Network Working Group                                         F. Dawson
Request for Comments: 2426                Lotus Development Corporation
Category: Standards Track                                      T. Howes
                                                Netscape Communications
                                                         September 1998

vCard MIME Directory Profile

vCard MIME 目录简介

Status of this Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

本文件为互联网社区规定了一个互联网标准跟踪协议,并请求讨论和提出改进建议。有关本协议的标准化状况和状态,请参阅当前版本的 "互联网官方协议标准"(STD 1)。本备忘录的分发不受限制。

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

版权所有 (C) 互联网协会 (1998)。保留所有权利。



This memo defines the profile of the MIME Content-Type [MIME-DIR] for directory information for a white-pages person object, based on a vCard electronic business card. The profile definition is independent of any particular directory service or protocol. The profile is defined for representing and exchanging a variety of information about an individual (e.g., formatted and structured name and delivery addresses, email address, multiple telephone numbers, photograph, logo, audio clips, etc.). The directory information used by this profile is based on the attributes for the person object defined in the X.520 and X.521 directory services recommendations. The profile also provides the method for including a [VCARD] representation of a white-pages directory entry within the MIME Content-Type defined by the [MIME-DIR] document.

本备忘录以 vCard 电子名片为基础,为白页个人对象的目录信息定义了 MIME 内容类型 [MIME-DIR] 的配置文件。该规范定义与任何特定的目录服务或协议无关。该配置文件用于表示和交换有关个人的各种信息(例如,格式化和结构化的姓名和送货地址、电子邮件地址、多个电话号码、照片、徽标、音频剪辑等)。该配置文件使用的目录信息基于 X.520 和 X.521 目录服务建议中定义的个人对象属性。本简介还提供了在[MIME-DIR]文档定义的 MIME 内容类型中包含白页目录条目的[VCARD]表示方法。

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119].


Table of Contents


   2. MIME DIRECTORY FEATURES.......................................5
    2.1 PREDEFINED TYPE USAGE ......................................5
     2.1.1 BEGIN and END Type ......................................5
     2.1.2 NAME Type ...............................................5
     2.1.3 PROFILE Type ............................................5
     2.1.4 SOURCE Type .............................................5
    2.2 PREDEFINED TYPE PARAMETER USAGE ............................6
    2.3 PREDEFINED VALUE TYPE USAGE ................................6
     2.4.1 BINARY ..................................................6
     2.4.2 VCARD ...................................................6
     2.4.3 PHONE-NUMBER ............................................7
     2.4.4 UTC-OFFSET ..............................................7
    2.5 STRUCTURED TYPE VALUES .....................................7
    2.6 LINE DELIMITING AND FOLDING ................................8
   3. VCARD PROFILE FEATURES........................................8
    3.1 IDENTIFICATION TYPES .......................................8
     3.1.1 FN Type Definition ......................................8
     3.1.2 N Type Definition .......................................9
     3.1.3 NICKNAME Type Definition ................................9
     3.1.4 PHOTO Type Definition ..................................10
     3.1.5 BDAY Type Definition ...................................11
    3.2 DELIVERY ADDRESSING TYPES .................................11
     3.2.1 ADR Type Definition ....................................11
     3.2.2 LABEL Type Definition ..................................13
    3.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSING TYPES .......................13
     3.3.1 TEL Type Definition ....................................14
     3.3.2 EMAIL Type Definition ..................................15
     3.3.3 MAILER Type Definition .................................15
    3.4 GEOGRAPHICAL TYPES ........................................16
     3.4.1 TZ Type Definition .....................................16
     3.4.2 GEO Type Definition ....................................16
    3.5 ORGANIZATIONAL TYPES ......................................17
     3.5.1 TITLE Type Definition ..................................17
     3.5.2 ROLE Type Definition ...................................18
     3.5.3 LOGO Type Definition ...................................18
     3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition ..................................19
     3.5.5 ORG Type Definition ....................................20
    3.6 EXPLANATORY TYPES .........................................20
     3.6.1 CATEGORIES Type Definition .............................20
     3.6.2 NOTE Type Definition ...................................21
     3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition .................................21
     3.6.4 REV Type Definition ....................................22
     3.6.5 SORT-STRING Type Definition ............................22
        3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition ..................................23
     3.6.7 UID Type Definition ....................................24
     3.6.8 URL Type Definition ....................................25
     3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition ................................25
    3.7 SECURITY TYPES ............................................25
     3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition ..................................26
     3.7.2 KEY Type Definition ....................................26
    3.8 EXTENDED TYPES ............................................27
   4. FORMAL GRAMMAR...............................................27
   5. DIFFERENCES FROM VCARD V2.1..................................37
   6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................39
   7. AUTHORS' ADDRESSES...........................................39
   8. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS......................................39
   9. REFERENCES...................................................40
   10. FULL COPYRIGHT STATEMENT....................................42



The [MIME-DIR] document defines a MIME Content-Type for holding different kinds of directory information. The directory information can be based on any of a number of directory schemas. This document defines a [MIME-DIR] usage profile for conveying directory information based on one such schema; that of the white-pages type of person object.

MIME-DIR] 文件定义了一种 MIME 内容类型,用于保存不同类型的目录信息。目录信息可以基于多种目录模式中的任何一种。本文件定义了一个 [MIME-DIR] 使用规范,用于传递基于其中一种模式的目录信息;即白页类型的个人对象。

The schema is based on the attributes for the person object defined in the X.520 and X.521 directory services recommendations. The schema has augmented the basic attributes defined in the X.500 series recommendation in order to provide for an electronic representation of the information commonly found on a paper business card. This schema was first defined in the [VCARD] document. Hence, this [MIME-DIR] profile is referred to as the vCard MIME Directory Profile.

该模式以 X.520 和 X.521 目录服务建议中定义的人员对象属性为基础。该模式扩充了 X.500 系列建议中定义的基本属性,以提供纸质名片上常见信息的电子表示形式。该模式最初是在 [VCARD] 文档中定义的。因此,此 [MIME-DIR] 配置文件被称为 vCard MIME 目录配置文件。

A directory entry based on this usage profile can include traditional directory, white-pages information such as the distinguished name used to uniquely identify the entry, a formatted representation of the name used for user-interface or presentation purposes, both the structured and presentation form of the delivery address, various telephone numbers and organizational information associated with the entry. In addition, traditional paper business card information such as an image of an organizational logo or identify photograph can be included in this person object.

基于这种使用情况的通讯录条目可以包括传统的通讯录、白页信息,如用于唯一标识条目的尊贵名称、用于用户界面或展示目的的名称格式化表示、送达地址的结构化和展示形式、各种电话号码以及与条目相关的组织信息。此外,传统的纸质名片信息,如组织徽标的图像或识别照片,也可包含在此人 物中。

The vCard MIME Directory Profile also provides support for representing other important information about the person associated with the directory entry. For instance, the date of birth of the person; an audio clip describing the pronunciation of the name associated with the directory entry, or some other application of the digital sound; longitude and latitude geo-positioning information related to the person associated with the directory entry; date and time that the directory information was last updated; annotations often written on a business card; Uniform Resource Locators (URL) for a website; public key information. The profile also provides support for non-standard extensions to the schema. This provides the flexibility for implementations to augment the current capabilities of the profile in a standardized way. More information about this electronic business card format can be found in [VCARD].

vCard MIME 目录简介还支持表示与目录条目相关的个人的其他重要信息。例如,个人的出生日期;描述与目录条目相关的姓名发音的音频剪辑,或数字声音的其他应用;与目录条目相关的个人的经度和纬度地理定位信息;目录信息最后更新的日期和时间;通常写在名片上的注释;网站的统一资源定位符(URL);公钥信息。该配置文件还为模式的非标准扩展提供支持。这为实施提供了灵活性,使其能以标准化的方式增强配置文件的现有功能。有关这种电子名片格式的更多信息,请参阅 [VCARD]。

1. The vCard Mime Directory Profile Registration
1. vCard Mime 目录简介注册

This profile is identified by the following [MIME-DIR] registration template information. Subsequent sections define the profile definition.

本规范由以下 [MIME-DIR] 注册模板信息标识。随后的章节将定义该规范的定义。

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME profile VCARD

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 配置文件 VCARD

Profile name: VCARD

简介名称: VCARD

Profile purpose: To hold person object or white-pages type of directory information. The person schema captured in the directory entries is that commonly found in an electronic business card.


Predefined MIME Directory value specifications used: uri, date, date-time, float

使用的预定义 MIME 目录值规范:uri、date、date-time、float

New value specifications: This profile places further constraints on the [MIME-DIR] text value specification. In addition, it adds a binary, phone-number, utc-offset and vcard value specifications.

新的值规范:本规范进一步限制了 [MIME-DIR] 文本值规范。此外,它还增加了二进制、电话号码、utc-offset 和 vcard 值规范。

Predefined MIME Directory types used: SOURCE, NAME, PROFILE, BEGIN, END.

使用的预定义 MIME 目录类型:源、名称、配置文件、开始、结束。

Predefined MIME Directory parameters used: ENCODING, VALUE, CHARSET, LANGUAGE, CONTEXT.

使用预定义的 MIME 目录参数:编码、值、字符集、语言、上下文。



New parameters: TYPE


Profile special notes: The vCard object MUST contain the FN, N and VERSION types. The type-grouping feature of [MIME-DIR] is supported by this profile to group related vCard properties about a directory entry. For example, vCard properties describing WORK or HOME related characteristics can be grouped with a unique group label.

配置文件特别说明:vCard 对象必须包含 FN、N 和 VERSION 类型。本规范支持 [MIME-DIR] 的类型分组功能,可对目录条目的相关 vCard 属性进行分组。例如,描述与 "工作 "或 "家庭 "相关特征的 vCard 属性可使用唯一的组标签进行分组。

The profile permits the use of non-standard types (i.e., those identified with the prefix string "X-") as a flexible method for implementations to extend the functionality currently defined within this profile.

本规范允许使用非标准类型(即前缀字符串为 "X-"的类型),作为一种灵活的实现方法,以扩展本规范当前定义的功能。

2. MIME Directory Features
2. MIME 目录功能

The vCard MIME Directory Profile makes use of many of the features defined by [MIME-DIR]. The following sections either clarify or extend the content-type definition of [MIME-DIR].

vCard MIME Directory Profile 使用了 [MIME-DIR] 定义的许多功能。以下各节将阐明或扩展 [MIME-DIR] 的内容类型定义。

2.1 Predefined Type Usage
2.1 预定义类型的使用

The vCard MIME Directory Profile uses the following predefined types from [MIME-DIR].

vCard MIME 目录规范使用 [MIME-DIR] 中的以下预定义类型。

2.1.1 BEGIN and END Type
2.1.1 开始和结束类型

The content entity MUST begin with the BEGIN type with a value of "VCARD". The content entity MUST end with the END type with a value of "VCARD".

内容实体必须以 BEGIN 类型开始,其值为 "VCARD"。内容实体必须以 END 类型结束,其值为 "VCARD"。

2.1.2 NAME Type
2.1.2 名称类型

If the NAME type is present, then its value is the displayable, presentation text associated with the source for the vCard, as specified in the SOURCE type.

如果存在 NAME 类型,那么它的值就是与 SOURCE 类型中指定的 vCard 源相关联的可显示的演示文本。

2.1.3 PROFILE Type
2.1.3 简介类型

If the PROFILE type is present, then its value MUST be "VCARD".

如果存在 PROFILE 类型,则其值必须为 "VCARD"。

2.1.4 SOURCE Type
2.1.4 来源类型

If the SOURCE type is present, then its value provides information how to find the source for the vCard.

如果存在 SOURCE 类型,则其值将提供如何查找 vCard 来源的信息。

2.2 Predefined Type Parameter Usage
2.2 预定义类型参数用法

The vCard MIME Directory Profile uses the following predefined type parameters as defined by [MIME-DIR].

vCard MIME 目录规范使用 [MIME-DIR] 定义的以下预定义类型参数。


- 语言


- 编码


- 价值

2.3 Predefined VALUE Type Usage
2.3 预定义数值类型 使用方法

The predefined data type values specified in [MIME-DIR] MUST NOT be repeated in COMMA separated value lists except within the N, NICKNAME, ADR and CATEGORIES value types.

除 N、NICKNAME、ADR 和 CATEGORIES 值类型外,[MIME-DIR] 中指定的预定义数据类型值不得在 COMMA 分隔的值列表中重复。

The text value type defined in [MIME-DIR] is further restricted such that any SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59) in the value MUST be escaped with the BACKSLASH character (ASCII decimal 92).

MIME-DIR] 中定义的文本值类型还受到进一步限制,即值中的任何 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)都必须用 BACKSLASH 字符(ASCII 十进制 92)转义。

2.4 Extensions To The Predefined VALUE Types
2.4 对预定义 VALUE 类型的扩展

The predefined data type values specified in [MIME-DIR] have been extended by the vCard profile to include a number of value types that are specific to this profile.

vCard 配置文件对 [MIME-DIR] 中指定的预定义数据类型值进行了扩展,纳入了本配置文件特有的一些值类型。

2.4.1 BINARY
2.4.1 二进制

The "binary" value type specifies that the type value is inline, encoded binary data. This value type can be specified in the PHOTO, LOGO, SOUND, and KEY types.

二进制 "值类型指定类型值为内联编码二进制数据。这种值类型可在照片、LOGO、声音和关键字类型中指定。

If inline encoded binary data is specified, the ENCODING type parameter MUST be used to specify the encoding format. The binary data MUST be encoded using the "B" encoding format. Long lines of encoded binary data SHOULD BE folded to 75 characters using the folding method defined in [MIME-DIR].

如果指定内联编码二进制数据,则必须使用 ENCODING 类型参数来指定编码格式。二进制数据必须使用 "B "编码格式进行编码。长行编码二进制数据应使用 [MIME-DIR] 中定义的折叠方法折叠为 75 个字符。

The value type is defined by the following notation:


   binary = <A "B" binary encoded string as defined by [RFC 2047].>
2.4.2 VCARD
2.4.2 VCARD

The "vcard" value type specifies that the type value is another vCard. This value type can be specified in the AGENT type. The value type is defined by this specification. Since each of the type declarations with in the vcard value type are being specified within a text value themselves, they MUST be terminated with the backslash escape sequence "\n" or "\N", instead of the normal newline character sequence CRLF. In addition, any COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44), SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59) and COLON character (ASCII decimal 58) MUST be escaped with the BACKSLASH character (ASCII decimal 92). For example, with the AGENT type a value would be specified as:

vcard "值类型指定类型值是另一张 vCard。该值类型可在 AGENT 类型中指定。该值类型由本规范定义。由于 vcard 值类型中的每个类型声明都是在文本值本身中指定的,因此它们必须以反斜线转义序列"\n "或"\N "结束,而不是以正常换行符序列 CRLF 结束。此外,任何 COMMA 字符(ASCII 十进制 44)、SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)和 COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 58)都必须用反斜线字符(ASCII 十进制 92)转义。例如,AGENT 类型的值可以指定为

        AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Friday\nTEL:+1-919-555-7878\n
         TITLE:Area Administrator\, Assistant\n EMAIL\;TYPE=INTERN\n
         ET:[email protected]\nEND:VCARD\n
2.4.3 电话号码

The "phone-number" value type specifies that the type value is a telephone number. This value type can be specified in the TEL type. The value type is a text value that has the special semantics of a telephone number as defined in [CCITT E.163] and [CCITT X.121].

phone-number "值类型指定类型值为电话号码。该值类型可以在 TEL 类型中指定。该值类型是一个文本值,具有 [CCITT E.163] 和 [CCITT X.121] 中定义的电话号码的特殊语义。


The "utc-offset" value type specifies that the type value is a signed offset from UTC. This value type can be specified in the TZ type.

utc-offset"(UTC-偏移)值类型指定该类型值是从 UTC 的有符号偏移。该值类型可在 TZ 类型中指定。

The value type is an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It is specified as a positive or negative difference in units of hours and minutes (e.g., +hh:mm). The time is specified as a 24-hour clock. Hour values are from 00 to 23, and minute values are from 00 to 59. Hour and minutes are 2-digits with high order zeroes required to maintain digit count. The extended format for ISO 8601 UTC offsets MUST be used. The extended format makes use of a colon character as a separator of the hour and minute text fields.

值类型是与协调世界时(UTC)的偏移量。它是以小时和分钟为单位的正负差值(例如,+hh:mm)。时间指定为 24 小时时钟。小时值从 00 到 23,分钟值从 00 到 59。小时和分钟均为两位数,为保持位数,需要高阶零。必须使用 ISO 8601 UTC 偏移的扩展格式。扩展格式使用冒号作为小时和分钟文本字段的分隔符。

The value is defined by the following notation:


        time-hour       = 2DIGIT        ;00-23
        time-minute     = 2DIGIT        ;00-59
        utc-offset      = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute
2.5 Structured Type Values
2.5 结构化类型值

Compound type values are delimited by a field delimiter, specified by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59). A SEMI-COLON in a component of a compound property value MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character (ASCII decimal 92).

复合类型值由字段分隔符分隔,分隔符由 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)指定。复合属性值成分中的 SEMI-COLON 必须用 BACKSLASH 字符(ASCII 十进制 92)转义。

Lists of values are delimited by a list delimiter, specified by the COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44). A COMMA character in a value MUST be escaped with a BACKSLASH character (ASCII decimal 92).

数值列表由 COMMA 字符(ASCII 十进制 44)指定的列表分隔符分隔。数值中的 COMMA 字符必须用 BACKSLASH 字符(ASCII 十进制 92)转义。

This profile supports the type grouping mechanism defined in [MIME-DIR]. Grouping of related types is a useful technique to communicate common semantics concerning the properties of a vCard.

本简介支持 [MIME-DIR] 中定义的类型分组机制。对相关类型进行分组是一种有用的技术,可用于交流有关 vCard 属性的通用语义。

2.6 Line Delimiting and Folding
2.6 线条划界和折叠

This profile supports the same line delimiting and folding methods defined in [MIME-DIR]. Specifically, when parsing a content line, folded lines must first be unfolded according to the unfolding procedure described in [MIME-DIR]. After generating a content line, lines longer than 75 characters SHOULD be folded according to the folding procedure described in [MIME DIR].

本规范支持 [MIME-DIR] 中定义的相同行分隔和折叠方法。具体来说,在解析内容行时,折叠行必须首先按照 [MIME-DIR] 中描述的展开程序展开。生成内容行后,长度超过 75 个字符的行应按照 [MIME DIR] 中描述的折叠程序进行折叠。

Folding is done after any content encoding of a type value. Unfolding is done before any decoding of a type value in a content line.


3. vCard Profile Features
3. vCard 简介功能

The vCard MIME Directory Profile Type contains directory information, typically pertaining to a single directory entry. The information is described using an attribute schema that is tailored for capturing personal contact information. The vCard can include attributes that describe identification, delivery addressing, telecommunications addressing, geographical, organizational, general explanatory and security and access information about the particular object associated with the vCard.

vCard MIME 目录简介类型包含目录信息,通常与单个目录条目有关。这些信息使用专门用于捕获个人联系信息的属性模式来描述。vCard 可包括描述与 vCard 相关联的特定对象的标识、交付地址、电信地址、地理、组织、一般说明、安全和访问信息的属性。

3.1 Identification Types
3.1 识别类型

These types are used in the vCard profile to capture information associated with the identification and naming of the person or resource associated with the vCard.

这些类型在 vCard 配置文件中用于捕获与识别和命名与 vCard 相关的个人或资源有关的信息。

3.1.1 FN Type Definition
3.1.1 FN 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type FN

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 FN

Type name:FN


Type purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象名称相对应的格式化文本。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: This type is based on the semantics of the X.520 Common Name attribute. The property MUST be present in the vCard object.

类型特别说明:该类型基于 X.520 通用名称属性的语义。该属性必须存在于 vCard 对象中。

Type example:


FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.

FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.

3.1.2 N Type Definition
3.1.2 N 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type N

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 N

Type name: N

类型名称: N

Type purpose: To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定 vCard 所代表对象名称的组成部分。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single structured text value. Each component can have multiple values.


Type special note: The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family Name, Given Name, Additional Names, Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes. The text components are separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59). Individual text components can include multiple text values (e.g., multiple Additional Names) separated by the COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44). This type is based on the semantics of the X.520 individual name attributes. The property MUST be present in the vCard object.

类型特别说明:结构类型值依次对应姓、名、附加名、荣誉前缀和荣誉后缀。文本组件之间用 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)分隔。单个文本组件可包括多个文本值(如多个附加名称),由 COMMA 字符(ASCII 十进制 44)分隔。该类型基于 X.520 单个名称属性的语义。该属性必须存在于 vCard 对象中。

Type example:






3.1.3 NICKNAME Type Definition
3.1.3 昵称类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

   Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type NICKNAME
      Type name: NICKNAME

Type purpose: To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的昵称相对应的文本。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44).

类型值:一个或多个文本值,用 COMMA 字符分隔(ASCII 十进制 44)。

Type special note: The nickname is the descriptive name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to a person, place, or thing. It can also be used to specify a familiar form of a proper name specified by the FN or N types.

类型特别说明:昵称是代替或补充属于某人、某地或某物的名称而给出的描述性名称。它也可用于指定 FN 或 N 类型指定的专名的熟悉形式。

Type example:






3.1.4 PHOTO Type Definition
3.1.4 照片类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type PHOTO

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 PHOTO

Type name: PHOTO


Type purpose: To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object the vCard represents.

类型目的:指定注释 vCard 所代表对象某些方面的图像或照片信息。

Type encoding: The encoding MUST be reset to "b" using the ENCODING parameter in order to specify inline, encoded binary data. If the value is referenced by a URI value, then the default encoding of 8bit is used and no explicit ENCODING parameter is needed.

类型编码:必须使用 ENCODING 参数将编码重置为 "b",以指定内联编码二进制数据。如果该值由 URI 值引用,则使用默认的 8 位编码,不需要明确的 ENCODING 参数。

Type value: A single value. The default is binary value. It can also be reset to uri value. The uri value can be used to specify a value outside of this MIME entity.

类型值:单一值。默认为二进制值。也可重置为 uri 值。uri 值可用于指定该 MIME 实体之外的值。

Type special notes: The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the graphic image format type. The TYPE parameter values MUST be one of the IANA registered image formats or a non-standard image format.

类型特别说明:类型可包含类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定图形图像格式类型。TYPE 参数值必须是 IANA 注册的图像格式之一或非标准图像格式。

Type example:


         <...remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>
3.1.5 BDAY Type Definition
3.1.5 BDAY 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type BDAY

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 BDAY

Type name: BDAY


Type purpose: To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定 vCard 所代表对象的出生日期。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: The default is a single date value. It can also be reset to a single date-time value.


Type examples:




3.2 Delivery Addressing Types
3.2 送货地址类型

These types are concerned with information related to the delivery addressing or label for the vCard object.

这些类型涉及与 vCard 对象的交付地址或标签相关的信息。

3.2.1 ADR Type Definition
3.2.1 ADR 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type ADR

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 ADR

Type name: ADR Type purpose: To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object.

类型名称: ADR 类型用途: 为 vCard 对象指定收货地址的组件。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single structured text value, separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59).

类型值:单个结构化文本值,用 SEMI-COLON 字符分隔(ASCII 十进制 59)。

Type special notes: The structured type value consists of a sequence of address components. The component values MUST be specified in their corresponding position. The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the post office box; the extended address; the street address; the locality (e.g., city); the region (e.g., state or province); the postal code; the country name. When a component value is missing, the associated component separator MUST still be specified.


The text components are separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59). Where it makes semantic sense, individual text components can include multiple text values (e.g., a "street" component with multiple lines) separated by the COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44).

文本组件之间用 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)分隔。在语义合理的情况下,单个文本组件可以包含多个文本值(例如,一个 "街道 "组件包含多行),用 COMMA 字符(ASCII 十进制 44)分隔。

The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the delivery address type. The TYPE parameter values can include "dom" to indicate a domestic delivery address; "intl" to indicate an international delivery address; "postal" to indicate a postal delivery address; "parcel" to indicate a parcel delivery address; "home" to indicate a delivery address for a residence; "work" to indicate delivery address for a place of work; and "pref" to indicate the preferred delivery address when more than one address is specified. These type parameter values can be specified as a parameter list (i.e., "TYPE=dom;TYPE=postal") or as a value list (i.e., "TYPE=dom,postal"). This type is based on semantics of the X.520 geographical and postal addressing attributes. The default is "TYPE=intl,postal,parcel,work". The default can be overridden to some other set of values by specifying one or more alternate values. For example, the default can be reset to "TYPE=dom,postal,work,home" to specify a domestic delivery address for postal delivery to a residence that is also used for work.

类型可以包括类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定收货地址类型。TYPE 参数值可包括 "dom",表示国内收货地址;"intl",表示国际收货地址;"postal",表示邮政收货地址;"parcel",表示包裹收货地址;"home",表示住宅收货地址;"work",表示工作地点收货地址;以及 "pref",表示指定多个地址时的首选收货地址。这些类型参数值可以指定为参数列表(即 "TYPE=dom;TYPE=postal")或值列表(即 "TYPE=dom,postal")。该类型基于 X.520 地理和邮政寻址属性的语义。默认值为 "TYPE=intl,postal,parcel,work"。可以通过指定一个或多个备用值将默认值覆盖为其他值集。例如,可将默认值重设为 "TYPE=dom,postal,work,home",以指定国内投递地址,用于向同时用于工作的住宅投递邮件。

Type example: In this example the post office box and the extended address are absent.


        ADR;TYPE=dom,home,postal,parcel:;;123 Main
          Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234
3.2.2 LABEL Type Definition
3.2.2 标签类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type LABEL

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 LABEL

Type name: LABEL


Type purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的收货地址相对应的格式化文本。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The type value is formatted text that can be used to present a delivery address label for the vCard object. The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify delivery label type. The TYPE parameter values can include "dom" to indicate a domestic delivery label; "intl" to indicate an international delivery label; "postal" to indicate a postal delivery label; "parcel" to indicate a parcel delivery label; "home" to indicate a delivery label for a residence; "work" to indicate delivery label for a place of work; and "pref" to indicate the preferred delivery label when more than one label is specified. These type parameter values can be specified as a parameter list (i.e., "TYPE=dom;TYPE=postal") or as a value list (i.e., "TYPE=dom,postal"). This type is based on semantics of the X.520 geographical and postal addressing attributes. The default is "TYPE=intl,postal,parcel,work". The default can be overridden to some other set of values by specifying one or more alternate values. For example, the default can be reset to "TYPE=intl,post,parcel,home" to specify an international delivery label for both postal and parcel delivery to a residential location.

类型特殊说明:类型值是格式化文本,可用于显示 vCard 对象的收货地址标签。类型可以包含类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定递送标签类型。TYPE 参数值可包括:"dom "表示国内递送标签;"intl "表示国际递送标签;"postal "表示邮政递送标签;"parcel "表示包裹递送标签;"home "表示住所递送标签;"work "表示工作地点递送标签;"pref "表示指定多个标签时的首选递送标签。这些类型参数值可以以参数列表(即 "TYPE=dom;TYPE=postal")或值列表(即 "TYPE=dom,postal")的形式指定。该类型基于 X.520 地理和邮政寻址属性的语义。默认值为 "TYPE=intl,postal,parcel,work"。可以通过指定一个或多个备用值将默认值覆盖为其他值集。例如,可将默认值重设为 "TYPE=intl,post,parcel,home",以指定一个国际递送标签,用于递送邮政和包裹到住宅地点。

Type example: A multi-line address label.


LABEL;TYPE=dom,home,postal,parcel:Mr.John Q. Public\, Esq.\n Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town\, CA 91921-1234 \nU.S.A.

LABEL;TYPE=dom,home,postal,parcel:Mr.John Q. Public\, Esq.\n Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town\, CA 91921-1234 \nU.S. A.

3.3 Telecommunications Addressing Types
3.3 电信地址类型

These types are concerned with information associated with the telecommunications addressing of the object the vCard represents.

这些类型涉及与 vCard 所代表对象的电信寻址相关的信息。

3.3.1 TEL Type Definition
3.3.1 电话类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type TEL

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 TEL

Type name: TEL

类型名称: TEL

Type purpose: To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents.

类型用途: 指定与 vCard 所代表对象进行电话通信的电话号码。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single phone-number value.


Type special notes: The value of this type is specified in a canonical form in order to specify an unambiguous representation of the globally unique telephone endpoint. This type is based on the X.500 Telephone Number attribute.

类型特别说明:该类型的值以规范形式指定,以明确表示全球唯一的电话终端。该类型基于 X.500 电话号码属性。

The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify intended use for the telephone number. The TYPE parameter values can include: "home" to indicate a telephone number associated with a residence, "msg" to indicate the telephone number has voice messaging support, "work" to indicate a telephone number associated with a place of work, "pref" to indicate a preferred-use telephone number, "voice" to indicate a voice telephone number, "fax" to indicate a facsimile telephone number, "cell" to indicate a cellular telephone number, "video" to indicate a video conferencing telephone number, "pager" to indicate a paging device telephone number, "bbs" to indicate a bulletin board system telephone number, "modem" to indicate a MODEM connected telephone number, "car" to indicate a car-phone telephone number, "isdn" to indicate an ISDN service telephone number, "pcs" to indicate a personal communication services telephone number. The default type is "voice". These type parameter values can be specified as a parameter list (i.e., "TYPE=work;TYPE=voice") or as a value list (i.e., "TYPE=work,voice"). The default can be overridden to another set of values by specifying one or more alternate values. For example, the default TYPE of "voice" can be reset to a WORK and HOME, VOICE and FAX telephone number by the value list "TYPE=work,home,voice,fax".

类型可包括类型参数 "TYPE",以指定电话号码的预期用途。TYPE 参数值可包括"home "表示与住所相关的电话号码,"msg "表示支持语音信息的电话号码,"work "表示与工作地点相关的电话号码,"pref "表示优先使用的电话号码,"voice "表示语音电话号码,"fax "表示传真电话号码,"cell "表示蜂窝电话号码、"视频 "表示视频会议电话号码,"寻呼机 "表示寻呼设备电话号码,"bbs "表示公告板系统电话号码,"调制解调器 "表示 MODEM 连接的电话号码,"汽车 "表示汽车电话电话号码,"isdn "表示 ISDN 服务电话号码,"pcs "表示个人通信服务电话号码。默认类型为 "语音"。这些类型参数值可指定为参数列表(即 "TYPE=work;TYPE=voice")或值列表(即 "TYPE=work,voice")。通过指定一个或多个备用值,可以将默认值覆盖为另一组值。例如,可通过值表 "TYPE=work,home,voice,fax "将默认 TYPE "voice "重置为工作和家庭、语音和传真电话号码。

Type example:


3.3.2 EMAIL Type Definition
3.3.2 EMAIL 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type EMAIL

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 EMAIL

Type name: EMAIL


Type purpose: To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象通信的电子邮件地址。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the format or preference of the electronic mail address. The TYPE parameter values can include: "internet" to indicate an Internet addressing type, "x400" to indicate a X.400 addressing type or "pref" to indicate a preferred-use email address when more than one is specified. Another IANA registered address type can also be specified. The default email type is "internet". A non-standard value can also be specified.

类型特别说明:类型可包括类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定电子邮件地址的格式或偏好。TYPE 参数值可包括"internet "表示互联网寻址类型,"x400 "表示 X.400 寻址类型,或 "pref "表示首选使用的电子邮件地址(如果指定了多个地址)。也可以指定另一种 IANA 注册的地址类型。默认电子邮件类型为 "internet"。也可以指定一个非标准值。

Type example:


        EMAIL;TYPE=internet:[email protected]
        EMAIL;TYPE=internet:[email protected]
        EMAIL;TYPE=internet,pref:[email protected]
3.3.3 MAILER Type Definition
3.3.3 邮件类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type MAILER

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 MAILER

Type name: MAILER

类型名称: MAILER

Type purpose: To specify the type of electronic mail software that is used by the individual associated with the vCard.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 关联的个人使用的电子邮件软件类型。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: This information can provide assistance to a correspondent regarding the type of data representation which can be used, and how they can be packaged. This property is based on the private MIME type X-Mailer that is generally implemented by MIME user agent products.

类型特别说明:此信息可帮助通讯员了解可使用的数据表示类型以及如何打包。该属性基于 MIME 用户代理产品通常使用的私有 MIME 类型 X-Mailer。

Type example:


MAILER:PigeonMail 2.1

邮件发送器:PigeonMail 2.1

3.4 Geographical Types
3.4 地理类型

These types are concerned with information associated with geographical positions or regions associated with the object the vCard represents.

这些类型涉及与 vCard 所代表对象相关的地理位置或区域的信息。

3.4.1 TZ Type Definition
3.4.1 TZ 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type TZ

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 TZ

Type name: TZ

类型名称: TZ

Type purpose: To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents.

类型目的: 指定与 vCard 所代表对象的时区有关的信息。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: The default is a single utc-offset value. It can also be reset to a single text value.

类型值:默认为单一 utc-offset 值。也可以重置为单一文本值。

Type special notes: The type value consists of a single value.


Type examples:




TZ;VALUE=text:-05:00; EST; Raleigh/North America ;This example has a single value, not a structure text value.

TZ;VALUE=text:-05:00;美东时间; Raleigh/North America ;此示例只有一个值,而不是结构文本值。

3.4.2 GEO Type Definition
3.4.2 全球环境展望类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type GEO

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 GEO

Type name: GEO Type purpose: To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents.

类型名称:GEO 类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象的全球定位相关的信息。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single structured value consisting of two float values separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59).

类型值:由两个浮点数值组成的单一结构值,中间用 SEMI-COLON 字符分隔(ASCII 十进制 59)。

Type special notes: This type specifies information related to the global position of the object associated with the vCard. The value specifies latitude and longitude, in that order (i.e., "LAT LON" ordering). The longitude represents the location east and west of the prime meridian as a positive or negative real number, respectively. The latitude represents the location north and south of the equator as a positive or negative real number, respectively. The longitude and latitude values MUST be specified as decimal degrees and should be specified to six decimal places. This will allow for granularity within a meter of the geographical position. The text components are separated by the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59). The simple formula for converting degrees-minutes-seconds into decimal degrees is:

类型特殊说明:该类型指定与 vCard 关联对象的全球位置相关的信息。该值依次指定纬度和经度(即 "LAT LON "排序)。经度用正负实数分别表示本初子午线以东和以西的位置。纬度用正负实数分别表示赤道以北和以南的位置。经度和纬度值必须指定为十进制度数,并应指定为小数点后六位。这样可以将地理位置的粒度控制在一米以内。文本部分用 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)分隔。将 "度-分-秒 "转换为十进制度数的简单公式是

decimal = degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600.

十进制 = 度 + 分/60 + 秒/3600。

Type example:




3.5 Organizational Types
3.5 组织类型

These types are concerned with information associated with characteristics of the organization or organizational units of the object the vCard represents.

这些类型涉及与 vCard 所代表对象的组织或组织单位的特征相关的信息。

3.5.1 TITLE Type Definition
3.5.1 标题类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type TITLE

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 TITLE

Type name: TITLE


Type purpose: To specify the job title, functional position or function of the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定 vCard 所代表对象的职称、职能职位或功能。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: This type is based on the X.520 Title attribute.

类型特别说明:该类型基于 X.520 标题属性。

Type example:


TITLE:Director\, Research and Development


3.5.2 ROLE Type Definition
3.5.2 角色类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type ROLE

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 ROLE

Type name: ROLE


Type purpose: To specify information concerning the role, occupation, or business category of the object the vCard represents.

类型目的:指定有关 vCard 所代表对象的角色、职业或业务类别的信息。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: This type is based on the X.520 Business Category explanatory attribute. This property is included as an organizational type to avoid confusion with the semantics of the TITLE type and incorrect usage of that type when the semantics of this type is intended.

类型特别说明:该类型基于 X.520 业务类别解释属性。将此属性作为组织类型列入,是为了避免与 TITLE 类型的语义混淆,以及在使用本类型的语义时错误使用该类型。

Type example:




3.5.3 LOGO Type Definition
3.5.3 LOGO 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type LOGO

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 LOGO

Type name: LOGO

类型名称: LOGO

Type purpose: To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象相关联的徽标图形图像。

Type encoding: The encoding MUST be reset to "b" using the ENCODING parameter in order to specify inline, encoded binary data. If the value is referenced by a URI value, then the default encoding of 8bit is used and no explicit ENCODING parameter is needed.

类型编码:必须使用 ENCODING 参数将编码重置为 "b",以指定内联编码二进制数据。如果该值由 URI 值引用,则使用默认的 8 位编码,不需要明确的 ENCODING 参数。

Type value: A single value. The default is binary value. It can also be reset to uri value. The uri value can be used to specify a value outside of this MIME entity.

类型值:单一值。默认为二进制值。也可重置为 uri 值。uri 值可用于指定该 MIME 实体之外的值。

Type special notes: The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the graphic image format type. The TYPE parameter values MUST be one of the IANA registered image formats or a non-standard image format.

类型特别说明:类型可包含类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定图形图像格式类型。TYPE 参数值必须是 IANA 注册的图像格式之一或非标准图像格式。

Type example:


         <...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>
3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition
3.5.4 代理类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type AGENT

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 AGENT

Type name: AGENT


Type purpose: To specify information about another person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated with the vCard.

类型用途:指定代表与 vCard 关联的个人或资源行事的另一人的信息。

Type encoding: 8-bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: The default is a single vcard value. It can also be reset to either a single text or uri value. The text value can be used to specify textual information. The uri value can be used to specify information outside of this MIME entity.

类型值:默认为单个 vcard 值。也可以重置为单一文本或 uri 值。文本值可用于指定文本信息。uri 值可用于指定此 MIME 实体之外的信息。

Type special notes: This type typically is used to specify an area administrator, assistant, or secretary for the individual associated with the vCard. A key characteristic of the Agent type is that it represents somebody or something that is separately addressable.

特殊备注类型:该类型通常用于指定与 vCard 关联的个人的区域管理员、助理或秘书。代理类型的主要特点是它代表可单独寻址的某人或某事。

Type example:


         CID:[email protected]
        AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Susan Thomas\nTEL:+1-919-555-
         1234\nEMAIL\;INTERNET:[email protected]\nEND:VCARD\n
3.5.5 ORG Type Definition
3.5.5 ORG 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type ORG

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 ORG

Type name: ORG

类型名称: ORG

Type purpose: To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 相关的组织名称和单位。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single structured text value consisting of components separated the SEMI-COLON character (ASCII decimal 59).

类型值:单个结构化文本值,由以 SEMI-COLON 字符(ASCII 十进制 59)分隔的组件组成。

Type special notes: The type is based on the X.520 Organization Name and Organization Unit attributes. The type value is a structured type consisting of the organization name, followed by one or more levels of organizational unit names.

类型特别说明:该类型基于 X.520 组织名称和组织单位属性。类型值是一种结构化类型,由组织名称和一级或多级组织单位名称组成。

Type example: A type value consisting of an organizational name, organizational unit #1 name and organizational unit #2 name.

类型示例:类型值由组织名称、1 号组织单位名称和 2 号组织单位名称组成。

        ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing
3.6 Explanatory Types
3.6 解释类型

These types are concerned with additional explanations, such as that related to informational notes or revisions specific to the vCard.

这些类型涉及附加说明,例如与信息说明或 vCard 的特定修订有关的说明。

3.6.1 CATEGORIES Type Definition
3.6.1 类别 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type CATEGORIES

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 CATEGORIES



Type purpose: To specify application category information about the vCard.

类型用途:指定有关 vCard 的应用程序类别信息。

Type encoding: 8bit Type value: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (ASCII decimal 44).

类型编码:8 位类型值:一个或多个用 COMMA 字符(ASCII 十进制 44)分隔的文本值。

Type example:






3.6.2 NOTE Type Definition
3.6.2 注释类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type NOTE

主题文本/目录 MIME 类型的注册 注

Type name: NOTE

类型名称: 注释

Type purpose: To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 相关的补充信息或注释。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The type is based on the X.520 Description attribute.

类型特别说明:类型基于 X.520 描述属性。

Type example:


NOTE:This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715 EST\, Mon-Fri.

注意:该传真号码的工作时间为周一至周五 0800 至 1715 EST。

3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition
3.6.3 PRODID 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type PRODID

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 PRODID

Type name: PRODID

类型名称: PRODID

Type purpose: To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object.

类型用途:指定创建 vCard 对象的产品的标识符。

Type encoding: 8-bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: Implementations SHOULD use a method such as that specified for Formal Public Identifiers in ISO 9070 to assure that the text value is unique.

类型特别说明:实施机构应使用 ISO 9070 中为正式公共标识符规定的方法来确保文本值的唯一性。

Type example:




3.6.4 REV Type Definition
3.6.4 REV 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type REV

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 REV

Type name: REV


Type purpose: To specify revision information about the current vCard.

类型用途:指定当前 vCard 的修订信息。

Type encoding: 8-bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: The default is a single date-time value. Can also be reset to a single date value.


Type special notes: The value distinguishes the current revision of the information in this vCard for other renditions of the information.

特殊注释类型:该值用于区分此 vCard 中信息的当前修订版与信息的其他版本。

Type example:





3.6.5 SORT-STRING Type Definition
3.6.5 SORT-STRING 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type SORT-STRING

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 SORT-STRING



Type purpose: To specify the family name or given name text to be used for national-language-specific sorting of the FN and N types.

类型用途:指定用于 FN 和 N 类型特定民族语言排序的姓或名文本。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The sort string is used to provide family name or given name text that is to be used in locale- or national-language-specific sorting of the formatted name and structured name types. Without this information, sorting algorithms could incorrectly sort this vCard within a sequence of sorted vCards. When this type is present in a vCard, then this family name or given name value is used for sorting the vCard.

类型特别说明:排序字符串用于提供姓氏或名字文本,这些文本将用于按地区或国家语言对格式化姓名和结构化姓名类型进行排序。如果没有此信息,排序算法可能会在已排序的 vCard 序列中错误地排序此 vCard。如果 vCard 中存在此类型,则会使用此姓氏或给定名称值对 vCard 进行排序。

Type examples: For the case of family name sorting, the following examples define common sort string usage with the FN and N types.

类型示例对于姓氏排序,以下示例定义了 FN 和 N 类型的常见排序字符串用法。

        FN:Rene van der Harten
        N:van der Harten;Rene;J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.
        FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
        N:Pau;Shou Chang;Robert

FN:Osamu Koura N:Koura;Osamu SORT-STRING:Koura

FN:Osamu Koura N:Koura;Osamu SORT-STRING:Koura

FN:Oscar del Pozo N:del Pozo Triscon;Oscar SORT-STRING:Pozo

FN:Oscar del Pozo N:del Pozo Triscon;Oscar SORT-STRING:Pozo

FN:Chistine d'Aboville N:d'Aboville;Christine SORT-STRING:Aboville

FN:Chistine d'Aboville N:d'Aboville;Christine SORT-STRING:Aboville

3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition
3.6.6 声音类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type SOUND

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 SOUND

Type name: SOUND


Type purpose: To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard. By default this type is used to specify the proper pronunciation of the name type value of the vCard.

类型目的:指定数字声音内容信息,用于注释 vCard 的某些方面。默认情况下,该类型用于指定 vCard 名称类型值的正确发音。

Type encoding: The encoding MUST be reset to "b" using the ENCODING parameter in order to specify inline, encoded binary data. If the value is referenced by a URI value, then the default encoding of 8bit is used and no explicit ENCODING parameter is needed.

类型编码:必须使用 ENCODING 参数将编码重置为 "b",以指定内联编码二进制数据。如果该值由 URI 值引用,则使用默认的 8 位编码,不需要明确的 ENCODING 参数。

Type value: A single value. The default is binary value. It can also be reset to uri value. The uri value can be used to specify a value outside of this MIME entity.

类型值:单一值。默认为二进制值。也可重置为 uri 值。uri 值可用于指定该 MIME 实体之外的值。

Type special notes: The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the audio format type. The TYPE parameter values MUST be one of the IANA registered audio formats or a non-standard audio format.

类型特别说明:类型可包含类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定音频格式类型。TYPE 参数值必须是 IANA 注册的音频格式之一或非标准音频格式。

Type example:


         [email protected]
         <...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>
3.6.7 UID Type Definition
3.6.7 UID 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type UID

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 UID

Type name: UID


Type purpose: To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated with the vCard.

类型用途:指定一个值,代表与 vCard 关联的个人或资源相对应的全局唯一标识符。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The type is used to uniquely identify the object that the vCard represents.

类型特别说明:类型用于唯一标识 vCard 所代表的对象。

The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the format of the identifier. The TYPE parameter value should be an IANA registered identifier format. The value can also be a non-standard format.

该类型可包含类型参数 "TYPE",用于指定标识符的格式。TYPE 参数值应是 IANA 注册的标识符格式。该值也可以是非标准格式。

Type example:




3.6.8 URL Type Definition
3.6.8 URL 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type URL

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 URL

Type name: URL

类型名称: URL

Type purpose: To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所指对象相关联的统一资源定位符。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single uri value.

类型值:单个 uri 值。

Type example:


3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition
3.6.9 版本类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type VERSION

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 VERSION

Type name: VERSION


Type purpose: To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard.

类型用途:指定用于格式化此 vCard 的 vCard 规范版本。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: The property MUST be present in the vCard object. The value MUST be "3.0" if the vCard corresponds to this specification.

类型特殊说明:该属性必须存在于 vCard 对象中。如果 vCard 符合本规范,其值必须为 "3.0"。

Type example:




3.7 Security Types
3.7 安全类型

These types are concerned with the security of communication pathways or access to the vCard.

这些类型涉及通信路径或访问 vCard 的安全性。

3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition
3.7.1 CLASS 类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type CLASS

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 CLASS

Type name: CLASS

类型名称: CLASS

Type purpose: To specify the access classification for a vCard object.

类型用途:指定 vCard 对象的访问分类。

Type encoding: 8bit

类型编码:8 位

Type value: A single text value.


Type special notes: An access classification is only one component of the general security model for a directory service. The classification attribute provides a method of capturing the intent of the owner for general access to information described by the vCard object.

类型特别说明:访问分类只是目录服务一般安全模型的一个组成部分。分类属性提供了一种捕捉所有者对 vCard 对象所描述信息的一般访问意图的方法。

Type examples:








3.7.2 KEY Type Definition
3.7.2 关键字类型定义

收件人:[email protected]

Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type KEY

主题注册文本/目录 MIME 类型 KEY

Type name: KEY

类型名称: 键

Type purpose: To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents.

类型用途:指定与 vCard 所代表对象相关联的公钥或验证证书。

Type encoding: The encoding MUST be reset to "b" using the ENCODING parameter in order to specify inline, encoded binary data. If the value is a text value, then the default encoding of 8bit is used and no explicit ENCODING parameter is needed.

类型编码:必须使用 ENCODING 参数将编码重置为 "b",以指定内联编码二进制数据。如果值是文本值,则使用默认的 8 位编码,不需要明确的 ENCODING 参数。

Type value: A single value. The default is binary. It can also be reset to text value. The text value can be used to specify a text key.


Type special notes: The type can also include the type parameter TYPE to specify the public key or authentication certificate format. The parameter type should specify an IANA registered public key or authentication certificate format. The parameter type can also specify a non-standard format.

类型特别说明:类型还可包括类型参数 TYPE,用于指定公钥或认证证书格式。参数类型应指定 IANA 注册的公钥或认证证书格式。参数类型也可指定非标准格式。

Type example:




3.8 Extended Types
3.8 扩展类型

The types defined by this document can be extended with private types using the non-standard, private values mechanism defined in [RFC 2045]. Non-standard, private types with a name starting with "X-" may be defined bilaterally between two cooperating agents without outside registration or standardization.

本文档定义的类型可使用 [RFC 2045] 中定义的非标准私有值机制扩展为私有类型。名称以 "X-"开头的非标准私有类型可由两个合作代理双边定义,无需外部注册或标准化。

4. Formal Grammar
4. 正式语法

The following formal grammar is provided to assist developers in building parsers for the vCard.

提供以下正式语法是为了帮助开发人员为 vCard 建立解析器。

This syntax is written according to the form described in RFC 2234, but it references just this small subset of RFC 2234 literals:

该语法是根据 RFC 2234 中描述的形式编写的,但它只引用了 RFC 2234 字面量的一小部分:

   ; Commonly Used Literal Definition
   ALPHA        = %x41-5A / %x61-7A
        ; Latin Capital Letter A-Latin Capital Letter Z /
        ; Latin Small Letter a-Latin Small Letter z
   CHAR         = %x01-7F
        ; Any C0 Controls and Basic Latin, excluding NULL from
        ; Code Charts, pages 7-6 through 7-9 in [UNICODE]
   CR           = %x0D
        ; Carriage Return
   LF           = %0A
        ; Line Feed

CRLF = CR LF ; Internet standard newline

CRLF = CR LF ; 互联网标准换行符

   ;CTL         = %x00-1F / %x7F
        ; Controls. Not used, but referenced in comments.
   DIGIT        = %x30-39
        ; Digit Zero-Digit Nine
   DQUOTE       = %x22
        ; Quotation Mark
   HTAB         = %x09
        ; Horizontal Tabulation
   SP           = %x20
        ; space
   VCHAR        = %x21-7E
        ; Visible (printing) characters

WSP = SP / HTAB ; White Space

WSP = SP / HTAB ; 空白

   ; Basic vCard Definition
   vcard_entity = 1*(vcard)
   vcard        = [group "."] "BEGIN" ":" "VCARD" 1*CRLF
        ;A vCard object MUST include the VERSION, FN and N types.
                  [group "."] "END" ":" "VCARD" 1*CRLF
   contentline  = [group "."] name *(";" param ) ":" value CRLF
        ; When parsing a content line, folded lines must first
        ; be unfolded according to the unfolding procedure
        ; described above. When generating a content line, lines
        ; longer than 75 characters SHOULD be folded according to
        ; the folding procedure described in [MIME DIR].
   group        = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
   name         = iana-token / x-name
        ; Parsing of the param and value is
        ; based on the "name" or type identifier
        ; as defined in ABNF sections below
   iana-token   = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
        ; vCard type or parameter identifier registered with IANA
   x-name       = "X-" 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
        ; Reserved for non-standard use
   param        = param-name "=" param-value *("," param-value)
   param-name   = iana-token / x-name
   param-value  = ptext / quoted-string
   ptext        = *SAFE-CHAR
   value        = *VALUE-CHAR
   quoted-string = DQUOTE QSAFE-CHAR DQUOTE
   NON-ASCII    = %x80-FF
        ; Use is restricted by CHARSET parameter
        ; on outer MIME object (UTF-8 preferred)
   QSAFE-CHAR   = WSP / %x21 / %x23-7E / NON-ASCII
        ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE
   SAFE-CHAR    = WSP / %x21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
        ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ";", ":", ","
        ; Any textual character
   ; vCard Type Definition
   ; Provides type-specific definitions for how the
   ; "value" and "param" are defined.

;For name="NAME" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="NAME" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = text-value

;For name="PROFILE" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="PROFILE" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

value = text-value ; Value MUST be the case insensitive value "VCARD

value = text-value ;值必须是不区分大小写的值 "VCARD

;For name="SOURCE" param = source-param ; No parameters allowed

;For name="SOURCE" param = source-param ;No parameters allowed

   value        = uri
   source-param = ("VALUE" "=" "uri")
                / ("CONTEXT" "=" "word")
        ; Parameter value specifies the protocol context
        ; for the uri value.
                / (x-name "=" *SAFE-CHAR)
   ;For name="FN"
   ;This type MUST be included in a vCard object.
   param        = text-param
        ; Text parameters allowed
   value        = text-value

;For name="N" ;This type MUST be included in a vCard object.

此类型必须包含在 vCard 对象中。

param = text-param ; Text parameters allowed

param = text-param ; 允许使用文本参数

   value        = n-value
   n-value      = 0*4(text-value *("," text-value) ";")
                  text-value *("," text-value)
        ; Family; Given; Middle; Prefix; Suffix.
        ; Example: Public;John;Quincy,Adams;Reverend Dr. III

;For name="NICKNAME" param = text-param ; Text parameters allowed


   value        = text-list

;For name="PHOTO" param = img-inline-param ; Only image parameters allowed

参数 = img-inline-param ;只允许使用图像参数

   param        =/ img-refer-param
        ; Only image parameters allowed

value = img-inline-value ; Value and parameter MUST match

value = img-inline-value ;值和参数必须匹配

   value        =/ img-refer-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match
   ;For name="BDAY"
   param        = ("VALUE" "=" "date")
        ; Only value parameter allowed
   param        =/ ("VALUE" "=" "date-time")
        ; Only value parameter allowed

value = date-value ; Value MUST match value type

value = date-value ;值必须与值类型匹配

   value        =/ date-time-value
        ; Value MUST match value type
   ;For name="ADR"
   param        = adr-param / text-param
        ; Only adr and text parameters allowed
   value        = adr-value
   ;For name="LABEL"
   param        = adr-param / text-param
        ; Only adr and text parameters allowed
   value        = text-value

;For name="TEL" param = tel-param ; Only tel parameters allowed

只允许使用 tel 参数

   value        = phone-number-value
   tel-param    = "TYPE" "=" tel-type *("," tel-type)
      tel-type     = "HOME" / "WORK" / "PREF" / "VOICE" / "FAX" / "MSG"
                / "CELL" / "PAGER" / "BBS" / "MODEM" / "CAR" / "ISDN"
                / "VIDEO" / "PCS" / iana-token / x-name
        ; Values are case insensitive

;For name="EMAIL" param = email-param ; Only email parameters allowed

;For name="EMAIL" param = email-param ; 只允许使用电子邮件参数

   value        = text-value

email-param = "TYPE" "=" email-type ["," "PREF"] ; Value is case insensitive

电子邮件参数 = "TYPE" "=" 电子邮件类型 ["," "PREF"] ; 数值不区分大小写

   email-type   = "INTERNET" / "X400" / iana-token / "X-" word
        ; Values are case insensitive

;For name="MAILER" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed

参数 = text-param ;只允许文本参数

   value        = text-value

;For name="TZ" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="TZ" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = utc-offset-value

;For name="GEO" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="GEO" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

value = float-value ";" float-value

value = float-value ";" float-value

;For name="TITLE" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed


   value        = text-value

;For name="ROLE" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed


   value        = text-value
   ;For name="LOGO"
      param        = img-inline-param / img-refer-param
        ; Only image parameters allowed

value = img-inline-value / img-refer-value ; Value and parameter MUST match

value = img-inline-value / img-refer-value ; 值和参数必须匹配

;For name="AGENT" param = agent-inline-param

;For name="AGENT" param = agent-inline-param

   param        =/ agent-refer-param

value = agent-inline-value ; Value and parameter MUST match

value = agent-inline-value ;值和参数必须匹配

   value        =/ agent-refer-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match

agent-inline-param = "" ; No parameters allowed

agent-inline-param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

agent-refer-param = "VALUE" "=" "uri" ; Only value parameter allowed

agent-refer-param = "VALUE" "=" "uri" ; 只允许使用值参数

agent-inline-value = text-value ; Value MUST be a valid vCard object

agent-inline-value = text-value ;值必须是有效的 vCard 对象

agent-refer-value = uri ; URI MUST refer to image content of given type

agent-refer-value = uri ; URI 必须指向给定类型的图像内容

;For name="ORG"

For name="ORG"

param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed

param = text-param ; 只允许文本参数

   value        = org-value
   org-value    = *(text-value ";") text-value
        ; First is Organization Name, remainder are Organization Units.

;For name="CATEGORIES" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed

参数 = text-param ;只允许文本参数

   value        = text-list

;For name="NOTE" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed


   value        = text-value

;For name="PRODID" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="PRODID" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = text-value
   ;For name="REV"
   param        = ["VALUE" =" "date-time"]
        ; Only value parameters allowed. Values are case insensitive.
   param        =/ "VALUE" =" "date"
        ; Only value parameters allowed. Values are case insensitive.
   value        = date-time-value
   value        =/ date-value

;For name="SORT-STRING" param = text-param ; Only text parameters allowed


   value        = text-value

;For name="SOUND" param = snd-inline-param ; Only sound parameters allowed


   param        =/ snd-refer-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

value = snd-line-value ; Value MUST match value type

value = snd-line-value ;值必须与值类型匹配

   value        =/ snd-refer-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

snd-inline-value = binary-value CRLF ; Value MUST be "b" encoded audio content

snd-inline-value = binary-value CRLF;值必须是 "b "编码音频内容

   snd-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary"])
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" *SAFE-CHAR)
        ; Value MUST be an IANA registered audio type

snd-refer-value = uri ; URI MUST refer to audio content of given type

snd-refer-value = uri ;URI 必须指向给定类型的音频内容

   snd-refer-param      = ("VALUE" "=" "uri")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" word)
        ; Value MUST be an IANA registered audio type

;For name="UID" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="UID" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = text-value

;For name="URL" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="URL" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = uri
   ;For name="VERSION"
   ;This type MUST be included in a vCard object.
   param        = ""
        ; No parameters allowed

value = text-value ; Value MUST be "3.0"

value = text-value ;值必须是 "3.0"。

;For name="CLASS" param = "" ; No parameters allowed

;For name="CLASS" param = "" ; 不允许使用参数

   value        = "PUBLIC" / "PRIVATE" / "CONFIDENTIAL"
                / iana-token / x-name
        ; Value are case insensitive

;For name="KEY" param = key-txt-param ; Only value and type parameters allowed


   param        =/ key-bin-param
        ; Only value and type parameters allowed
   value        = text-value
   value        =/ binary-value

key-txt-param = "TYPE" "=" keytype

key-txt-param = "TYPE" "=" keytype

   key-bin-param = ("TYPE" "=" keytype)
                 / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
        ; Value MUST be a "b" encoded key or certificate
   keytype      = "X509" / "PGP" / iana-token / x-name
        ; Values are case insensitive
   ;For name="X-" non-standard type
   param        = text-param / (x-name "=" param-value)
        ; Only text or non-standard parameters allowed
   value        = text-value
   ; vCard Commonly Used Parameter Definition
   text-param   = ("VALUE" "=" "ptext")
                / ("LANGUAGE" "=" langval)
                / (x-name "=" param-value)
   langval      = <a language string as defined in RFC 1766>

img-inline-value = binary-value ;Value MUST be "b" encoded image content

img-inline-value = binary-value ;值必须是 "b "编码的图像内容



   img-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type

img-refer-value = uri ;URI MUST refer to image content of given type

img-refer-value = uri ;URI 必须指向给定类型的图像内容

   img-refer-param      = ("VALUE" "=" "uri")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value)
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type
   adr-param    = ("TYPE" "=" adr-type *("," adr-type))
                / (text-param)
   adr-type     = "dom" / "intl" / "postal" / "parcel" / "home"
                / "work" / "pref" / iana-type / x-name
   adr-value    = 0*6(text-value ";") text-value
        ; PO Box, Extended Address, Street, Locality, Region, Postal
        ; Code, Country Name
   ; vCard Type Value Definition
   text-value-list      = 1*text-value *("," 1*text-value)
   text-value   = *(SAFE-CHAR / ":" / DQUOTE / ESCAPED-CHAR)
   ESCAPED-CHAR = "\\" / "\;" / "\," / "\n" / "\N")
        ; \\ encodes \, \n or \N encodes newline
        ; \; encodes ;, \, encodes ,
   binary-value = <A "b" encoded text value as defined in [RFC 2047]>
   date-value   = <A single date value as defined in [MIME-DIR]>
   time-value   = <A single time value as defined in [MIME-DIR]>
   date-time-value = <A single date-time value as defined in [MIME-DIR]
   float-value  = <A single float value as defined in [MIME-DIR]>
   phone-number-value = <A single text  value as defined in [CCITT
                         E.163] and [CCITT X.121]>
   uri-value    = <A uri value as defined in [MIME-DIR]>
   utc-offset-value = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute
   time-hour    = 2DIGIT                ;00-23
   time-minute  = 2DIGIT                ;00-59
5. Differences From vCard v2.1
5. 与 vCard v2.1 的区别

This specification has been reviewed by the IETF community. The review process introduced a number of differences from the [VCARD] version 2.1. These differences require that vCard objects conforming to this specification have a different version number than a vCard conforming to [VCARD]. The differences include the following:

本规范已由 IETF 社区审查。审查过程中引入了一些与 [VCARD] 2.1 版不同之处。这些差异要求符合本规范的 vCard 对象与符合 [VCARD] 的 vCard 具有不同的版本号。这些差异包括以下内容:

. The QUOTED-PRINTABLE inline encoding has been eliminated. Only the "B" encoding of [RFC 2047] is an allowed value for the ENCODING parameter.

.取消了 QUOTED-PRINTABLE 内联编码。ENCODING 参数只允许使用 [RFC 2047] 的 "B "编码。

. The method for specifying CRLF character sequences in text type values has been changed. The CRLF character sequence in a text type value is specified with the backslash character sequence "\n" or "\N".

.更改了在文本类型值中指定 CRLF 字符序列的方法。文本类型值中的 CRLF 字符序列用反斜杠字符序列"\n "或"\N "指定。

. Any COMMA or SEMICOLON in a text type value must be backslash escaped.

.文本类型值中的任何 COMMA 或 SEMICOLON 必须使用反斜杠转义。

. VERSION value corresponding to this specification MUST be "3.0".

.与本规范相对应的版本值必须是 "3.0"。

. The [MIME-DIR] predefined types of SOURCE, NAME and PROFILE are allowed.


. The [MIME-DIR] VALUE type parameter for value data typing is allowed. In addition, there are extensions made to these type values for additional value types used in this specification.

.允许使用用于值数据类型的 [MIME-DIR] VALUE 类型参数。此外,这些类型值还针对本规范中使用的其他值类型进行了扩展。

. The [VCARD] CHARSET type parameter has been eliminated. Character set can only be specified on the CHARSET parameter on the Content-Type MIME header field.

.取消了 [VCARD] CHARSET 类型参数。字符集只能在 Content-Type MIME 头信息字段的 CHARSET 参数中指定。

. The [VCARD] support for non-significant WSP character has been eliminated.

.取消了 [VCARD] 对非重要 WSP 字符的支持。

. The "TYPE=" prefix to parameter values is required. In [VCARD] this was optional.

.参数值的前缀 "TYPE="是必需的。在 [VCARD] 中,这是可选项。

. LOGO, PHOTO and SOUND multimedia formats MUST be either IANA registered types or non-standard types.

.LOGO、PHOTO 和 SOUND 多媒体格式必须是 IANA 注册类型或非标准类型。

. Inline binary content must be "B" encoded and folded. A blank line after the encoded binary content is no longer required.

.内联二进制内容必须使用 "B "编码并折叠。编码后的二进制内容后不再需要空行。

. TEL values can be identified as personal communication services telephone numbers with the PCS type parameter value.

.TEL 值可通过 PCS 类型参数值识别为个人通信服务电话号码。

. The CATEGORIES, CLASS, NICKNAME, PRODID and SORT-STRING types have been added.


. The VERSION, N and FN types MUST be specified in a vCard. This identifies the version of the specification that the object was formatted to. It also assures that every vCard will include both a structured and formatted name that can be used to identify the object.

.VERSION、N 和 FN 类型必须在 vCard 中指定。这可以识别对象格式化所遵循的规范版本。它还确保每张 vCard 都包含一个结构化和格式化的名称,可用于识别对象。

6. Acknowledgements
6. 致谢

The many valuable comments contributed by members of the IETF ASID working group are gratefully acknowledged, as are the contributions by Roland Alden, Stephen Bartlett, Alec Dun, Patrik Faltstrom, Daniel Gurney, Bruce Johnston, Daniel Klaussen, Pete Miller, Keith Moore, Vinod Seraphin, Michelle Watkins. Chris Newman was especially helpful in navigating the intricacies of ABNF lore.

克里斯-纽曼(Chris Newman)对我们的帮助尤其大,他帮助我们了解了错综复杂的 ABNF 理论。

7. Authors' Addresses
7. 作者地址
   FN:Frank Dawson
   ORG:Lotus Development Corporation
   ADR;TYPE=WORK,POSTAL,PARCEL:;;6544 Battleford Drive
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET,PREF:[email protected]
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:[email protected]
   FN:Tim Howes
   ORG:Netscape Communications Corp.
   ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;501 E. Middlefield Rd.;Mountain View;
    CA; 94043;U.S.A.
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:[email protected]
8. Security Considerations
8. 安全考虑因素

vCards can carry cryptographic keys or certificates, as described in Section 3.7.2.

如第 3.7.2 节所述,vCard 可以携带加密密钥或证书。

Section 3.7.1 specifies a desired security classification policy for a particular vCard. That policy is not enforced in any way.

第 3.7.1 节规定了特定 vCard 所需的安全分类策略。该策略不会以任何方式强制执行。

The vCard objects have no inherent authentication or privacy, but can easily be carried by any security mechanism that transfers MIME objects with authentication or privacy. In cases where threats of "spoofed" vCard information is a concern, the vCard SHOULD BE transported using one of these secure mechanisms.

vCard 对象本身没有验证或保密功能,但可以很容易地通过任何传输带验证或保密功能的 MIME 对象的安全机制进行传输。如果 vCard 信息受到 "欺骗 "的威胁,vCard 应使用这些安全机制之一进行传输。

The information in a vCard may become out of date. In cases where the vitality of data is important to an originator of a vCard, the "URL" type described in section 3.6.8 SHOULD BE specified. In addition, the "REV" type described in section 3.6.4 can be specified to indicate the last time that the vCard data was updated.

vCard 中的信息可能会过时。如果数据的生命力对 vCard 的创建者很重要,那么就应该指定第 3.6.8 节所述的 "URL "类型。此外,还可以指定第 3.6.4 节所述的 "REV "类型,以表示 vCard 数据的最后更新时间。

9. References
9. 参考文献

[ISO 8601] ISO 8601:1988 - Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times - The International Organization for Standardization, June, 1988.

[ISO 8601] ISO 8601:1988 - 数据元素和交换格式 - 信息交换 - 日期和时间的表示 - 国际标准化组织,1988 年 6 月。

[ISO 8601 TC] ISO 8601, Technical Corrigendum 1 - Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times - The International Organization for Standardization, May, 1991.

[ISO 8601 TC] ISO 8601,技术更正 1--数据元素和交换格式--信息交换--日期和时间的表示--国际标准化组织,1991 年 5 月。

[ISO 9070] ISO 9070, Information Processing - SGML support facilities - Registration Procedures for Public Text Owner Identifiers, April, 1991.

[ISO 9070] ISO 9070,信息处理--SGML 支持设施--公共文本所有者标识符注册程序,1991 年 4 月。

[CCITT E.163] Recommendation E.163 - Numbering Plan for The International Telephone Service, CCITT Blue Book, Fascicle II.2, pp. 128-134, November, 1988.

[CCITT E.163] E.163 号建议--国际电话服务编号计划,CCITT 蓝皮书,第 II.2 章,第 128-134 页,1988 年 11 月。

[CCITT X.121] Recommendation X.121 - International Numbering Plan for Public Data Networks, CCITT Blue Book, Fascicle VIII.3, pp. 317-332, November, 1988.

[CCITT X.121] 建议 X.121 - 公共数据网国际编号计划,CCITT 蓝皮书,第 VIII.3 章,第 317-332 页,1988 年 11 月。

[CCITT X.520] Recommendation X.520 - The Directory - Selected Attribute Types, November 1988.

[CCITT X.520] X.520 建议--目录--选定的属性类型,1988 年 11 月。

[CCITT X.521] Recommendation X.521 - The Directory - Selected Object Classes, November 1988.

[CCITT X.521]《X.521 建议--目录--选定对象类》,1988 年 11 月。

[MIME-DIR] Howes, T., Smith, M., and F. Dawson, "A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information", RFC 2425, September 1998.

[MIME-DIR] Howes, T., Smith, M., and F. Dawson, "A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information", RFC 2425, September 1998.

[RFC 1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

[RFC 1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

[RFC 1766] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.

[RFC 1766] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for Identification of Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.

[RFC 1872] Levinson, E., "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type", RFC 1872, December 1995.

[RFC 1872] Levinson, E., "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type", RFC 1872, 1995 年 12 月。

[RFC 2045] Freed, N., and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.

[RFC 2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.

[RFC 2046] Freed, N., and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.

[RFC 2046] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.

[RFC 2047] Moore, K., "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text", RFC 2047, November 1996.

[RFC 2047] Moore, K., "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Three:非 ASCII 文本的报文头扩展",RFC 2047,1996 年 11 月。

[RFC 2048] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and J. Postel, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Four: Registration Procedures", RFC 2048, January 1997.

[RFC 2048] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and J. Postel, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) - Part Four:注册程序",RFC 2048,1997 年 1 月。

[RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC 2234] Crocker, D., and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997.

[RFC 2234] Crocker, D. 和 P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:ABNF",RFC 2234,1997 年 11 月。

[UNICODE] "The Unicode Standard - Version 2.0", The Unicode Consortium, July 1996.

[统一码]"统一码标准--2.0 版",统一码联盟,1996 年 7 月。

[VCARD] Internet Mail Consortium, "vCard - The Electronic Business Card Version 2.1",, September 18, 1996.

[VCARD] 互联网邮件联盟,"vCard - 电子名片 2.1 版",,1996 年 9 月 18 日。

10. 版权声明全文

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

版权所有 (C) 互联网协会 (1998)。保留所有权利。

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English.


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