的 vCard(即未匹配),因此同步结果只是简单复制。

7.2.3. Adding and Sharing a Property
7.2.3. 添加和共享一个属性

A new phone number is created on the first device, then the vCard is shared with the second device. This is what the second device receives:

在第一台设备上创建一个新电话号码,然后与第二台设备共享 vCard。这就是第二台设备收到的内容:

     FN;PID=1.1:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]

Upon inspecting the UID property, the second device matches the vCard it received to the vCard that it already has stored. It then starts comparing the properties of the two vCards in same-named pairs.

在检查 UID 属性时,第二个设备会将收到的 vCard 与已存储的 vCard 进行匹配。然后,它开始比较同名成对的两张 vCard 的属性。

The FN properties are matched because the PID parameters have the same global value. Since the property value is the same, no update takes place.

FN 属性是匹配的,因为 PID 参数具有相同的全局值。由于属性值相同,因此不会进行更新。

The N properties are matched automatically because their maximum cardinality is 1. Since the property value is the same, no update takes place.

由于 N 个属性的最大卡入度都是 1,因此会自动匹配。 由于属性值相同,因此不会进行更新。

The EMAIL properties are matched because the PID parameters have the same global value. Since the property value is the same, no update takes place.

EMAIL 属性是匹配的,因为 PID 参数具有相同的全局值。由于属性值相同,因此不会进行更新。

The TEL property in the new vCard is not matched to any in the stored vCard because no property in the stored vCard has the same name. Therefore, this property is copied from the new vCard to the stored vCard.

新 vCard 中的 TEL 属性与存储的 vCard 中的任何属性都不匹配,因为存储的 vCard 中没有同名的属性。因此,该属性会从新 vCard 复制到已存储的 vCard 中。

The CLIENTPIDMAP property is handled separately by the synchronization engine. It ensures that it is consistent with the stored one. If it was not, the results would be up to the synchronization engine, and thus undefined by this document.

CLIENTPIDMAP 属性由同步引擎单独处理。同步引擎确保 CLIENTPIDMAP 与存储的 CLIENTPIDMAP 保持一致。如果不一致,结果将由同步引擎决定,因此本文档未定义。

7.2.4. Simultaneous Editing
7.2.4. 同步编辑

A new email address and a new phone number are added to the vCard on each of the two devices, and then a new synchronization event happens. Here are the vCards that are communicated to each other:

新的电子邮件地址和新的电话号码分别添加到两台设备上的 vCard 中,然后就会发生新的同步事件。以下是相互通信的 vCard:

     FN;PID=1.1:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=2.1:[email protected]
     FN;PID=1.1:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=2.2:[email protected]

On the first device, the same PID source identifier (1) is reused for the new EMAIL and TEL properties. On the second device, a new source identifier (2) is generated, and a corresponding CLIENTPIDMAP property is created. It contains the second device's identifier, "urn:uuid:1f762d2b-03c4-4a83-9a03-75ff658a6eee".

在第一个设备上,相同的 PID 源标识符 (1) 被重新用于新的 EMAIL 和 TEL 属性。在第二个设备上,会生成一个新的源标识符 (2),并创建一个相应的 CLIENTPIDMAP 属性。它包含第二个设备的标识符 "urn:uuid:1f762d2b-03c4-4a83-9a03-75ff658a6eee"。

The new EMAIL properties are unmatched on both sides since the PID global value is new in both cases. The sync thus results in a copy on both sides.

由于 PID 全局值在两种情况下都是新的,因此新的 EMAIL 属性在双方都是不匹配的。因此,同步的结果是双方都有一个副本。

Although the situation appears to be the same for the TEL properties, in this case, the synchronization engine is particularly smart and matches the two new TEL properties even though their PID global values are different. Note that in this case, the rules of Section 7.1.2 state that two properties MAY be matched at the discretion of the synchronization engine. Therefore, the two properties are merged.

虽然 TEL 属性的情况似乎相同,但在这种情况下,同步引擎特别聪明,即使两个新的 TEL 属性的 PID 全局值不同,也会将其匹配。请注意,在这种情况下,第 7.1.2 节的规则规定,同步引擎可自行决定匹配两个属性。因此,两个属性被合并。

All this results in the following vCard, which is stored on both devices:

所有这一切都产生了以下存储在两个设备上的 vCard:

     FN:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=2.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=2.2:[email protected]
7.2.5. Global Context Simplification
7.2.5. 全球背景简化

The two devices finish their synchronization procedure by simplifying their global contexts. Since they haven't talked to any other device, the following vCard is for all purposes equivalent to the above. It is also shorter.

两台设备通过简化全局上下文完成同步过程。由于它们没有与任何其他设备通话,因此下面的 vCard 在所有方面都等同于上面的内容。它也更简短。

     FN:J. Doe
     EMAIL;PID=1.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=2.1:[email protected]
     EMAIL;PID=3.1:[email protected]

The details of global context simplification are unspecified by this document. They are left up to the synchronization engine. This example is merely intended to illustrate the possibility, which investigating would be, in the author's opinion, worthwhile.


8. Example: Author's vCard
8. 范例:作者的电子名片
    FN:Simon Perreault
    N:Perreault;Simon;;;ing. jr,M.Sc.
    ADR;TYPE=work:;Suite D2-630;2875 Laurier;
     Quebec;QC;G1V 2M2;Canada
    EMAIL;TYPE=work:[email protected]
9. Security Considerations
9. 安全考虑因素

o Internet mail is often used to transport vCards and is subject to many well-known security attacks, including monitoring, replay, and forgery. Care should be taken by any directory service in allowing information to leave the scope of the service itself, where any access controls or confidentiality can no longer be guaranteed. Applications should also take care to display directory data in a "safe" environment.

o 互联网邮件通常用于传输 vCard,并受到许多众所周知的安全攻击,包括监控、重放和伪造。任何目录服务在允许信息离开服务本身的范围时都应小心谨慎,因为在这种情况下,任何访问控制或保密性都不再能得到保证。应用程序也应注意在 "安全 "的环境中显示目录数据。

o vCards can carry cryptographic keys or certificates, as described in Section 6.8.1.

o 如第 6.8.1 节所述,vCard 可以携带加密密钥或证书。

o vCards often carry information that can be sensitive (e.g., birthday, address, and phone information). Although vCards have no inherent authentication or confidentiality provisions, they can easily be carried by any security mechanism that transfers MIME objects to address authentication or confidentiality (e.g., S/MIME [RFC5751], OpenPGP [RFC4880]). In cases where the confidentiality or authenticity of information contained in vCard is a concern, the vCard SHOULD be transported using one of these secure mechanisms. The KEY property (Section 6.8.1) can be used to transport the public key used by these mechanisms.

o vCard 通常携带敏感信息(如生日、地址和电话信息)。虽然 vCard 本身没有身份验证或保密规定,但任何传输 MIME 对象以解决身份验证或保密问题的安全机制(如 S/MIME [RFC5751]、OpenPGP [RFC4880])都可以轻松地传输 vCard。如果 vCard 所含信息的保密性或真实性令人担忧,则应使用这些安全机制之一来传输 vCard。KEY 属性(第 6.8.1 节)可用于传输这些机制使用的公钥。

o The information in a vCard may become out of date. In cases where the vitality of data is important to an originator of a vCard, the SOURCE property (Section 6.1.3) SHOULD be specified. In addition, the "REV" type described in Section 6.7.4 can be specified to indicate the last time that the vCard data was updated.

o vCard 中的信息可能会过时。如果数据的生命力对 vCard 的发起者很重要,那么就应该指定 SOURCE 属性(第 6.1.3 节)。此外,还可以指定第 6.7.4 节中描述的 "REV "类型来表示 vCard 数据的最后更新时间。

o Many vCard properties may be used to transport URIs. Please refer to [RFC3986], Section 7, for considerations related to URIs.

o 许多 vCard 属性可用于传输 URI。有关 URI 的注意事项,请参阅 [RFC3986],第 7 节。

10. IANA Considerations
10. IANA考虑因素
10.1. Media Type Registration
10.1. 媒体类型注册

IANA has registered the following Media Type (in <>) and marked the text/directory Media Type as DEPRECATED.

IANA 已注册了以下媒体类型(在 <>),并将文本/目录媒体类型标记为 DEPRECATED。

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of media type text/vcard


Type name: text


Subtype name: vcard


Required parameters: none


Optional parameters: version


The "version" parameter is to be interpreted identically as the VERSION vCard property. If this parameter is present, all vCards in a text/vcard body part MUST have a VERSION property with value identical to that of this MIME parameter.

版本 "参数的解释与 vCard 的 VERSION 属性相同。如果存在该参数,文本/vcard 主体部分中的所有 vCard 都必须具有与该 MIME 参数值相同的 VERSION 属性。

"charset": as defined for text/plain [RFC2046]; encodings other than UTF-8 [RFC3629] MUST NOT be used.

"charset":text/plain [RFC2046] 的定义;不得使用 UTF-8 [RFC3629] 以外的编码。

Encoding considerations: 8bit

编码注意事项8 位

Security considerations: See Section 9.

安全考虑因素:参见第 9 节。

Interoperability considerations: The text/vcard media type is intended to identify vCard data of any version. There are older specifications of vCard [RFC2426][vCard21] still in common use. While these formats are similar, they are not strictly compatible. In general, it is necessary to inspect the value of the VERSION property (see Section 6.7.9) for identifying the standard to which a given vCard object conforms.

互操作性考虑因素:文本/vCard 媒体类型旨在识别任何版本的 vCard 数据。vCard [RFC2426][vCard21]的旧版规范仍在普遍使用。虽然这些格式相似,但并不严格兼容。一般来说,有必要检查 VERSION 属性的值(见第 6.7.9 节),以确定给定的 vCard 对象所符合的标准。

In addition, the following media types are known to have been used to refer to vCard data. They should be considered deprecated in favor of text/vcard.

此外,以下媒体类型已被用于引用 vCard 数据。这些媒体类型已被弃用,转而使用文本/vcard。

* text/directory
* text/directory; profile=vcard
* text/x-vcard

* 文本/目录
* text/directory; profile=vcard
* 文本/x-vcard

Published specification: RFC 6350

已发布规范:RFC 6350

Applications that use this media type: They are numerous, diverse, and include mail user agents, instant messaging clients, address book applications, directory servers, and customer relationship management software.


Additional information:


Magic number(s):


File extension(s): .vcf .vcard

文件扩展名: .vcf .vcard

Macintosh file type code(s):

Macintosh 文件类型代码:

   Person & email address to contact for further information:  vCard
      discussion mailing list <[email protected]>

Intended usage: COMMON


Restrictions on usage: none


Author: Simon Perreault

作者: Simon Perreault西蒙-佩雷奥特

Change controller: IETF


10.2. Registering New vCard Elements
10.2. 注册新的 vCard 元素

This section defines the process for registering new or modified vCard elements (i.e., properties, parameters, value data types, and values) with IANA.

本节定义了向 IANA 注册新的或修改过的 vCard 元素(即属性、参数、值数据类型和值)的流程。

10.2.1. Registration Procedure
10.2.1. 注册程序

The IETF has created a mailing list, [email protected], which can be used for public discussion of vCard element proposals prior to registration. Use of the mailing list is strongly encouraged. The IESG has appointed a designated expert who will monitor the [email protected] mailing list and review registrations.

IETF 创建了一个邮件列表 [email protected],用于在注册前公开讨论 vCard 元素提案。我们强烈鼓励使用该邮件列表。IESG 已指定一名专家负责监控 [email protected] 邮件列表并审查注册情况。

Registration of new vCard elements MUST be reviewed by the designated expert and published in an RFC. A Standards Track RFC is REQUIRED for the registration of new value data types that modify existing properties. A Standards Track RFC is also REQUIRED for registration of vCard elements that modify vCard elements previously documented in a Standards Track RFC.

新 vCard 元素的注册必须经过指定专家的审查,并在 RFC 中发布。注册修改现有属性的新值数据类型时,必须提交标准跟踪 RFC。对于修改先前在标准跟踪 RFC 中记录的 vCard 元素的 vCard 元素注册,也必须提交标准跟踪 RFC。

The registration procedure begins when a completed registration template, defined in the sections below, is sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. Within two weeks, the designated expert is expected to tell IANA and the submitter of the registration whether the registration is approved, approved with minor changes, or rejected with cause. When a registration is rejected with cause, it can be re-submitted if the concerns listed in the cause are addressed. Decisions made by the designated expert can be appealed to the IESG Applications Area Director, then to the IESG. They follow the normal appeals procedure for IESG decisions.

注册程序始于将下文各节定义的完整注册模板发送至 [email protected][email protected]。指定专家将在两周内告知 IANA 和注册提交者,注册是获得批准、略作修改后获得批准,还是因故被驳回。当注册被有理由驳回时,如果理由中列出的问题得到解决,则可以重新提交。对于指定专家做出的决定,可向 IESG 应用领域总监提出申诉,然后再向 IESG 提出申诉。他们遵循 IESG 决定的正常申诉程序。

Once the registration procedure concludes successfully, IANA creates or modifies the corresponding record in the vCard registry. The completed registration template is discarded.

注册程序成功结束后,IANA 将在 vCard 注册表中创建或修改相应记录。完成的注册模板将被丢弃。

An RFC specifying new vCard elements MUST include the completed registration templates, which MAY be expanded with additional information. These completed templates are intended to go in the body of the document, not in the IANA Considerations section.

指定新 vCard 元素的 RFC 必须包括完整的注册模板,这些模板可以通过附加信息进行扩展。这些完整模板应放在文件正文中,而不是放在 IANA 考虑事项部分。

Finally, note that there is an XML representation for vCard defined in [RFC6351]. An XML representation SHOULD be defined for new vCard elements.

最后,请注意 [RFC6351] 中定义了 vCard 的 XML 表示法。应为新的 vCard 元素定义 XML 表示法。

10.2.2. Vendor Namespace
10.2.2. 供应商名称空间

The vendor namespace is used for vCard elements associated with commercially available products. "Vendor" or "producer" are construed as equivalent and very broadly in this context.

供应商命名空间用于与市售产品相关的 vCard 元素。在这里,"供应商 "或 "生产商 "的含义等同于 "生产商",而且非常宽泛。

A registration may be placed in the vendor namespace by anyone who needs to interchange files associated with the particular product. However, the registration formally belongs to the vendor or organization handling the vCard elements in the namespace being registered. Changes to the specification will be made at their request, as discussed in subsequent sections.

任何需要交换与特定产品相关文件的人都可以在供应商名称空间中进行注册。不过,注册正式属于在名称空间中处理 vCard 元素的供应商或组织。将根据他们的要求对规范进行修改,这将在后续章节中讨论。

vCard elements belonging to the vendor namespace will be distinguished by the "VND-" prefix. This is followed by an IANA-registered Private Enterprise Number (PEN), a dash, and a vCard element designation of the vendor's choosing (e.g., "VND-123456- MUDPIE").

属于供应商命名空间的 vCard 元素将以 "VND-"前缀区分。之后是 IANA 注册的私营企业编号(PEN)、破折号和供应商选择的 vCard 元素名称(如 "VND-123456- MUDPIE")。

While public exposure and review of vCard elements to be registered in the vendor namespace are not required, using the [email protected] mailing list for review is strongly encouraged to improve the quality of those specifications. Registrations in the vendor namespace may be submitted directly to the IANA.

虽然在供应商命名空间注册的 vCard 元素不需要公开曝光和审查,但我们强烈建议使用 [email protected] 邮件列表进行审查,以提高这些规范的质量。可直接向 IANA 提交在供应商命名空间中的注册。

10.2.3. Registration Template for Properties
10.2.3. 物业登记模板

A property is defined by completing the following template.


Namespace: Empty for the global namespace, "VND-NNNN-" for a vendor-specific property (where NNNN is replaced by the vendor's PEN).

名称空间:空表示全局命名空间,"VND-NNNN-"表示特定于供应商的属性(其中 NNNN 由供应商的 PEN 代替)。

Property name: The name of the property.


Purpose: The purpose of the property. Give a short but clear description.


Value type: Any of the valid value types for the property value needs to be specified. The default value type also needs to be specified.


Cardinality: See Section 6.

卡性:参见第 6 节。

Property parameters: Any of the valid property parameters for the property MUST be specified.


Description: Any special notes about the property, how it is to be used, etc.


Format definition: The ABNF for the property definition needs to be specified.

格式定义:需要指定属性定义的 ABNF。

Example(s): One or more examples of instances of the property need to be specified.


10.2.4. Registration Template for Parameters
10.2.4. 参数登记模板

A parameter is defined by completing the following template.


Namespace: Empty for the global namespace, "VND-NNNN-" for a vendor-specific property (where NNNN is replaced by the vendor's PEN).

名称空间:空表示全局命名空间,"VND-NNNN-"表示特定于供应商的属性(其中 NNNN 由供应商的 PEN 代替)。

Parameter name: The name of the parameter.


Purpose: The purpose of the parameter. Give a short but clear description.


Description: Any special notes about the parameter, how it is to be used, etc.


Format definition: The ABNF for the parameter definition needs to be specified.

格式定义:需要指定参数定义的 ABNF。

Example(s): One or more examples of instances of the parameter need to be specified.


10.2.5. Registration Template for Value Data Types
10.2.5. 值数据类型注册模板

A value data type is defined by completing the following template.


Value name: The name of the value type.


Purpose: The purpose of the value type. Give a short but clear description.


Description: Any special notes about the value type, how it is to be used, etc.


Format definition: The ABNF for the value type definition needs to be specified.

格式定义:需要指定值类型定义的 ABNF。

Example(s): One or more examples of instances of the value type need to be specified.


10.2.6. Registration Template for Values
10.2.6. 价值观登记模板

A value is defined by completing the following template.


Value: The value literal.


Purpose: The purpose of the value. Give a short but clear description.


Conformance: The vCard properties and/or parameters that can take this value needs to be specified.

一致性:需要指定可以使用此值的 vCard 属性和/或参数。

Example(s): One or more examples of instances of the value need to be specified.


The following is a fictitious example of a registration of a vCard value:

下面是一个注册 vCard 值的虚构示例:

Value: supervisor


Purpose: It means that the related entity is the direct hierarchical superior (i.e., supervisor or manager) of the entity this vCard represents.

目的: 这意味着相关实体是该 vCard 所代表实体的直接上级(即主管或经理)。

Conformance: This value can be used with the "TYPE" parameter applied on the "RELATED" property.

一致性:该值可与应用于 "相关 "属性的 "类型 "参数一起使用。



10.3. Initial vCard Elements Registries
10.3. 初始 vCard 元素注册表

The IANA has created and will maintain the following registries for vCard elements with pointers to appropriate reference documents. The registries are grouped together under the heading "vCard Elements".

IANA 已为 vCard 元素创建并将维护以下注册表,这些注册表带有指向适当参考文档的指针。这些注册表归在 "vCard 元素 "标题下。

10.3.1. Properties Registry
10.3.1. 属性注册表

The following table has been used to initialize the properties registry.


          | Namespace | Property     | Reference               |
          |           | SOURCE       | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.3 |
          |           | KIND         | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
          |           | XML          | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.5 |
          |           | FN           | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.1 |
          |           | N            | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.2 |
          |           | NICKNAME     | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.3 |
          |           | PHOTO        | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.4 |
          |           | BDAY         | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.5 |
          |           | ANNIVERSARY  | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.6 |
          |           | GENDER       | RFC 6350, Section 6.2.7 |
          |           | ADR          | RFC 6350, Section 6.3.1 |
          |           | TEL          | RFC 6350, Section 6.4.1 |
          |           | EMAIL        | RFC 6350, Section 6.4.2 |
          |           | IMPP         | RFC 6350, Section 6.4.3 |
          |           | LANG         | RFC 6350, Section 6.4.4 |
          |           | TZ           | RFC 6350, Section 6.5.1 |
          |           | GEO          | RFC 6350, Section 6.5.2 |
          |           | TITLE        | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.1 |
          |           | ROLE         | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.2 |
          |           | LOGO         | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.3 |
          |           | ORG          | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.4 |
          |           | MEMBER       | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.5 |
          |           | RELATED      | RFC 6350, Section 6.6.6 |
          |           | CATEGORIES   | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.1 |
          |           | NOTE         | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.2 |
          |           | PRODID       | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.3 |
          |           | REV          | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.4 |
          |           | SOUND        | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.5 |
          |           | UID          | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.6 |
          |           | CLIENTPIDMAP | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.7 |
          |           | URL          | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.8 |
          |           | VERSION      | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.9 |
          |           | KEY          | RFC 6350, Section 6.8.1 |
          |           | FBURL        | RFC 6350, Section 6.9.1 |
          |           | CALADRURI    | RFC 6350, Section 6.9.2 |
          |           | CALURI       | RFC 6350, Section 6.9.3 |
10.3.2. Parameters Registry
10.3.2. 参数注册表

The following table has been used to initialize the parameters registry.


            | Namespace | Parameter | Reference              |
            |           | LANGUAGE  | RFC 6350, Section 5.1  |
            |           | VALUE     | RFC 6350, Section 5.2  |
            |           | PREF      | RFC 6350, Section 5.3  |
            |           | ALTID     | RFC 6350, Section 5.4  |
            |           | PID       | RFC 6350, Section 5.5  |
            |           | TYPE      | RFC 6350, Section 5.6  |
            |           | MEDIATYPE | RFC 6350, Section 5.7  |
            |           | CALSCALE  | RFC 6350, Section 5.8  |
            |           | SORT-AS   | RFC 6350, Section 5.9  |
            |           | GEO       | RFC 6350, Section 5.10 |
            |           | TZ        | RFC 6350, Section 5.11 |
10.3.3. Value Data Types Registry
10.3.3. 值数据类型注册表

The following table has been used to initialize the parameters registry.


              | Value Data Type  | Reference               |
              | BOOLEAN          | RFC 6350, Section 4.4   |
              | DATE             | RFC 6350, Section 4.3.1 |
              | DATE-AND-OR-TIME | RFC 6350, Section 4.3.4 |
              | DATE-TIME        | RFC 6350, Section 4.3.3 |
              | FLOAT            | RFC 6350, Section 4.6   |
              | INTEGER          | RFC 6350, Section 4.5   |
              | LANGUAGE-TAG     | RFC 6350, Section 4.8   |
              | TEXT             | RFC 6350, Section 4.1   |
              | TIME             | RFC 6350, Section 4.3.2 |
              | TIMESTAMP        | RFC 6350, Section 4.3.5 |
              | URI              | RFC 6350, Section 4.2   |
              | UTC-OFFSET       | RFC 6350, Section 4.7   |
10.3.4. Values Registries
10.3.4. 价值观登记册

Separate tables are used for property and parameter values.


The following table is to be used to initialize the property values registry.


            | Property | Value      | Reference               |
            | BEGIN    | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.1 |
            | END      | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.2 |
            | KIND     | individual | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | group      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | org        | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | location   | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |

The following table has been used to initialize the parameter values registry.


   | Property               | Parameter | Value        | Reference     |
   | FN, NICKNAME, PHOTO,   | TYPE      | work         | RFC 6350,     |
   | ADR, TEL, EMAIL, IMPP, |           |              | Section 5.6   |
   | LANG, TZ, GEO, TITLE,  |           |              |               |
   | ROLE, LOGO, ORG,       |           |              |               |
   | RELATED, CATEGORIES,   |           |              |               |
   | NOTE, SOUND, URL, KEY, |           |              |               |
   | FBURL, CALADRURI, and  |           |              |               |
   | CALURI                 |           |              |               |
   | FN, NICKNAME, PHOTO,   | TYPE      | home         | RFC 6350,     |
   | ADR, TEL, EMAIL, IMPP, |           |              | Section 5.6   |
   | LANG, TZ, GEO, TITLE,  |           |              |               |
   | ROLE, LOGO, ORG,       |           |              |               |
   | RELATED, CATEGORIES,   |           |              |               |
   | NOTE, SOUND, URL, KEY, |           |              |               |
   | FBURL, CALADRURI, and  |           |              |               |
   | CALURI                 |           |              |               |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | text         | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | voice        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | fax          | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | cell         | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | video        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | pager        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | TEL                    | TYPE      | textphone    | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.4.1 |
   | BDAY, ANNIVERSARY      | CALSCALE  | gregorian    | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 5.8   |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | contact      | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | acquaintance | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | friend       | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | met          | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | co-worker    | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | colleague    | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | co-resident  | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | neighbor     | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | child        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | parent       | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | sibling      | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | spouse       | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | kin          | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | muse         | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | crush        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | date         | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | sweetheart   | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | me           | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   |                        |           |              | and [xfn]     |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | agent        | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
   | RELATED                | TYPE      | emergency    | RFC 6350,     |
   |                        |           |              | Section 6.6.6 |
11. Acknowledgments
11. 致谢

The authors would like to thank Tim Howes, Mark Smith, and Frank Dawson, the original authors of [RFC2425] and [RFC2426], Pete Resnick, who got this effort started and provided help along the way, as well as the following individuals who have participated in the drafting, review, and discussion of this memo:

作者要感谢 [RFC2425] 和 [RFC2426] 的原作者 Tim Howes、Mark Smith 和 Frank Dawson,感谢 Pete Resnick(他启动了这项工作,并在过程中提供了帮助),以及参与本备忘录起草、审核和讨论的以下人员:

Aki Niemi, Andy Mabbett, Alexander Mayrhofer, Alexey Melnikov, Anil Srivastava, Barry Leiba, Ben Fortuna, Bernard Desruisseaux, Bernie Hoeneisen, Bjoern Hoehrmann, Caleb Richardson, Chris Bryant, Chris Newman, Cyrus Daboo, Daisuke Miyakawa, Dan Brickley, Dan Mosedale, Dany Cauchie, Darryl Champagne, Dave Thewlis, Filip Navara, Florian Zeitz, Helge Hess, Jari Urpalainen, Javier Godoy, Jean-Luc Schellens, Joe Hildebrand, Jose Luis Gayosso, Joseph Smarr, Julian Reschke, Kepeng Li, Kevin Marks, Kevin Wu Won, Kurt Zeilenga, Lisa Dusseault, Marc Blanchet, Mark Paterson, Markus Lorenz, Michael Haardt, Mike Douglass, Nick Levinson, Peter K. Sheerin, Peter Mogensen, Peter Saint-Andre, Renato Iannella, Rohit Khare, Sly Gryphon, Stephane Bortzmeyer, Tantek Celik, and Zoltan Ordogh.

Aki Niemi、Andy Mabbett、Alexander Mayrhofer、Alexey Melnikov、Anil Srivastava、Barry Leiba、Ben Fortuna、Bernard Desruisseaux、Bernie Hoeneisen、Bjoern Hoehrmann、Caleb Richardson、Chris Bryant、Chris Newman、Cyrus Daboo、Daisuke Miyakawa、Dan Brickley、Dan Mosedale、Dany Cauchie、Darryl Champagne、Dave Thewlis、Filip Navara、Florian Zeitz、Helge Hess、Jari Urpalainen、Javier Godoy、Jean-Luc Schellens、Joe Hildebrand、Jose Luis Gayosso、Joseph Smarr、Julian Reschke、Kepeng Li、Kevin Marks、Kevin Wu Won、Kurt Zeilenga、Lisa Dusseault、Marc Blanchet、Mark Paterson、Markus Lorenz、Michael Haardt、Mike Douglass、Nick Levinson、Peter K.Sheerin、Peter Mogensen、Peter Saint-Andre、Renato Iannella、Rohit Khare、Sly Gryphon、Stephane Bortzmeyer、Tantek Celik 和 Zoltan Ordogh。

12. References
12. 参考文献
12.1. Normative References
12.1. 规范性文献

[CCITT.X520.1988] International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee, "Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Selected Attribute Types", CCITT Recommendation X.520, November 1988.

[CCITT.X520.1988]国际电话电报咨询委员会,"信息技术--开放系统互连--目录:选定属性类型",CCITT 建议 X.520,1988 年 11 月。

[IEEE.754.2008] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic", IEEE Standard 754, August 2008.

[IEEE.754.2008] 电气与电子工程师协会,"二进制浮点运算标准",IEEE 标准 754,2008 年 8 月。

[ISO.8601.2000] International Organization for Standardization, "Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times", ISO Standard 8601, December 2000.

[ISO.8601.2000]国际标准化组织,"数据元素和交换格式--信息交换--日期和时间的表示",ISO 标准 8601,2000 年 12 月。

[ISO.8601.2004] International Organization for Standardization, "Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times", ISO Standard 8601, December 2004.

[ISO.8601.2004]国际标准化组织,"数据元素和交换格式--信息交换--日期和时间的表示",ISO 标准 8601,2004 年 12 月。

[RFC2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.

[RFC2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.

[RFC2046] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.

[RFC2046] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC2739] Small, T., Hennessy, D., and F. Dawson, "Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP", RFC 2739, January 2000.

[RFC2739] Small, T., Hennessy, D., and F. Dawson, "Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP", RFC 2739, January 2000.

[RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.

[RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.

[RFC3966] Schulzrinne, H., "The tel URI for Telephone Numbers", RFC 3966, December 2004.

[RFC3966] Schulzrinne, H., "The tel URI for Telephone Numbers", RFC 3966, December 2004.

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005.

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005.

[RFC4122] Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122, July 2005.

[RFC4122] Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122, July 2005.

[RFC4288] Freed, N. and J. Klensin, "Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13, RFC 4288, December 2005.

[RFC4288] Freed, N. and J. Klensin, "Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13, RFC 4288, December 2005.

[RFC5234] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.

[RFC5234] Crocker, D. 和 P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:ABNF",STD 68,RFC 5234,2008 年 1 月。

[RFC5322] Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322, October 2008.

[RFC5322] Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322, 2008 年 10 月。

[RFC5545] Desruisseaux, B., "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)", RFC 5545, September 2009.

[RFC5545] Desruisseaux, B., "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)", RFC 5545, September 2009.

[RFC5546] Daboo, C., "iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP)", RFC 5546, December 2009.

[RFC5546] Daboo, C., "iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP)", RFC 5546, 2009 年 12 月。

[RFC5646] Phillips, A. and M. Davis, "Tags for Identifying Languages", BCP 47, RFC 5646, September 2009.

[RFC5646] Phillips, A. and M. Davis, "Tags for Identifying Languages", BCP 47, RFC 5646, September 2009.

[RFC5870] Mayrhofer, A. and C. Spanring, "A Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic Locations ('geo' URI)", RFC 5870, June 2010.

[RFC5870] Mayrhofer, A. and C. Spanring, "A Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic Locations ('geo' URI)", RFC 5870, June 2010.

[RFC6351] Perreault, S., "xCard: vCard XML Representation", RFC 6351, August 2011.

[RFC6351] Perreault, S., "xCard: vCard XML Representation", RFC 6351, 2011 年 8 月。

[W3C.REC-xml-20081126] Maler, E., Yergeau, F., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Paoli, J., and T. Bray, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation REC-xml-20081126, November 2008, <>.

[W3C.REC-xml-20081126] Maler, E., Yergeau, F., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Paoli, J., and T. Bray, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation REC-xml-20081126, November 2008, <>.

[xfn] Celik, T., Mullenweg, M., and E. Meyer, "XFN 1.1 profile", <>.

[xfn] Celik, T., Mullenweg, M., and E. Meyer, "XFN 1.1 profile", <>.

12.2. Informative References
12.2. 参考性文献

[IANA-TZ] Lear, E. and P. Eggert, "IANA Procedures for Maintaining the Timezone Database", Work in Progress, May 2011.

[IANA-TZ] Lear, E. and P. Eggert, "IANA Procedures for Maintaining the Timezone Database", Work in Progress, May 2011.

[ISO9070] International Organization for Standardization, "Information Processing - SGML support facilities - Registration Procedures for Public Text Owner Identifiers", ISO 9070, April 1991.

[ISO9070]国际标准化组织,"信息处理--SGML 支持设施--公共文本所有者标识符的注册程序",ISO 9070,1991 年 4 月。

[RFC1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

[RFC1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

[RFC2397] Masinter, L., "The "data" URL scheme", RFC 2397, August 1998.

[RFC2397] Masinter, L., "The "data" URL scheme", RFC 2397, 1998 年 8 月。

[RFC2425] Howes, T., Smith, M., and F. Dawson, "A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information", RFC 2425, September 1998.

[RFC2425] Howes, T., Smith, M., and F. Dawson, "A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information", RFC 2425, September 1998.

[RFC2426] Dawson, F. and T. Howes, "vCard MIME Directory Profile", RFC 2426, September 1998.

[RFC2426] Dawson, F. and T. Howes, "vCard MIME Directory Profile", RFC 2426, September 1998.

[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

[RFC3282] Alvestrand, H., "Content Language Headers", RFC 3282, May 2002.

[RFC3282] Alvestrand, H., "Content Language Headers", RFC 3282, May 2002.

[RFC3406] Daigle, L., van Gulik, D., Iannella, R., and P. Faltstrom, "Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms", BCP 66, RFC 3406, October 2002.

[RFC3406] Daigle, L., van Gulik, D., Iannella, R., and P. Faltstrom, "Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms", BCP 66, RFC 3406, October 2002.

[RFC3536] Hoffman, P., "Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF", RFC 3536, May 2003.

[RFC3536] Hoffman, P., "Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF", RFC 3536, May 2003.

[RFC4770] Jennings, C. and J. Reschke, Ed., "vCard Extensions for Instant Messaging (IM)", RFC 4770, January 2007.

[RFC4770] Jennings, C. and J. Reschke, Ed., "vCard Extensions for Instant Messaging (IM)", RFC 4770, January 2007.

[RFC4880] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H., Shaw, D., and R. Thayer, "OpenPGP Message Format", RFC 4880, November 2007.

[RFC4880] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H., Shaw, D., and R. Thayer, "OpenPGP Message Format", RFC 4880, November 2007.

[RFC5335bis] Yang, A. and S. Steele, "Internationalized Email Headers", Work in Progress, July 2011.

[RFC5335bis] Yang, A. and S. Steele, "Internationalized Email Headers", Work in Progress, July 2011.

[RFC5751] Ramsdell, B. and S. Turner, "Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) Version 3.2 Message Specification", RFC 5751, January 2010.

[RFC5751] Ramsdell、B. 和 S. Turner,"安全/多用途互联网邮件扩展(S/MIME)3.2 版报文规范",RFC 5751,2010 年 1 月。

[RFC6068] Duerst, M., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The 'mailto' URI Scheme", RFC 6068, October 2010.

[RFC6068] Duerst, M., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The 'mailto' URI Scheme", RFC 6068, October 2010.

[TZ-DB] Olson, A., "Time zone code and data", <>.

[TZ-DB] Olson, A., "Time zone code and data", <>.

[vCard21] Internet Mail Consortium, "vCard - The Electronic Business Card Version 2.1", September 1996.

[vCard21] 互联网邮件联盟,"vCard - 电子名片 2.1 版",1996 年 9 月。

Appendix A. Differences from RFCs 2425 and 2426
附录A. 与 RFC 2425 和 2426 的区别

This appendix contains a high-level overview of the major changes that have been made in the vCard specification from RFCs 2425 and 2426. It is incomplete, as it only lists the most important changes.

本附录概述了 vCard 规范与 RFC 2425 和 2426 相比的主要变化。本附录并不完整,因为它只列出了最重要的更改。

A.1. New Structure
A.1. 新结构

o [RFC2425] and [RFC2426] have been merged.

o [RFC2425] 和 [RFC2426] 已被合并。

o vCard is now not only a MIME type but a stand-alone format.

o vCard 现在不仅是一种 MIME 类型,还是一种独立格式。

o A proper MIME type registration form has been included.

o 已包含适当的 MIME 类型注册表。

o UTF-8 is now the only possible character set.

o 现在,UTF-8 是唯一可能的字符集。

o New vCard elements can be registered from IANA.

o 新的 vCard 元素可以从 IANA 注册。

A.2. Removed Features
A.2. 已删除的功能

o The CONTEXT and CHARSET parameters are no more.

o 不再使用 CONTEXT 和 CHARSET 参数。

o The NAME, MAILER, LABEL, and CLASS properties are no more.


o The "intl", "dom", "postal", and "parcel" TYPE parameter values for the ADR property have been removed.

o 删除了 ADR 属性的 "intl"、"dom"、"postal "和 "parcel "TYPE 参数值。

o In-line vCards (such as the value of the AGENT property) are no longer supported.

o 不再支持内联 vCard(如 AGENT 属性的值)。

A.3. New Properties and Parameters
A.3. 新属性和参数

o The KIND, GENDER, LANG, ANNIVERSARY, XML, and CLIENTPIDMAP properties have been added.


o [RFC2739], which defines the FBURL, CALADRURI, CAPURI, and CALURI properties, has been merged in.

o 已将定义 FBURL、CALADRURI、CAPURI 和 CALURI 属性的 [RFC2739] 合并进来。

o [RFC4770], which defines the IMPP property, has been merged in.

o 定义 IMPP 属性的 [RFC4770] 已被合并进来。

o The "work" and "home" TYPE parameter values are now applicable to many more properties.

o 工作 "和 "家庭 "TYPE 参数值现在适用于更多属性。

o The "pref" value of the TYPE parameter is now a parameter of its own, with a positive integer value indicating the level of preference.

o TYPE 参数的 "pref "值现在是一个独立的参数,其正整数值表示优先级。

o The ALTID and PID parameters have been added.

o 增加了 ALTID 和 PID 参数。

o The MEDIATYPE parameter has been added and replaces the TYPE parameter when it was used for indicating the media type of the property's content.

o 添加了 MEDIATYPE 参数,取代了用于指示属性内容媒体类型的 TYPE 参数。

Author's Address


Simon Perreault Viagenie 2875 Laurier, suite D2-630 Quebec, QC G1V 2M2 Canada

Simon Perreault Viagenie 2875 Laurier, suite D2-630 Quebec, QC G1V 2M2 Canada

   Phone: +1 418 656 9254
   EMail: [email protected]